Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 04 1907/2007
Flynn - Some young men or boys who are annoying people who try to use the telephone line, interrupt people while talking and use insulting language, are well known and it will be well for them to let up on this work; if not they will be punished according to law. Their parents ought to see to it at once and have this thing stopped.
West Auburn - While Mrs. B. W. France was returning from West Auburn, Saturday evening, her horse became frightened at a bicycle and turned around in the road, throwing Mrs. France out, but fortunately she was not hurt. The horse ran back to West Auburn and under the church shed, where it was accustomed to stand. No damage was done, we are glad to say.
Fairdale - Fairdale Grange No. 1157 will celebrate its eleventh anniversary, on Wednesday, Oct. 9. There will be a chicken pie dinner served to all patrons present. A cordial invitation is extended to all the members of the Grange with their families.
Hopbottom - Dr. F. T. Powers does dental work every Monday and Tuesday at the Foster House.
Montrose - Rev. Dr. Torrey, the world famous evangelist, is here to visit his friend, Rev. J. M. MacInnis. He will also look over Montrose as a possible location for a bible school. The usual Thursday evening prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church was changed to Wednesday night, that Dr. Torrey might be present, and after he had been feelingly introduced by Rev. MacInnis, he gave a most interesting and forceful address, reciting many wonderful instances in his personal career as to conversions. Henry Beach showed Dr. Torrey Montrose, and the surrounding country, in his automobile
Dimock - Luman Thornton, having sold his store to V. L. Van Camp, of New York State, will sell the remainder of his goods at cost for the next thirty days. Mr. Thornton's health is poor, which makes the change necessary. AND County Commissioner O. A. Tiffany can be seen driving his milk wagon to the station daily.
Lenox - At a regular meeting of the Lenox Grange No. 931, held Sept. 21, 1907, the following resolutions were adopted: Patrons: Again the reaper Death has entered our Grange home and taken from our midst brother C. W. Conrad. We have lost a charter member who helped to build up Lenox Grange and was ever ready to maintain every good work looking to the betterment and advancement of his hometown. He was a patriot and fought in his country's defense [Co. A, 107th Regiment], and lay down to his final sleep at the age of four score and six years; therefore, be it Resolved, that our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days and a space be set apart in our minutes for this testimonial; that the sympathy of the members of Lenox Grange be extended to the family of our deceased brother, and a copy of these resolutions sent to the family and also to the county papers for publication. B. McDonald, D. N. Hardy, Mrs. D. N. Hardy, Com.
Brooklyn - H. H. Craver and F. Jewett have installed gasoline light plants in their store and dwelling, respectively.
Glenwood - At the 52nd Regiment's reunion at Scranton, Sept 19, there were over 300 of the old veterans who enlisted during the sixties, the full number being 1900.
South Gibson - Four sisters met at Mrs. Manzer's recently, and there united ages was over 272 years. Mrs. T. J. Manzer, age 56 years, Mrs. Alford Herrick of Binghamton, 74 years; Mrs. James Post, of Philadelphia, 72 years; and Mrs. C. A. Miller, of Susquehanna, 70 years. Their maiden names were: Polly E., Charlotte E., Lucy C., and Mary R., daughters of D. H. Fuller. Their grandfather on their mother's side, Elias Van Winkle, was a brave soldier in the Revolutionary War, and we would think, from the appearance of these four sisters, that they are of the Democratic faith. AND Mrs. Nellie Mapes, of Uniondale, who is nearly 83 years is visiting her brother, T. J. Manzer, who is 81 years old. We imagine we see them all having a good old-fashioned visit.
Susquehanna - C. B. Dugan has received appointment as house and commissary agent for the Erie railroad company, to have charge at Port Jervis, Susquehanna and Hornell. This is a newly inaugurated office, made necessary by the machinists' strike now pending, by which the Erie is compelled to feed and house strike breakers. AND Trainmaster Charles Ford, of the Delaware division of the Erie railroad, with headquarters at Susquehanna, has resigned his position with the road, and accepted a position with the Pennsylvania Steel Company, at Steelton, Pa. Trainmaster Ford has been in the employ of the Erie for several years, and has worked his way up from station agent to trainmaster of the road, within a few years.
Forest City - After a year's absence from the home of her parents, 13-year old Mary Vitiski has been found. She was located in the industrial department of the House of the Good Shepherd, in Scranton, where Mrs. Duggan placed her. The girl was taken from a saloon about a year ago. She gave the name of Helen Smith, and Mrs. Duggan was unable to find her people, so she placed her in the House of the Good Shepherd. Since then Mrs. Duggan kept up the search for the girl's parents, and through a photograph finally discovered them. Both mother and daughter fell in each other's arms when brought together.
Springville -Warren Dunlap will sell or rent their fine residence here. They are going away.
South New Milford - Wm. Moxley, of Renovo, spent a few days here and attended the Harford fair. This was Mr. Moxley's first visit to his old home in twenty-six years.
Alford - Patrons will be pleased to learn that some time in the future, Mrs. H. L. Hubbard will throw open the doors of a new boarding and eating house, which will have much better accommodations for the comfort of patrons than the one burned down. Pending the completion of the new building, Mrs. Hubbard is serving meals in the house formerly occupied by Perry Sweet, where all friends will receive polite attention. Meals are served any time, and in a most satisfactory manner.
News Brief - Automobiles operated in Pennsylvania next year will carry yellow tags with black letters and figures.
Compiled By: Betty Smith