Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 29 1918/2018
Thompson – A letter from Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Pickering, who are now enjoying their Florida home, report fine weather and everything lovely.
Forest City – Fire is raging in the culm pile near the river bridge. It has made rapid headway of late without any interference by the coal company. The road leading to Browndale will soon be reached unless an immediate check is made. The fumes are sulphureous and almost unbearable to passersby. ALSO Philip Evans has purchased the Walker restaurant and has been busy the past few days in getting it ready for business. It will be neat and easy and up to date. Philip’s many friends wish him success in his new venture. ALSO Death has again entered the ranks of Enterprise Hose Company of Forest City and removed an active member in the person of Sidney J. Leham. Brother Leham was a good fireman, always willing to do his duty at all times and in whatever capacity and his untimely demise is deeply regretted by his fellow members. The sympathy of the company members are extended to his widow and family and the company charter will be draped for 30 days.
Uniondale – Jerry Kishpaugh, of Herrick Center, and Monroe Tyler, two veteran sawyers, were discussing the amounts of timber each had sawed. Jerry claimed to have had twenty years’ experience but Monroe was equal to the emergency. He claims to hold the record in this section, having 70,000,000 feet to his credit.
West Clifford – Clyde Wilson, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wilson, passed away on Monday morning after several weeks’ illness. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon.
Lanesboro – Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Wheeler have recently received news of the death of their son, Earl Wheeler, in France. A letter from another son, Arthur Wheeler, was published on Monday last in the Transcript relating to the sad details and mentioning the place of the burial of the dead soldier and the kindness of the Company Commander and all who could in any way contribute help and sympathy during the sad experience. He was formerly employed in the shops at Susquehanna.
Springville – Charlie Lee and wife are happy over the arrival of a little daughter, born Nov. 9th, 1918—Elizabeth Lee. ALSO After nearly a month we hear that the schools and churches will open next week. A few families were hard hit but no deaths have occurred near us. East Lynn, Springville Twp. – Arthur A. Springer died of kidney disease at his home in the M. B. Taylor house, Oct. 25. He is survived by twelve children and two sisters. His wife died six years ago.
Auburn – Reports from Stanley Loomis, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Loomis, of Auburn township, state that he is recovering from his wounds at a hospital in England and will probably come home soon. He received seven wounds, one of which was so bad that it was necessary to amputate a leg. No braver or manly young soldier than Mr. Loomis trod the soil of France, and, while many friends will regret to learn of his physical misfortune, they will find great comfort from the fact that he was willing to make any sacrifice for his country. All honor to such as he.
Birchardville – Miss Helen Birchard is the possessor of a fine new player piano.
Susquehanna – Five young men were recently arrested for using a ferret in hunting rabbits. The man who had the ferret in his possession at the time of arrest was fined $25.
Jackson – Jackson people received news on Saturday that Jesse Spangenberg, formerly of this place, had been seriously wounded in France, and was in a hospital near Verdun. ALSO Henry Felton, of The Democrat, received news that a former classmate and close friend, Floyd E. Waters, of this place, had been killed on the battlefields of France. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Waters have received no official word of his death, and the report remains quite indefinite.
Montrose – D. J. Donovan, the progressive landlord of the Tarbell House, enjoys keeping his property looking “slicker than grease” and has made extensive improvements about the hotel property, putting on concrete steps and landing and also a concrete walk. He is making changes inside, and equipping with additional sleeping rooms, which will be of great benefit to him at times during court, etc., in taking care of the greater number of guests. “Let the good work go on, D. J.”
Harford – Dr. Lewis was calling on South Harford friends, Monday. He is talking of going to New York State to work in the near future, where he will get $3.00 a day and board. ALSO The Boy Scouts will have a box social at the S. Harford school house this week. Proceeds to be used to care for the poor French orphans. Ladies come and bring boxes and men come and buy them.
Marriage Licenses: Albert Eugene Felton, Susquehanna and Clara Rought, Summersville; Floyd E. Hibbard, Auburn and Myrtle C. Bishop, Rush; James J. McAvoy, Auburn and Mary E. McGee, Auburn; Leonard A. Casey, Susquehanna and Delia McNamara, Susquehanna; George Ramain, Lanesboro and Jennie Kinyon, Lanesboro; Helen Brundage, New Milford Boro. and Almon G. Stonier, New Milford Twp.; Leon T. VanCott, New Milford Twp. and Myrtle M. Cameron, Harford; Robert Walker, Herrick, and Minnie Westbrook, Lakeside.
News Briefs: Henry Ford gave, the other day, at his experimental farm for disabled solders, a good definition of a hustler. “A hustler,” he said, “is a man who has his shoes soled oftener than he has his pants seated.” ALSO An “Anecdote” found in the Montrose Gazette, Nov. 27, 1818: “Two Irishmen meeting in New York shook hands under an impression that they were once old friends and companions; but on observing they were mistaken, and that they were entire strangers to each other, one of them exclaimed, “Arra dear Brother, we were greatly deceived! you tho’t it was me, and I tho’t it was you, but it was neither of us.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, November 27, 2018.
*MARRIED. In the township of Tioga, Tioga County, on the 19th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Bivins, Mr. William Ross, of Rush, in this County, to Miss Anna Shoemaker, of the former place.
*Milford & Owego Turnpike. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Milford & Owego Turnpike road company, to meet at the house of Edward Fuller, in Montrose, Susquehanna county, on the first Monday of January next, to elect One President, Twelve Managers, & One Treasurer, to manage the concerns of said company for the ensuing year. B. T. CASE, Sec’y. Montrose, Nov. 24th, 1818.
*NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of Jedediah Hewit, late of Bridgewater township, deceased, are requested to call and settle immediately; and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to bring them forward, properly attested for settlement. SAMUEL BACKUS, Adm’r. Bridgewater, Nov. 13, 1818.
Compiled By: Betty Smith