Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 30 1894/1994
Brooklyn - Many of our citizens attended Court during its session, some as Jurors, some as witnesses, and some to see whether they were in the right or wrong.
Auburn Corners- Our minister has purchased a very nice young horse of Avery Shupp. He is the making of a nice one, and that is just the kind we like to see our preachers drive. AND The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. I.O.T. last week Thursday and did a lot of work. So now, the writer wishes to take back what he said in his last writing.
Jackson - At a recent election Frank W. Miles, a former Jackson boy, was elected to represent the counties of Salina and Gage in the State Legislature of Nebraska. Mr. Miles is a son of Dr. J.H. Miles and brother-in-law of Sheriff Leonard.
East Springville - Dr. Decker’s son, of Montrose, passed through this place selling medicine prepared by his father. Nearly every home bought of his medicine. AND The series of meetings held by Rev. L. T. VanCampen closed last Sabbath evening, with autumn service. The choir was all aged people and sang all old hymns that were sung sixty years ago.
Herrick Centre - Many of your young people are taking vocal and instrumental music lessons of Prof. Thomas, of Carbondale.
Honesdale - Sarah Ulrich Kelley, of Honesdale, the "Bard of Shanty Hill," is desirous of representing the Fifteenth district in Congress. She has issued a manifesto beginning; "With malice towards none and charity towards all." She promises to make the district famous.
Silver Lake - Never mind, Gus, about the road through Brackney, Tom and King will keep that open this winter.
Forest City- The committee appointed by the board of trade to take subscriptions for the starting of a mine and coal car factory there, held a meeting. Quite a number of people who were interested in the scheme were present and in a few minutes $6,100 worth of stock was taken. If the projectors of the car shops are successful, the company which will be organized will probably also furnish the borough with electric lights and its citizens with incandescent illumination. In the manufacture of the cars, Mr. Gallager’s patent automatic car will be used. Inventor Gallager will no doubt be one of the heaviest stockholders of the company. The prospects now are that more stock will be called for than will be placed on the market. The board of trade has accomplished something Forest City is beginning to awaken. Let her move right along and keep up with the progressive Nineteenth century procession,
Harford - Haven Lewis seems to have more than his share of bad luck. Last summer he lost his wife after a long illness; and now, Monday last, while he was at town, his little boy, four years old, while playing with kerosene oil near the stove, the oil ignited, burning him fearfully, so that he died in two hours. His sister heard him cry out and rushed to the door with him, tearing his clothes off as fast as possible. Dell Lewis was attracted by the blaze and rushed to town for a doctor and the father. During the excitement H. Lewis lost between sixty and seventy dollars some where on the road. He has the sympathy of all.
Hallstead - Mr. Bernard Alien. of Hallstead, a popular young man of that place, is laying the foundation for a new building on the corner of Railroad St. AND Park Ave., nearly opposite new D.L.&. W. depot, one of the finest locations in Hallstead. His plan is something very fine and will be built by our up to the time builders, Noler Bros.
Compiled By: Betty Smith