Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 30 1916/2016
Montrose – Rev. Wm. R. Thomas, pastor of Zion church, has fitted up a portion of the gallery in the church, and lives there, his small room serving as kitchen, dining room, parlor, and pastor’s study. He is a bachelor and seems to think the church should be made useful as well as ornamental. He is one of the most powerful colored preachers that ever struck town, and a great many white people go to hear him. ALSO The last and biggest foot ball game of the season will be held at 3 p.m., Thanksgiving Day, when Montrose will meet their old rivals, St. Patrick’s Academy, of Binghamton, who suffered defeat at our hands last year and are out for blood. The enemy will bring a crowd of rooters and it is hoped that our team will have a good crowd of backers to support them.
Forest City – Fire was discovered in the Presbyterian church about 8 o’clock Tuesday evening. The fire, when discovered, was in the basement of the church and it is presumed that the cause was due to an explosion in the stove. The firemen arrived promptly and by excellent work succeeded in checking the flames but not until considerable damage had been done. The loss is placed at $1000, with an insurance of $800.
Harford – The next meeting of the Harford Parent-Teachers’ association will be held in the High school building, Dec. 16. Subject for discussion: “What can be done for the School to help the Children who by Home Training are Rough, Rude and Impudent, to become Gentle, Kind and Polite.” Also “How Parents Help or Hinder the School.”
South Ararat – Harry Davis had the bad luck to lose one of his good work horses on Monday. It fell dead while plowing. This is two good horses he has lost within two years. ALSO Charles Hine, of Gelatt, visited friends here one day this week. He is in his 83rd year and real smart for one of that age. We are always glad to have him to visit among us, for he is always cheerful.
East New Milford – The 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Whitney was held last Saturday and although the air was cold and the weather a bit stormy, 55 neighbors, friends and relatives were present. After a sumptuous chicken dinner was served, we assembled in the parlor, where singing was indulged in; followed by a recitation by Miss Una Bennett and then a splendid poem by Mrs. May Tingley Benning. A sum of money was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Whitney and toward sunset the guests departed, all feeling they had spent a pleasant day. AND In the Borough of New Milford, Mrs. Kathleen Blakeslee Ainey, widow of the late Dr. David C. Ainey, died on Nov. 26, 1916. Deceased was one of the oldest residents of New Milford, where she had lived for over 60 years and was one of the most beloved residents of that place. Her son, Hon. W. D. B. Ainey, chairman of the Public Service Commission of Pennsylvania, had been called to her bedside a few days previous to her death. Mrs. Ainey was 79 years old and a descendent on her mother’s side, of Wm. Whipple, of New Hampshire, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Her father was Hiram Blakeslee, a pioneer of this county, and her mother was Amanda Whipple. Two brothers, Drs. E. L. Blakeslee and W. R. Blakeslee, both of Forest City, are deceased. Another son, Charles H. Ainey and one sister, Miss Florilla Blakeslee, of New Milford, survive her.
Glenwood – T. B. Cameron and family have gone to Binghamton to live for the future. T. B. has accepted a position as motorman on the street cars.
Great Bend – Burglars broke into Chas. H. Hamlin’s store in the early hours, Thursday morning, and secured about $100 worth of men’s clothing, besides some pipes, cigarettes and gum. Entrance was gained by forcing the front doors. Before making their raid on the store the thieves stole Wm. Newman’s (a farmer of East Great Bend) horse and wagon, which they used to carry away the stolen goods. The wagon was found near the bridge at Hickory Grove, demolished, and one of the overcoats was in it. The horse was found near Susquehanna. The thieves were traced as far as Windsor and there the clue was lost. This is the third time within a year that Mr. Hamlin’s store has been robbed.
Ararat – Some folks think that Ararat is the coldest place in the world and the winds blow the hardest and the largest snow banks are to be found there, but give Ararat all the credit it deserves. A gentleman from Herkimer, NY came to these parts last week and said snow was a foot deep and people were using sleighs altogether—(no such here).
Lynn – A big game supper was held at the home Jacob Ruschmeier, at Lymanville, on Wednesday evening of last week, where about 150 people assembled and gorged themselves on stewed rabbit, fried rabbit and rabbit on toast. Something over $31.00 was realized out of it, which goes for church purposes.
Fair Hill – Turkeys were bringing a good price. Some paid over 30 cents per pound. Rather expensive for Thanksgiving dinner.
North Bridgewater – Quite a snow and cold after our fine weather. ALSO A former Bridgewater farmer, Martin V. Bisbee, who moved to Montrose a few years ago, died on November 24. His dignified, gentlemanly demeanor, and kindly disposition, attracted many warm friends and he was held in the highest esteem by a wide acquaintance. He was born in Lathrop township, April 15th, 1840, being a son of Major Seth Bisbee. He married Katherine Ainey, July 4, 1859. Mr. Bisbee served three years in the Civil War, being a member of the 17th Cavalry, Co. B, under Gen. Phil Sheridan and was Color Bearer and Sergeant of his company.
News Brief: W. P. Shoemaker, factory inspector of this district, is very alert and has his eye on all institutions where women are employed. On Friday he had a Sayre hotel man and a Towanda landlord before Justice Meredith and both were fined $10 and costs, each, for working women over 9 hours a day and more than 6 days a week. ALSO Overalls for women who do their own work are coming into vogue and are really sensible and not unbecoming. It is nothing but custom that binds women to the unwieldy and tiresome skirt, which is forever in the way while doing certain kinds of work and if she takes to overalls, the world will soon approve.
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa, December 3, 1816.
*Jabez Hyde has been appointed by the Governor as Prothonotary of this County. That the Governor made a mistake in appointing Jabez Hyde instead of Jabez Hyde Junior, is certain, unless the petition sent in omitted the Junior, which is not very probable.
*Turnpike Notice. The Stockholders of the Bridgewater and Wilkes Barre Turnpike Company are hereby notified that an election will be held at the house of Isaac Slocum in the township of Tunkhannock, on the first Monday of January next for the purpose of choosing a President, Treasurer and Managers for the ensuing year. Benjamin Perry, Sec’y.
*Turnpike Notice. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Milford and Owego Turnpike road, that an election for a President, twelve Managers and a Treasurer, will be held at the house of Edward Fuller, in Montrose on the first Monday in January next. B. T. Case, Sec’y. Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold at public vendue on the premises of James Finn, in Clifford township on Thursday the 28th inst. one mow of Wheat and one mow of Rye, supposed to contain in the whole 150 bushels—seized & taken in Execution by me. A. Howell, Sheriff. Nov. 18, 1816. Postponement. The above Sale is adjourned until Friday the sixth of December inst. at twelve o’clock, (Noon) of said day. Dec. 3, 1816.
Compiled By: Betty Smith