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October 03 1901/2001

Jackson - Join Jackson's Public Library Association and thus aid, by your influence and money, one of the best means for pure recreation coupled with information that our township has ever known, and one that but recently was considered impossible and impracticable except in the large towns and cities. That this enterprise will succeed no one now doubts.

Franklin Forks - The Epworth League services were led by Wm. Stockholm of Oregon, who is home on a visit. It was a profitable and good service. Mr. Stockholm was born and brought up in this town, but went west ten years ago and this is his first visit home. He saw service in the Philippine war. AND Congressman C. F. Wright was a welcome visitor in town on Wednesday. Mr. Wright was en route to Franklin to look over the prospective oil field in that township, in which he. Col. C. C. Pratt, of New Milford, and a number of other gentlemen are interested. Congressman Wright was accompanied by Col. Pratt and an oil expert, Mr. Cleveland. The outlook for oil is said to be encouraging.

Lanesboro - Sheriff Bray, of one of the counties of a western state, was recently killed while attempting to stop a runaway team. While the great Starrucca viaduct was in process of construction (1848-49) Bray, then a workman, fell from the parapet of the structure to the ground below, a distance of nearly 100 ft. He was picked up for dead, but when the physician examined him he was amazed to find that no bones were broken. Bray recovered and in four days returned to work. A prominent resident of Susquehanna, now residing here, saw Bray when he fell.

Susquehanna - The Board of Trade on Tuesday evening considered the following matters-"The new central fire station, the sewerage question, lack of houses, and the preservation of surrounding forests."

Fairdale - The Fairdale farmers feel like singing solos, as their silos are all filled. AND The bridges swept away by the flood have all been replaced except the one below the Snow mill. The foundation of this is complete and the ironwork will be ready in a few days.

Lynn - Abram Luce, an aged and respected resident, passed away last Thursday night. Mr. Luce was in apparently good health up to a few days ago when he was stricken with pneumonia in its worst form. A trained nurse presided at his bedside and loving hands administered to his wants, still the end came not unlocked for as his recovery was doubted from the first. Mr. Luce had just passed his 81st birthday and was one of the oldest residents in this community. He is survived by three sons and three daughters.

Welsh Hill - Hon. J. G. Jenkins, a brother of Z. D. Jenkins, has for years been a leading statesman and man of affairs in Australia and he has finally gained the high distinction of being chosen Premier of South Australia. We have been handed copies of the Register, published at Adelaide, containing an account of his inauguration and his able address, announcing the policy of the new government. Premier Jenkins also announced the names of his cabinet. The editorial comment of the paper shows in what high esteem the new Premier is held by the people and his administration is expected to be one marked by progress and prosperity.

Hallstead - The Mitchell House, for many years owned by N. T. Mitchell, has been sold to James Clune of Carbondale, for $12,000. Mr. Clune married Miss Mary Scanlon, the daughter of Charles Scanlon of this place.

Hopbottom - Mrs. Sarah Rhoades received a fine combination ironing table and clothes rack as a premium for the best-ironed collar and cuffs at the Montrose fair.

Lenox - Many of the people in this vicinity are taking advantage of the bargain sales at the Orphan school building in Harford.

East Dimock - F. E. Bunnell is moving a couple of barns for a Mr. Arnold, near Springville.

Rush - Dr. Charles H. Warner, one of the best-known physicians in this part of the State, died Sunday evening, Sept. 29. Dr. Warner was born in Pike Township, Bradford Co. He graduated from the Medical Department of Ann Arbor, now University of Michigan. Dr. Warner entered the service as a volunteer in the 141st Penn'a and served his term of enlistment during the great Civil War. He was a man who always depended more on deeds than on words, much of his kindness and charity is known only to the recipients and the God of Kindness.

Springville - Eben Turrell has secured an agency for the lives of our martyred presidents, Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley and from what we can learn is meeting with good success. It is a book worthy of a place in every home and the price is within the reach of everyone. Those wishing this work should avail themselves of this opportunity and they will never regret it.

That Tombstone: It Caused Some Trouble To A Susquehanna County Farmer- A vicinity farmer some time since had the misfortune to lose a good wife. For a while he was inconsolable, and he spent much of his time weeping over her grave. He visited a marble dealer and gave an order for a fine monument. At the end of the inscription he caused this sentence to be chiseled: "My light has gone out." Months later the sad eyed widower visited Connecticut, where he met a widow fair, fat and forty-nine. It was a case of mash and marry at once. After the ceremony the bridegroom thought of the monument and there came an idea that perhaps the sentence about the light going out might not be just the proper thing under present conditions. He therefore wired the marble man not to cut the sentence on the stone. But the message came too late. The marble man had done his work. But he had a few original ideas, as the sequence will show. A few days after the newly wedded couple arrived on the farm, the bridegroom suddenly took it into his head that he ought to do something towards making his wife extra happy. And so he took her to the grave of his first wife. The monument was a handsome one. The inscription closed with this: "My light has gone out." "P.S. I have got another match." The bridegroom said not a word, but the next day he ordered the stone taken from the cemetery to the marble shop. Today, at the suggestion of the bride, the monument bears this legend; "Death is a grim reaper, but time heals all sorrows."

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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