Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 03 1919/2019
Montrose – Marshall H. VanScoten died at his home on Sept. 28. He was a native of Blairstown, NJ, where he was born 78 years ago on Sept. 15, 1841. His parents moved to Auburn township and it was from there that he went out to fight for the Union when a young man of 19. He was a Corporal in the 4th Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers and left the war as a sergeant. He was in 32 battles and skirmishes and had many miraculous escapes. Eleven bullets passed through portions of his clothing, yet a minor wound on the hand was the only scar received in the fighting. His engagements were at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Malvern Hill, Gaines Mills, Mechanicsville, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Winchester, Fisher’s Hill, Cedar Creek, Hatcher’s Run, High Bridge, and others. He was with Gen. Crook’s expedition through West Virginia, when the battles of Clyde Mountain and New River Bridge were fought. The soldiers suffered great privations on this march, being for days without food and he often related the dreaded march of the footsore “boys in blue” through the mountains. VanScoten was taken prisoner at the battle of High Bridge, but fortunately Lee surrendered a few days later and he was released. He was married to Eleanor B. Gay and six children were born to them. After Eleanor’s death in 1901 he married Mrs. Ella LeCouver, who survives him. In collaboration with Mrs. John France he wrote a history of Co. H., 4th Pennsylvania Reserves Volunteer Corps, covering the conception, organization and campaigns. He delivered one of the principal addresses at the dedication of monuments at the Pennsylvania Day Exercises at Sharpsburg, Md. in 1906. He moved to Montrose in 1896 and for years held the office of justice of the peace and was also a pension attorney. His funeral was attended by the G.A.R., Sons and Daughters of Veterans and K of P Lodge members.
Susquehanna – The work of paving the streets is progressing rapidly, although the bad weather has interfered considerably with the work.
Rush – Walter Swisher is driving the oil wagon for the Atlantic Refining Co.
Uniondale –There have been two important property deals here the past week. The first is the property of Tennant & Webster, which was purchased at sheriff’s sale by Frank Sheffel, who will soon embark in the coal trade and the sale of farm machinery and wagons, a business so successfully conducted at the stand by Frank Westgate. The second and larger deal is the sale of the Uniondale Mill to C. P. Mathews & Sons, of Scranton, who assumed possession yesterday, having in addition to the mill, secured the large stock of grain and feed carried by S. E. Lowry. The mill will be under the direction of S. J. Sebring, a practical miller of Gouldsboro. Dannie Howell will assist in custom work. Mr. Sebring is to reside in Douglas & Yale’s house on Main Street. S. E. Lowry, who retires after a connection with the mill the past 12 years, will take a much needed rest.
Gibson – As Sept. 25th was the birthday of E. T. Senior, he invited those born in the same year to help celebrate the day, which was one of great enjoyment to all present. A bountiful dinner was served, consisting of a roast pig that weighted forty pounds and other good things that go to make up a good dinner. All did full justice to the pig, but could not eat it all, as Mr. and Mrs. Senior entertained company on Friday and Saturday and still there was pig left. Those present who were born in ’49, were: W. R. Mackey, Mrs. Williston Chamberlin, Mrs. Sarah Strockbine, Mrs. E. T. Senior and Mrs. W. H. Estabrook. The other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George Whitmarsh, of Gelatt; DeWitt Shepardson, wife and daughter, Nellie, of Marion, N. C. It sure was a day of enjoyment and all joined in wishing for many happy returns of the day.
Kingsley – What might have proven a disastrous fire occurred here Sunday afternoon when Sloat’s mill and another small building and Mrs. Jennie Tiffany’s double house was discovered on fire. A few moments before the steam roller passed through, which is to be used on the Lackawanna Trail, and the sparks from the engine is supposed to have caused the fire. A bucket brigade was soon on the job and the Austin truck supplied the water and with the help of a large crowd of men, women and children the fire was soon under control. Mrs. Tiffany’s house was badly damaged by water and part of the roof was badly burned.
Hop Bottom – Samuel W. Kellum died Sept. 27, 1919. He was one of the best known railroad men of this section and from 1871 to 1895 was at the Lackawanna station at Scranton as chief train dispatcher, a position he filled with signal ability and fidelity to every demand upon him. For most of the years of his work the Lackawanna was a single-track road and no trains moved except on his order, and to his creditable record the Lackawanna trains ran on time and an accident of any kind was a rarity.
Jackson – It has been reported that the Baptist parsonage property will be sold to P. R. Tucker and that a residence near the church will be later used for the new parsonage.
Auburn Twp. – Emery Loomis, of Orange, NJ, has been spending the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Loomis, and with his wife’s people, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cole. His wife and baby have been spending several weeks here. Mr. Loomis was at Cleveland, Ohio, last week, and purchased an eight-cylinder Chandler chummy roadster, which he drove down here.
Forest City – Anthony Kusnick is in Scranton today to get his final naturalization papers. His witnesses are Wm. Gliha and John Gerchman. Anthony will have no trouble in securing the coveted papers for he was in Uncle Sam’s fighting force in France and in the service nearly two years. He has the distinction of being one of two men of foreign birth who were the first to don the khaki from this section. ALSO W. M. Clark, for many years a resident of this place, left yesterday to make his home at Endicott, NY. He is a veteran of the Civil War and with his departure Forest City is left without a single participant in that great struggle. His son, Benjamin and daughter, Louise, will also make their home in the shoe town. The family has resided here 26 years. ALSO Clinton Derr bought a house at Johnson City intending to move his family there, but they refused to go, preferring to go to Bloomsburg, whither they proceeded Monday.
News Briefs: An evangelist who was conducting nightly services announced that on the following evening he would speak on the subject of “Liars.” He advised his hearers to read in advance the 17th chapter of Mark. The next night he arose and said, “I am going to preach on “Liars’” tonight and I would like to know how many read the chapter I suggested?” A hundred hands were upraised. “Now,” said he, “you are the very persons I want to talk to—there isn’t any 17th chapter of Mark.” ALSO The owner of a steel mill in the Middle West was waited upon by a committee of employees. They demanded higher wages and shorter hours. “Sit down, boys,” said the steel maker. “Let’s talk it over: You and I have worked hard to help win the war. I made money; so did you. As a result we are tired, impatient and inclined to ‘pick’ on someone. You need a rest; so do I. Here’s what I am going to do: This mill will be closed for 20 days. I am going fishing. It’s great for contemplation. When I return you can all come back on the present terms. Think it over.” They did. A month later the mill reopened and every worker was in his place.
Compiled By: Betty Smith