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November 30 1917/2017

Hop Bottom – Fred N. Hardy, formerly a successful high school principal of Susquehanna county, has enlisted and is now with the Signal Training Corps, at Camp Chilcothe, Ohio. ALSO On The evening of Dec. 7, at the Loomis Hall, there will be an old fashioned Methodist shake-down, character songs, etc.

Gibson – N.H. Wilmarth is a recent purchaser of a Maxwell automobile.

Susquehanna – A building company is to be formed for the purpose of erecting at least 100 houses. Susquehanna is greatly in need of desirable houses. There is not a vacant house in town and the demand for residences is keen. Over 250 Erie employees are obliged to live at Hallstead and Great Bend. ALSO The Blue Ridge Works here are rushed with orders for their line of work, and a night force is to be added to speed up their orders. Also the many departments of the Erie shops are hustling day and night to keep up with the vast quantities of work passing through the hands of the hundreds of workmen employed. ALSO Susquehanna is having trouble to get coal, and sugar is exceedingly scarce, only a small amount being allowed to any customer and many stores being unable to supply it at all.

Gibson – About fifty persons, most of whose birthdays come in the month of November, assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Estabrook, Nov. 17th, to celebrate their birthday anniversaries together. Numbers representing the day in November on which they were born, were pinned on the persons. The oldest person present was Mr. Louise Guild, on whose exact birthday this party was held, she being 77, and the youngest was Mitchell Jesse, aged 7.

Brooklyn – The Tiffany Brothers, sons of M.C. Tiffany, who believe there is money in the tilling of the soil, finished digging their potatoes on Friday. They raised about 1000 bushels and although they were obliged to pay 30 cents per hour for help to dig the tubers, they will make their farming pay a big profit this year.

Hallstead – We learn that Miss Margaret Dougherty, of this place, is the bride of Bert Shafer, an enlisted man at Augusts, GA. Mr. Shafer formerly resided in Hallstead and was an employee of Demer Bros. Co.  The bride is the daughter of Conductor and Mrs. Henry Doherty.

West Harford – Several from here attended the corn husking at Earl Ellsworth’s, Friday evening, and report a fine time.

Montrose – Frank Jagger, the gentlemanly salesman at the Fancher grocery, has returned from an extended trip in the west, having visited his brother, Ashley, at Poynette, Wisconsin, and other relatives in Madison and Jaynesville, Wis., Chicago, and other places. Frank was greatly impressed with the large scale on which farming operations are progressed in the west. On a farm he visited, the plowing was done by an eight-ton tractor, drawing a gang of eight plows, the tractor having an arrangement for practically guiding itself. ALSO The coal situation here, like many other places, is very acute, with no immediate prospect of relief in sight. Pepper & Birchard informed us yesterday that two cars of coal had been shipped to them, but they didn’t show up. Many families are out of coal and are having a hard time, some burning up wood when it can e secured, others borrowing a hod or so of coal to just “keep ‘em goin” and nearly everyone shutting off every room that can be dispensed with and hovering over the reliable old kitchen range, around which the social life of the town centers now-a-days.

Thompson – Sunday evening, as Roscoe Washburn and family were on their way to church, their car stopped suddenly and after investigating and getting things properly adjusted, their son, Charley, in cranking up the machine, was dealt a heavy blow on his right arm with the crank, sustaining two fractures. He was taken to Dr. McNamara’s office and the fractures were reduced before returning home. ALSO Mrs. Sarah Slocum of Jackson street, was tendered a genuine surprise, when friends and neighbors to the number of 18, marched into her home loaded with vegetables of all kinds, groceries, meat, butter, canned fruit and various other things too numerous to mention, and also bringing everything in the culinary line thereby serving a sumptuous dinner and after spending the day with her repaired to their several homes leaving her in good spirits and with a heart overwhelming with gratitude that no words can express.

Forest City – The Family Theatre will have as attractions this afternoon and evening, “The Son of Erin,” with Dustin Farnum as the star.  Also special Fox comedy and Pathe war news. “The Son of Erin” is an Irish production in five parts. ALSO During the week the Soldiers Good Will Committee sold certificates at ten cents per to raise a tobacco fund for our boys at Camp Meade and those to go in December. Did you “set ‘em up” for the boys? ALSO Brant McLaughlin’s icehouse is being repaired.  It was badly wrecked in a storm a few weeks ago, making it necessary to build one side new and to reroof the building. The old building will be enlarged. More room was needed so that the supply of ice would be enough to meet the demands. This year Mr. McLaughlin ran shy of ice and had to have a large quantity shipped in.

News Brief: Ruth Law has applied to the war department for a commission in the aviation section of the signal corps. Miss Law holds the American non-stop flight record, and has participated in Liberty Loan drives by dropping “bombs” in various cities. She wears a regulation officer’s uniform under special permission said to have been granted by the war department. [After the United States entered World War I in April 1917, she campaigned unsuccessfully for women to be allowed to fly military aircraft. Stung by her rejection, she wrote an article entitled "Let Women Fly!" in the magazine Air Travel, where she argued that success in aviation should prove a woman's fitness for work in that field. Wikipedia.]

Copy of the 200 years ago Centinel for this week is not available.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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