Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 8 1895/1995
Rush - A fire was discovered in the hotel barn last Wednesday afternoon just in time to prevent a serious conflagration. The situation of the barn is such that its destruction would have taken McCain's store, the hotel, Dr. Granger's house and building, and probably the post office and Duel's house. AND Alden Devine lost the tailboard of this Flint lumber wagon, Oct. 25 (institute week) between Montrose and Fairdale. The finder will forward it to Rush by stage or otherwise, and the expense will be paid at the post office, with the thanks of Mr. Devine.
West Auburn - Early on election morning a young democrat voter arrived at the house of Fred Hillis weight 10-1/2 lbs.
Susquehanna - Erie Hose Co., No.1, will hold its tenth annual ball in Hogan Opera House on Wednesday evening, Nov. 27. Music will be furnished by the Mozart Orchestra, of Carbondale.
Great Bend - Claud Skinner, one of our Great Bend boys, has just taken to himself a wife. A bright, enterprising young lady of Lehighton was the young man's choice. They have the best wishes of numerous friends here and at the bride's home. Their future home will be Great Bend. ANDBloese Wilmot cycled to the Parlor City [Binghamton] last week, visiting friends there.
Heart Lake - The big icehouses at Heart Lake are about completed. Six carloads of sawdust were brought there this week to be used in packing ice during the winter.
Montrose - In view of the many gunning accidents chronicled of late, we confess to feeling a little fearful when we see mere lads of fifteen tramping off to the forest with riffles over their shoulders. Boys, we beseech you to be careful. AND The Working Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will serve a Warm Turkey Supper at the chapel next Thursday evening, Nov. 14, from 5:30 to 8 o'clock. Supper: 35-cents; ice cream extra.
North Jackson - Mr. G.H. French delivered his popular illustrated lecture, "Army Life in a Cavalry Regiment," in the M.E. Church, Bethel Hill, on Friday evening, Nov. 1st. The North Jackson quartette, with Miss Addie French, organist, furnished the music.
Fairdale - Mrs. Lois M. Baldwin, aged 89 years and 23 days died on Sept 11. She was born in Bainbridge, NY and moved with her parents to Jessup Twp. when Montrose had only two dwelling houses. She was the second daughter of Matthias and Anna Whipple Smith, and granddaughter of Ebenezer Whipple, who was one of the three first settlers in Jessup. Was it a time of suffering? No No. Of pleasurable excitement; of hope, health and mutual kindness. Novelty gilded the scene. There was Just enough of danger, toil and privation to give life a “relish.” From this we get a glimpse into her girl life. Reared when habits of industry and economy were a pan of the education of those days, they clung to her through life, filling her declining years with that spirit of cheerful content remarkable, as it now is rare. She taught a number of terms of school, and is remembered as twice serving in that vocation in the Bolles district. She was married to Jeremiah Baldwin, Mar. 26, 1836. One of the hymns sung at her funeral was "Only Waiting," especially appropriate, as "only waiting" was an oft repeated expression others.
Compiled By: Betty Smith