Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 03 1913/2013
Ararat - “Colonial Jack,” the noted long distance “wheelbarrow pedestrian,” who walked and pushed a wheel barrow 9000 miles around the border of the United States, arrived in this place at 10:30 o’clock on Friday a.m., Sept. 26. He made a short stop here then wended his way toward Herrick where he expected to stop for dinner. “Jack” held a moving picture show Thursday evening in Susquehanna and did well to leave that place Friday morning, walking and pushing a wheel barrow via Jackson and reach this place by 10:30. He was billed for a picture show in Forest City that evening.
Herrick Center - What might have been a serious accident occurred Wednesday of last week, when a team of horses, belonging to J. J. Walker, ran away. Mr. Walker was returning from Montrose and had reached the foot of Johnson hill when the report of a rifle in the hands of some one in the woods nearby frightened the team and they got away from their driver, who was thrown out and left unconscious on the hill. The horses ran to their home at the top of the hill, better than a half mile away, and failing to get unto the barn, ran off the basement wall, piling themselves up in such a manner that they could not get up until help came from an adjoining farm. They escaped without serious injuries to themselves or to the wagon or harness. Mr. Walker, although stunned from the fall, only complains of a lame side and arm.
Springville - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kerr, of Kerr & Son, are the manufacturers of the Niagara Fruit Pail (the invention of Homer Kerr) and we are pleased to learn that this pail is finding much favor with large fruit growers, where introduced. It is destined to have a large sale.
New Milford - Traffic on the D. L. & W. was completely tied up for two hours Sunday afternoon owing to the derailment of two cars of a freight train running east of here.
Lanesboro - A wreck in which three lives were lost and one man injured occurred Monday night on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad near here, when two fast freights had a head on collision. The wreck occurred near the D & H coal pockets and is said to be due either to a mix--up in orders or signals. Three young men who were stealing a ride on the back end of the engine tank were instantly killed when the crash came.
West Jackson - Miss Corse and Miss Mallery, of the Lake View school, entertained the scholars and friends on Thursday evening at the church, with pictures of Niagara Falls and a descriptive reading.
Forest City - As W. J. Maxey, W. J. McLaughlin, Henry Weiss, Thos. Stratford and Wm. Connally were coming to Montrose, Tuesday, in the latter’s car, to attend the Republican committee meeting, a tire burst near Henry Booth’s in Harford township and the auto turned turtle, pinning Maxey and McLaughlin under the car. They were taken from beneath the car and were injured, though not seriously, and the party took the train at Kingsley for their homes.
Brandt - A mysterious shooting affray occurred Wednesday morning at 2:30 o’clock in the vicinity of the brick yards here, when William Alexander, of Lanesboro, a D. & H. fireman, was shot in the left side, about four inches below the heart, while at his work. Alexander was firing the pusher and was in a stooping position when he felt a sharp pain in his side. He heard a sharp report about the moment he was hit and at first thought that something from the fire in the firebox had flew out and hit him. He was taken to the hospital at Susquehanna. In conversation with Alexander in the morning, he stated that he could throw no light on the shooting. He said he had a few enemies in Lanesboro but would not accuse any of them directly, or indirectly, of doing such a cowardly trick. A D. & H. detective arrived in Lanesboro and will make a rigid investigation to find out, if possible, who was guilty of the attempt of murder.
Great Bend - Contractor T. H. Gill, who has the contract for the good roads, states that he intends to push the work as rapidly as possible and expects to complete the road early next summer. A large number of teams are drawing dirt on the flats. A steam shovel is helping them get the dirt from W. Colsten’s Hill.
East Rush - We regret to notice so many of our people visiting on the Sabbath and neglecting the preaching services. It seems as though this ought not to be as we only have preaching every other week and every one ought to avail themselves of the opportunity. We are sure those that did not attend services last Sabbath missed a great treat, as Brother Snyder gave us an excellent sermon.
Montrose - J. C. Hawley, proprietor of the new shirt factory, informed us yesterday that the factory will open Monday next. While he has labored under some difficulty in getting his equipment installed, he feels that the time has been well spent making every detail satisfactory to the rules governing factories in this state.
Hopbottom - E. L. Yaw, proprietor of the Foster House, recently purchased a fine automobile for the accommodation of the public.
Glenwood - Our mail deliverer, Mr. Brown, last week, was driving his horse, having damaged a tire on his auto. Old Dobbin may be slower, but he is always sure.
Fowler Hill, Auburn Twp. - Chicken roasts are the order of the nights now. People had better keep their guns loaded and their chicken coops locked.
Uniondale - The Tri-County fair is on this week and a majority of our townspeople are in attendance. School was closed here Wednesday to give the students a chance to attend.
News Brief - Honesdale clergymen have started a movement to line up the clergy of the state in opposition to the remarriage of divorced persons. ALSO: “Suffering onesdale clelrgymen have started a movement to line up the clergy of the state in opposition in the remarriage of divorced persddddgents” is the way John J. Titman alludes to the female crusaders after the ballot. We are expecting to be able to print another item soon concerning the loss of his life. (From the Tunkhannock Republican) ALSO: State College, of State College, Pa., has entered upon its 55th year with 1,500 students enrolled. The opening marked the 5th anniversary of Dr. Sparks as head of the institution.
Compiled By: Betty Smith