Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 3 1893/1993
Montrose - Loudin's Original Fisk Jubilee Singers have returned to America after an absence of more than six years, during which time they have made a tour of the world. This company will give one of their concerts in the Armory, Saturday evening, Nov. 11th, under the auspices and for the benefit of our Military company. Seats 50. Diagram will open at McCausland's Pharmacy, Nov. 6th, at 10:30 a.m. AND Halloween was celebrated on Tuesday evening in the usual manner. Doorsteps and gates were carried off, bells rung, pedestrians pelted with flour and beans, etc. We understand that several young people went to the L&M depot and doused the passengers, strangers and all alike, with flour, as they alighted from the cars. This was an outrage and the guilty parties should be arrested! One of the best ways of celebrating was that taken by a young lady in town, who took up a collection among her friends, secured some provisions and left them at the door of a poor but deserving family. If those who wasted so many beans and such a quantity of flour Tuesday evening, had followed the example of the young lady mentioned, they would undoubtedly be much better satisfied with themselves.
Union Dale - One of our popular Republican merchants, Mr. Finn, thinks the Democratic flagpole leans some. Well, we are not sure but it is one-eighth of an inch out of plumb. Mr. Finn has looked at that flagpole so much and that gilded ball and weather vane [and it glistens so] to see which way the wind was so he could take in his sign or look out for a thunder storm, and he has looked and talked, and looked, and looked, and looked, so much that we are afraid he will injure his eyesight, or get his neck twisted, looking up towards heaven so much. People will think he is in a hurry to go if he doesn’t stop it. But he wants to get thoroughly ready before he starts, or he may stop at some other place. We wish his friends would LOOK after him a little, for we would feel awfully bad if he got blind. Yes, Mr. Finn, we think ourself it leans, but it leans Democratic. AND Mt. Herman Lodge, number 472, F. and A.M., held a meeting recently, at which a number of brethren from Jackson and Forest City were present. E.A. Leonard, Republican candidate for Sheriff was among the present, and made himself conspicuous by his friendliness to all. After the meeting adjourned, all sat down to a sumptuous repast, prepared by caterer Wedeman, proprietor of the Uniondale Hotel. Here a surprise was in store for the brethren, in which the wives of the same participated, and took the aggressive part. The latter not having been invited to partake of the banquet, decided to do so at all manner of cost, so Mr. Wedeman arranged that sufficient chairs and an excess of eatables be brought in, to atone for the wrong done to the wives. The writer claims it impossible to picture the surprise depicted on the faces of the brethren, but good judgment plus cold water prevailed, and no scenes were enacted. Among the gentlemen a resolution was passed that hereafter and henceforth their respective better halves shall enjoy all privileges and pleasures accorded the gentlemen. This appeased the wrath of the ladies, and they further surprised all present by making payment for the pleasures of the evening.
Friendsville - We are glad to see C. McMahon back on his stage line again, and also John on his, from Friendsville to Apolacon, and he enjoys it much better than his father's.
Gibson - E.D. Shepardson has completed his water job by erecting a stone building over the cistern to keep the water cool and clean. It is the best outfit for water we have seen. It cost $400—the whole job. He has 180 barrels of water on hand all the time and a stream of it running through his house constantly.
Springville - We would say to the boys that disturb the Sunday evening services at the Church that this will be the last warning they will receive.
Susquehanna County - Hunters who are disposed to go gunning on Sunday should remember that the law strictly Prohibits it and the penalty is equally severe as it is for shooting game out of season. There is a class of men and boys who have no regard for the Sabbath day, and will as readily devote it to one pastime as another, but they must remember, now that the hunting season is on, that they transgress the civil as well as the moral law when they go gunning on the Sabbath day. AND A correspondent of the Rochester Democrat, writing from Naples, NY, says: Mrs. Oiney of Mansfield, PA has been visiting her son, H.C. Oiney, of Naples. She is 77 years old, and for years has suffered from pain in her stomach, and at times had a severe cough. A short time since, in a violent fit of coughing, she ejected from her throat a Five serpent, six inches in length. The reptile coiled itself up after the manner of a rattlesnake, ft lived two days and is now preserved by Dr. Fulkerson, of Ingleside. Mrs. Oiney has since been entirely free from her former complaints.
Compiled By: Betty Smith