Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 02 1908/2008
Rush - Charles Flumerfelt, of Rush, Susquehanna county, visited his brothers, Daniel and John, at Tunkhannock. He has been located on the Wyalusing creek since 1869, and for about twenty years prior to that time he lived on Prospect Hill, Tunkhannock.
North Jackson - The North Jackson M. E. church celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the church recently. Four of the original members of the church, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Chase, were present, and gave interesting reminiscences of the dedication of the church.
Hallstead - John E. Clune has completed the changes and improvements on the interior of the Hallstead opera house. The windows have been changed and made modern and the side walls and interior have been repapered in red and dark green. The wood work is also painted in dark green, and as it stands completed now it is one of the neatest and most attractive opera houses in Northern Pennsylvania.
Brookdale - Wm. Chalker is suffering with blood poison in his hand.
Ararat - Rev. Mr. Brandt Supt. of the Anti-Saloon League, delivered a temperance sermon in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon, giving illustrations on a map of the United States, which was both helpful and interesting in the cause of temperance.
Gelatt - Walter Lewis has dug a well this dry time and found abundance of water at a depth of eight feet. We are glad to note that the long-looked for rain is here this morning, and I think it will check the fire that was raging so hard yesterday at Ararat.
Heart Lake - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leslie, Sept. 24, twin girls.
Alford - The much needed rain came today.
Forest Lake - Some of the finest blooded stock ever offered in the county at public sale will be made at the big sale of stock on the Griffis farm in Forest Lake township, Oct. 8th. Dairymen should remember the date.
Montrose - Winfield W. Hickok and family have removed to Binghamton, where Mr. Hickok has accepted employment in the bottling department of the Kilmer Swamp Root Manufactory. AND A two-horse load of young fellows attended the Harford fair, making the trip in one of the Liveryman Cox's handsome surreys. A farmer driving ahead of them proved too slow, and to avoid the dust they attempted driving past, taking the ditch. Wheels locked in a warm embrace, the farmer's proving too strong a vehicle and they lost a wheel. Appropriating a wheel from a carriage standing in a farm yard they used it to get their own chaise repaired and managed to get back all right Friday morning ere the cocks had stopped crowing. The trip cost a good ten-spot and the boys say they will wait until flying machines or aeroplanes are perfected before making another such long journey from home.
Fairdale - The hearts of all were made glad last Monday when the refreshing showers came so gently. All nature seemed to rejoice and everybody was happy.
Middletown - The baseball game on Thursday between Little Meadows and Middletown resulted in a decided victory for the home team.
Bridgewater - That there are persons who exhibit a penchant for the yellow-legged fowl is indicated by the report that R. L. Bush, a farmer residing southwest of town, had his hennery entered a few nights since and half a dozen fowls taken. It should serve as a warning to others. Meanwhile Mr. Bush sleeps 'o nights with one eye open, the double-barreled shotgun loaded with rock salt and nails and trusts the light-fingered gentry will come by the light of the moon and try to carry off some more of his Plymouth Rocks.
Susquehanna - The Erie railroad tracks near Asa Baker's farm on the Susquehanna division, resembled a slaughter house Thursday morning. Eleven of Mr. Baker's cows and two bulls during the night broke through the fence and wandered along the track. Two trains passed this point at 4:18 this morning. When they had passed the herd had been cut to pieces. Six cows were killed outright and five other cows and one of the bulls died later. One full is alive, but badly hurt. The loss is a very serious one to Mr. Baker.
Clifford - C.G. Stevens, of Lenoxville, took some of our townsmen to the Allentown fair in his big auto. The party was composed of Merchant Bennett, L. E. Lee, Jefferson Hobbs, and J. D. Tripp. All report a good time.
Factoryville - About two years rgo an improvement society was organized which did great things for our town. Street lamps were purchased, sidewalks were repaired and new ones built, trees were planted, buildings painted and posters stripped from building and fences. But where, oh where has the improvement society gone? We no longer venture out at night without a lantern, for darkness reigns supreme save on moonlight nights, and one is in peril who tries to walk over some of the streets after dark. Gorgeous posters and advertising signs now stare us in the face by day from trees, fences and even buildings. If the improvement society is asleep, who will awaken it? If dead, who will resurrect it?
Lynn - Charles Hartman, who was badly hurt by a flying pulley during the haying season and had his skull fractured, went to an hospital in Philadelphia on Sunday to have an operation performed. It seems that when the wound began to heal, the skull began to settle on his brain, so that the doctors thought an operation necessary.
Vestal Center - Henry Jenner, from near St. Josephs', visited relatives here Sat. and Sunday. Although very old, he is remarkably smart, he having walked the entire distance of 10 miles.
News Brief - The city clerk of West Chester, Pa., received a marriage license through the mail, Aug. 31st, which he had issued to a resident of that place last May. The paper was indorsed across the face: "Returned, because I got out of the notion." AND There is a demand for good boys. The boy who is honest, earnest and industrious, will not be long out of a job. There are lots of prosperous business men, merchants and mechanics, who are constantly on the outlook for good boys. They do not look for them on the streets, however, but in some sort of employment. They have no use for an idle boy. He is to apt to make an idle man. The boy who jumps into the first job that offers, whether it is agreeable or not, is the boy who is chosen when the boy-hunter comes along. The boy trundling the wheelbarrow is taken while the boy playing marbles in the shade is left; they boy cheerfully minding the baby on the front step is invited to put on a boy's suit, which the one playing hockey and smoking cigarettes is refused a place to drive a dirt cart.
Auburn Corners - T.S. Kellogg and daughter, of Dalton, visited his brother, T. F. Kellogg, and purchased a fine cow. AND while returning from Springville Miss Verla Shaw's horse was frightened at an engine and partially wrecked the wagon. Fortunately none of the occupants were hurt.
Howard Hill - R. M. Borne is having a serious time with his hand, at present he is not able to do much. A few of the neighbors made him a wood bee and got him a nice pile of wood.
Uniondale - Report says that Henry Corey, of this vicinity has taken to himself a wife.
Compiled By: Betty Smith