Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 29 1912/2012
Montrose - From Indian Summer weather into mid-winter conditions, was what occurred in Montrose and vicinity Sunday morning and Monday. From 18 to 20 inches of snow was on the level, train traffic was hampered and the Montrose rural carriers were unable to make their trips. Drifts of snow three and four feet high blocked the roadways, while the telephone lines were hampered by the snow clinging to the wires and in some instances the poles were weighted down, pulling the wires with them. Many lines were out of commission and the linemen have not yet been able to get all repaired. Sunday morning’s snowstorm was accompanied by thunder and lightning. Surrounding towns and cities of lower altitude—Binghamton, Scranton, Wilkes--Barre, Tunkhannock and Sayre—experienced heavy downpours of rain that morning, which later turned to snow, 4 to 6 inches being found on the level. It has made traffic bad for wagon or sleigh.
Susquehanna - Landlord McGinty, of Hotel Oakland, is showing the properly progressive spirit by placing boulevard lights in front of his hostelry. Nothing can make a street look more attractive or give more pleasure to passersby than these artistic street lights. Susquehanna should appreciate the spirit which prompts the act. ALSO A squad of at least four members of the State constabulary [police] is to be located permanently here. Barracks should be established for the gallant band on Canavan’s Island, where we doubt not they could accomplish much good in the way of reform.
New Milford - Melvin E. Hager, a resident of New Milford until about 1885, died at his home in New York city, Nov. 8, 1912, after an illness of several months. He was a brother of the late Daniel W. Hager, of New Milford, and a descendant of the famous Hager family that founded Hagerstown, MD He was well known as a bandmaster and musician. A widow, two sons and two daughters survive. The funeral was held the following Sunday, interment being made in Woodlawn cemetery, New York.
West Jackson - Four persons from this place went coon hunting Saturday night. They succeeded in capturing one after a desperate struggle, which nearly crippled two dogs and greatly frightened two of the men by biting their pant legs; also one young man was badly hurt by being hit on the wrist with a club.
Clifford Twp. - Lightning struck and burned a barn owned by Edward Reynolds, of Welsh Hill, during the electrical and snowstorm Sunday morning. The building was completely destroyed, including contents consisting of hay, wagons, farming implements, and one cow. A gasoline engine and a new hay press, belonging to Robert and Merryl Jones, of Elkdale, was destroyed in the conflagration.
Gulf Summit - Eva Skinner, the 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skinner, was struck by an engine and quite seriously injured Sunday evening. She was walking along the track near the tower where her father is employed, when an Erie pusher came along. She stepped from the track but did not get away soon enough. Her dress caught on one of the side bars and she was dragged along quite a distance before the pusher could be brought to a stop. In addition to being badly bruised she was severely scalded.
West Auburn - Supervisor Baker succeeded in completing the new bridge near L. B. Lacey’s just before the snowstorm. It is the first cement bottom bridge to be built by the township, but we predict that it will not be the last. Plank has become altogether too expensive to use in bridge construction.
Forest Lake - M. W. Quinlivan and Joseph Kane were at Binghamton and Windsor, NY, the first of the week, where they went to get Patrick Quailey’s horse, which was stolen from Montrose Nov. 18 and taken to Windsor and sold, where they found it and brought it home. Both horse and owner are again happy. The faithful equine was stolen “for sure,” and after a hasty trip to Binghamton, changed hands several times in an incredibly short space of time.
Oakland - Work on the new state road between Oakland and the state line will begin at once. Three carloads of machinery have arrived and Mr. McNerney, the contractor, hopes to have all the machinery and men on the ground so that he can begin work in less than two weeks. This will be a most costly piece of road and will average more than $21,000 per mile.
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - The Ladies Aid will meet at the Lecture Hall, Dec. 3. Ladies are to bring their thimbles. The Forest Lake Baptist Aid will meet with Mrs. Martin Smith, Dec. 5, at her home near Fair Hill. Ladies bring your thimbles. In Fairdale, E. H. Sivers and family have moved to Smithboro, NY, where Mr. Sivers has a good position on the famous “Winters” farms. They will be missed by many friends.
Glenwood - John Sullivan is in the butcher business—fresh meat every week.
Franklin Forks - Southworth Post No. 229, G. A. R. has opened its doors to all honorably discharged soldiers of the Civil War and cordially invites them to come and put their names on the post role of honor without money and without price and after that if they are not able to pay their dues the post will pay them so as to keep them on the roll. All comrades that are in arrears for dues will be put up to date on the books. We want all soldiers to come and join with us as soon as possible. Our ranks are growing thin as the years go by and we want you to come and help us to do our best for those that are left. George P. Stockholm, Commander.
Forest City - Mrs. Henry Bayless and Miss Della Sherwood, of Uniondale, attended a concert given here last Wednesday evening, by the Weather Wax Brothers.
Lenoxville - An oyster supper was given at the home of Walter Wilson. Those going from this place report a large attendance. The proceeds from the donation go toward making good the loss of a horse sustained by Mr. Wilson.
Lake View - The men of Lake View are going to have a hunt next Wednesday and the proceeds [are] to go to the church.
Hop Bottom - On Friday evening, Dec. 6, the Shakespeare Club will give an entertainment in Masonic hall. The program will be given by home talent and will consist of a drama entitled “The Teeth of a Gift Horse,” with musical numbers, including instrumental and vocal selections.
Compiled By: Betty Smith