Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Thursday November 28th, to observe Thanskgiving!
October 01 1909/2009
Glenwood - The former residence of Galusha A. Grow was destroyed by fire. The valuable library belonging to the former Speaker of the House could not be saved and with much of the house furnishings, was burned. The blaze originated, it is believed, from the dumping of ashes on the floor of the woodshed, from which portions of the house flames first made their appearance. Residents of the county will especially feel the burning of this old landmark is an irreparable loss. The home of the "Sage of Glenwood" has for years been looked upon as a sort of shrine and a visit to Glenwood was never complete without a call at the home of him who framed the Homestead Bill, and the man whose sterling attributes of mind and character made him revered by all acquainted with his beneficent works. The noted Congressman spent a large portion of his life here and here he died less than three years ago. Its quiet surroundings made it a pleasant change from the turbid life in Congress and here Mr. Grow found rest and tranquility.
South Gibson - About two weeks ago Willie James met with a severe accident while handling a gun. His hand was badly lacerated and while it was feared at the time that his hand would have to be taken off at the wrist, an attempt was made to save the thumb and two fingers. He was taken to the Susquehanna hospital, where an operation was performed Friday morning and he seemed to rally, but the end came Saturday morning due to blood poisoning. He leaves a wife and four small children, a father, and one sister, Mrs. Glenn Howell.
Susquehanna - John O. Jones, a foreman in the Erie round house, was killed in an automobile accident last Thursday morning. Jones was in a newly purchased machine with George Whitney, when he lost control near a steep embankment about 75 ft. long, near Beebe Park, and the machine plunged over. Both men were thrown out and Jones was pinioned under the vehicle and it was necessary to jack the machine up before he could be taken out. He received internal injuries besides having both legs broken and died in the Simon H. Barnes Hospital a half hour after being admitted. Whitney escaped with only a few bruises and was able to walk unassisted to his home.
Springville - Last Friday night the stores of A. L. Grestsinger and W. L. Meserole were broken into and a small amount of goods taken. Greatsinger lost a revolver, a few cigars and a gum machine and Meserole lost some pocketknives and a few pennies. The gum machine was found later in the church sheds. Lee Compton also had a robe taken from his wagon in the church sheds. There is no clue as to who did the stealing. ALSO Cess pools are getting to be fashionable. Why not dig them for shops which run into the street.
Foster (Hop Bottom) - Guy Davis, who has been employed in Morris' drug store in Montrose, relinquished his position. Mr. Davis will attend a pharmacists' school in Philadelphia and prepare himself for the drug business.
Friendsville - Rev. M. J. Fallihee, the pastor of St. Ann's church at Freeland, Pa., has passed his 40th year as a priest and at his own request no special recognition was made of the fact. Fr. Fallihee was born in Friendsville. His happy recreation is found in playing old-fashioned tunes on his violin.
Silver Lake - Contractor P. J. Radeker has taken the contract for erecting six cottages here for Hon. H. J. Rose and starts the work some time next week. Mr. Rose, this summer, divided his boarding house into apartments, which he rented furnished, instead of keeping boarders as formerly. He was well satisfied with this plan and now intends building cottages to rent or sell. ALSO Rev. J. Townsend Russell had both bones in one ankle broken while riding horseback. The animal forced him against a fence, snapping the bones in twain.
Jackson - Mrs. Lucille Whitney Dean, of New Milford, will be at the Roberts House, Jackson, on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 6 and 7, with a full line of millinery.
Thompson - While Edwin Gardner, of Boston, Mass., and his cousin, Mrs. Shew, of Susquehanna, were returning to Susquehanna last Wednesday afternoon, the harness broke and the horse ran away when about a mile from here. Both were thrown from the wagon and Mr. Gardner so seriously injured that he died during the night. Mrs. Shew was slightly injured. They had been visit9ing friends here that day.
Lathrop - Jack Frost is very busy working while the rest of the world is asleep. While we dread his coming, we can but admire the beauty of the landscape, which exceeds the most skilled painting.
Uniondale - Parties from Scranton were in town recently, looking for a lake property upon which to erect a club house for summer use. Our beautiful Lewis Lake they passed by as being too small. ALSO Geo. Bayless and family attended the dedication services of the new M.E. church at Winwood. They went over in their new auto. George is getting to be quite a devotee of motoring.
Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Mrs. Fanny Yeomans celebrated her 86th birthday, Sept. 26, 1909, being the oldest lady in this vicinity.
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - The many friends of A. D. Jagger will be sorry to hear that he is going to Iowa to work and all will wish him success in his new position.
Burnwood, Ararat Twp. - The medicine show last week was largely attended. Miss Pearl Wademan received a prize as the most popular lady and little Florence Dickey the prize for being the most popular baby.
Forest City - Prof. Smoot has decided to open an evening commercial school here and has engaged rooms in the Lyons building on South Main Street. ALSO Mrs. Della E. LeRoy has opened a Baby's Bazaar and Ladies Furnishing store in the Bloxham building opposite the Methodist church. This is a line for which there would seem to be an opening in town and it is probable that Mrs. LeRoy's venture will meet with success.
Clifford - Mr. and Mrs. Jef. Hobbs were the unfortunate principals in an accident on Thursday evening. They had returned from the Oneonta fair and Mr. Rounds drove over the bank near the depot, upsetting the carriage. Mrs. Hobbs was quite badly shaken up. The same evening Mr. and Mrs. Walton Burdick and the latter's father in law, H. J. Tuttle, were overturned near Lewis Lake but fortunately escaped injury.
Compiled By: Betty Smith