Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 01 1920/2020
Forest City – The Forest city High school claims the high school basketball championship of the County. If Montrose and Auburn dispute this claim, kindly write to Harry Watkins, Manager, and arrange for a series of games. ALSO The springing of a trap laid by detective M. A. Rafter of Scranton, in an effort to catch Forest City officials in the act of holding up and compelling the payment of tribute from alleged bootleggers, on Friday last, has been featured in the vicinity press throwing Forest City into an undesirable limelight. It was a melo drama in real life in which a truck, a whiskey barrel, and a lavish display of revolvers were the properties, and three Scranton men posing as bootleggers, Chief of Police Paul Blacksmith, Special Officer Joseph Cost, and a posse of private detectives headed by Sleuth Rafter were actors. Credit for the planning and working out of the plot is given to Mr. Rafter but there are various opinions as to the identity of the men behind the scenes who inspired it. A few credit it to officers of the Federal Enforcement Bureau. Others suspect that an organized bunch of men interested in the illicit transportation of liquor, who want a free and untrammeled pathway through Forest City for their bootlegging operations, were the instigators. Rumor has it that plenty of the stuff passes through this place enroute from the Lackawanna valley to the York state line and that the operators of the underground railroad have been disturbed by the efforts of local offices to block their free and easy passage. Rafter intimates that he was engaged by Forest City Men. [To be continued]
Susquehanna – Two New York State men, enroute from Scranton to Ithaca, with an automobile carrying 45 gallons of whiskey, were arrested Friday here by Chief Braves, of police, during the absence of Officer Donovan, who is acting chief. A telephone message was received here to arrest the two men and hold the car containing the whiskey. The car arrived here about 6:30 in the evening and the men were greatly surprised when told that they were under arrest. The car, a new Chevrolet roadster, was arranged ingeniously so that the cargo would not be detected unless a close examination was made. The whiskey, in copper tanks, was placed away in compartments in the car.
Jessup Twp. – George L. Shelp, an aged and respected citizen, died at his home on Fair Hill, Sept 4, 1920. He was the youngest of eight children born to Henry and Betsy (Main) Shelp and a grandson of Christian Shelp, who came from Mohawk Valley, NY in 1812 and took up a claim of 400 acres. Thus passes away the last direct descendant of that sturdy pioneer who settled in the untrammeled wilds of the county more than a century ago.
Montrose – In a well-fought game of foot-ball between Montrose and Nicholson, Montrose scored a decisive victory. It was one of those contests to try the metal of the players and the fight that the Montrose boys put up won for them the plaudits of the large number gathered to witness the game. That Montrose is developing some great foot-ball timber was demonstrated conclusively. Star plays were made by Paul McAloon, who carried the ball over for both touch downs. M. Johnson kicking one goal. Paul Pross made a sensational end run, one of the features of the game.
Thompson – Sunday, at 12 o’clock, a D & H coal train, north, derailed four cars just south of Bryant [Brandt?] station greatly damaging the track for a quarter of a mile; both tracks were blocked for hours; passenger trains were delayed. Trackmen were called from Ararat, Thompson, Starrucca, Bryant and Lanesboro. ALSO If anyone is contemplating making rag carpets, or rugs and is at a loss to know where to get the work done satisfactorily, we think they could not do better than apply to Mr. Condon in Starrucca. He does splendid work and we understand needs your support. We have seen samples of his weaving and it is very nice.
Uniondale – Our baseball team has lost some of its best players. Wademan and Lowry have gone to college and others to other points. In its enfeebled state it tackled the Greenfield team Saturday afternoon on the grounds of the last named team. Greenfield won by a score of 9-1.
Herrick Center – It is to be hoped that the parties who could find nothing better to do than to girdle the beautiful row of willows, skirting the street on the Reynolds farm may be apprehended and justice meted out to them. They were an ornament to our little village as well as a loss to the owner.
Harford –Bert Loomis, of Washington, D. C., who was born and brought up in this township, a son of Dr. Loomis, one of the old landmarks of this place, was visiting the scenes of his childhood days last week. In fact, a love for the county of his birth had become so strong that he lately purchased the Welcome Wilmarth farm in Harford township, which he will retain and occasionally visit. Mr. Loomis enlisted in the regular army nearly 40 years ago, and after 30 years of service was retired in 1914. But when the United States joined the allies in the World War, he was called back for service and was recruiting sergeant at Fayetteville, NC for more than a year. Mr. Loomis is a very pleasant gentleman to meet and we hope that he will, sometime, return to his native county to reside.
Nicholson – Ned C. Tiffany was awakened by the ringing of the cash register in the lobby of Hotel Almont, shortly after midnight Friday. Turning on the light he stepped in the hall, where he was confronted by a burglar and was commanded to hold up his hands, in which tiffany replied “Not by a d---sight.” And stepped back in the room. At this the thief made a hasty retreat from the house. On the same night the Lackawanna station was broken into and the safe carried across the tracks. The thieves secured about forty cents for their night’s work.
Gelatt – A few days ago, while B. J. Avery and family were away, someone entered their home and took their vinegar out of the barrel in the woodshed garret; also removed the stove pipe from the chimney. Last Saturday night, about eight o’clock, someone came and shook their pear tree and gathered the pears; also took all their squash.
News Brief: Brooklyn won the National flag. New York was defeated by Boston and dropped out of the race. The Robins can lose all the games scheduled without losing grip on the flag. The World’s series will start on October 5 in the American city winning the pennant. If the American league race results in a tie between Chicago and Cleveland a three game series will be necessary.
Compiled By: Betty Smith