Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 02 1914/2014
Forest Lake – Two successive serious fires occurred when Fred W. Powell’s home and F. E. Hagadorn’s large store were burned. Mr. Powell’s residence burned having probably caught from the kitchen fire. He was working in the fields and Mrs. Powell had left the house, locking it, while engaged in work not far from the dwelling. She noted the fire when it had gathered considerable headway and entrance through the kitchen door being blocked by the flames, she attempted breaking out a window pane to effect an entrance. In doing this she badly cut her hand. The family carried no insurance and the dwelling was a fine, large structure. The Hagadorn store, located in Birchardville, was consumed on Oct. 1st. Besides the building with its contents, heavily stocked, a nearby warehouse and a granary were burned. The telephone was used in rousing out the people, who cane in large numbers, and by means of a bucket brigade kept the fire from spreading to the church sheds nearby and from burning the church. Mr. Hagadorn had purchased the business from W. D. Browning about three months ago, coming from Lestershire, NY, and Mr. Browning, in turn, having a short time before bought the property from Frank Robinson. As the Slauson ad Robinson store it was widely known, and it was well patronized. The loss is estimated at from $8,000 to $10,000. There was some insurance.
Hopbottom – Last week, Thursday, while the milk train was speeding down the Lackawanna at a rapid rate, a milk car left the rails about half a mile north of the Foster station. The car shattered the depot platform, but fortunately no one was injured.
Montrose – Montrose High school football team defeated the Crescent team, of Dimock, on Saturday by a score of 12-0. Capt. Mackin scored both touchdowns for Montrose. The two teams will play a second game at the Athletic Park, Montrose, Saturday afternoon, Oct. 3. ALSO Our townsman and veteran barber, Albert Miller, has received a letter from his sister in Germany, which states that two of her sons have been called to serve in the German army. ALSO Leonard Stone, formerly employed at Earl Smith’s jewelry store, left Sunday for Philadelphia, where he will take a course in watch making.
Springville – On Oct. 9, at the home of Louis B. Johnson, there will be a box social and entertainment for the Union school. Proceeds to buy an organ for the school. A cordial invitation to all. ALSO The marriage of Harry M. Turrell to Miss Mary Sullivan, of Wellsboro PA, took place at her home, Wednesday evening last. The groom has for several years been manager of Brown & Fasset’s feed mill here. The bride was for three years the supervisor of music in Tunkhannock high school. They will reside here after October 1.
Auburn Center – An automobile accident, Saturday afternoon, which might have proved very serious, took place on the road not far from here, near Ziba Lott’s. Delmer Stark, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Perigo, of New Milford, was driving a Ford touring car, when without warning the rod in the steering gear holding the two front wheels in unison, gave way and a sudden dive of the wheels caused the machine to turn turtle. Mr. Stark landed free of the car, Mr. Perigo was caught under it, while Mrs. Perigo was caged in the tonneau of the overturned auto. By supreme effort Mr. Stark succeeded in lifting the machine off Mr. Perigo who soon revived, he having been squeezed until his breath was nearly gone. Mr. and Mrs. Perigo were helped to the Lott home to recover from their bruises and fright. The auto was not badly damaged.
Rush – Prof. Roland Dayton, of the High school, while playing basketball with his team at Bichardville, last Friday, by accident had his cheek bone broken. The physicians at Montrose were unable to set it, so he went to Binghamton Saturday morning, but operation was deferred until Thursday of this week. Because of his enforced absence the High school was closed Thursday and Friday.
Susquehanna – Takasch & Chappelle, the contractors for the paving of Exchange street, are rushing the work right along. ALSO A number of the State Constabulary will be stationed here after October 1st. ALSO Early Tuesday morning the store of Joseph M. Williams was entered by burglars and $25 in cash and a woman’s gold watch taken. An entrance was gained by prying open a window in the rear of the store.
Lawsville – B. L. Bailey received the premium at the Montrose fair for the finest colt and the largest cucumbers.
South Gibson – It is rumored that Dr. H. W. Trimmer, of Harvey’s Lake [Luzerne County}, who formerly resided here, will return to the town and open an office.
Thompson – In the prize-wining contest at Keystone hall, Mrs. Martin Nelson was awarded a set of silver knives, tablespoons and teaspoons for being the most popular lady in town and 50 cents for the best vocal solo.
Clifford – J. W. Jones, health inspector of Clifford Twp., reports an epidemic of measles in Clifford and vicinity. It is of a malignant type and every precaution is taken to prevent its spread.
Uniondale/Forest City – Seven years is a long time to wait for a cat to come back but that is what Hugh Burdick did, and he found the cat after yeas of waiting. It had become ossified when fond and is now in the possession of E. J. Wells, of Forest City.
News Brief: Micajah Weiss, aged113 years, died at Beaver Brook, Sullivan county, NY, on Sept 22. Mr. Weiss was probably the oldest Civil war veteran and was the oldest pensioner in the United States, if not the oldest man in the United States. He was one of the celebrities of the semi-centennial of the Battle of Gettysburg last year. For 70 years he lived at Paupack, Wayne county, and for many years was a lumberman. He was married four times and the father of two children, three of his marriages having been to widows with children. He was a Republican in politics, and in religion “generally a Baptist.” He gave the secret of his long life as hard work, sound sleep and minding his own business.
Compiled By: Betty Smith