Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 29 1901/2001
Brooklyn - The item in last week's letter relating to Mrs. A. K. Gere's illness should have read, Mrs. A. R. Gere. We regret to say that she is no better at the present writing. Mrs. J. C. Gere is able to be out after a serious illness.
Susquehanna - After a ten months' labor contention, Susquehanna is once more at rest. The greater portion of the Erie boiler-makers now in town returned to work, Monday and many of the apprentices and laborers will be re-employed at once. For the sake of all concerned, it is sincerely to be hoped that Susquehanna has seen its last strike. The old town can now settle down to enjoy the boom, evidences of which are already in sight. AND A wooden clock, over 110 years old, is in possession of Ellis Persons, who secured the relic from an aunt in Delaware Co., NY. The clock keeps good time and is at present in Langford's jewelry store.
Springville - People who have been in the habit of trading with Hungerford & Co. are very sorry to have them go away, for it has been a good place to trade and customers were always treated on the square. AND Mr. & Mrs. Perry Lyman, of Red Lodge, Mon- tana, write they have a family of four now-a son arrived at their home a few days ago.
Silver Lake - Ladies visiting Binghamton would do well to lunch with Mrs. Anna Johnson and Miss Mack, formerly of Montrose, at the Women's Exchange, Court street. Besides having a dainty lunch they could see a display of beautiful articles placed there for purchasers. AND Silver Lake was frozen over Sunday.
Auburn Center - Though a trifle late, we wish to congratulate our worthy friend and subscriber, upon the arrival of a lively young Republican at his home on Nov. 5 (election day). Young Mr. Carter was barred from voting at that time on account of his youth, but time will remedy that, and in years to come he will, following in the footsteps of his father, help roll up rousing Republican majorities in old Auburn.
St. Joseph and vicinity - The 19th anniversary of Rev. J. B. Whelan's pastorate, of St. Patrick's parish, West Scranton, was rounded out on Thanksgiving Day. Fr. Whelan is a native of Friendsville, only a few miles from this place-where his sister, Miss Louisa Whelan, still resides. Last Sunday 450 persons were confirmed in his parish.
Hopbottom - We had a rain and sleet storm Monday night and on Tuesday it snowed to the depth of about 8 inches in the course of the day. Wednesday was clear and cold and the sleigh bells were heard in every direction.
Shannon Hill - H. L. Lott, of Camptown, has been spending a few days in this place stamping names on the church quilt, which the ladies have been getting up and which will be ready for sale in the near future.
Montrose - Prof. Schenck and daughter, of Binghamton, will be here this (Friday) evening to organize a dancing class at Village Hall. AND On Dec. 12, the D.L.&W. will run an excursion to New York at one fare, plus one dollar for the round trip. Fare from Montrose, $6.40. Tickets good returning Dec. 17.
Ararat - Willie Thompson, a young lad living near Ararat, in a heavy snow storm the other day, lost his way coming from school. A number of farmers organized a search and the poor little fellow was found but a few rods from his own home, unable to take a step. After constant care he was in his usual health, a few hours later.
Franklin Forks - Mr. Jerry Banker, a member of the firm of D&J Banker, breeders of Devon cattle, Franklin Forks, is in Chicago this week acting as judge on Devon cattle at the Chicago National Live Stock Show. The appointment is a very complimentary one, as Mr. Banker knew nothing of his selection until he received the notice of his appoint- ment. The directors of the National Live Stock Association could not have made a better selection, for what Mr. Banker does not know about Devon cattle is not work knowing.
Thompson - A novel feature of Messrs. Simrell Brothers' farm is the trained Angora Goat Department, in charge of Mr. George S. Cash. The goats are thoroughly broken to drive single or in a team. They take kindly to their work and present a most pleasing appearance in harness. Recent sales are reported as follows: "Pasha," to Raymond Walker, New York City; "Ashantee," to Mister Paul Theband, Gedney Farm, White Plains, NY; "White Cloud," to Master Henry W. Smith, Cedarvale Farm, Closter, NJ.
Harford - F. E. Carpenter, a leading citizen of Harford, is a candidate for county commissioner, subject to the Democratic nominating convention. Mr. Carpenter has been a lifelong Democrat, and having served his party faithfully, deserves the nomination.
Brushville - The young people of Brushville have donated a fine new bell to the Baptist church of that place.
Forest City - Michael Petuh, a well-known citizen, recently lost a leg. He was oiling the coal elevators in the new breaker and got caught in one of the iron dippers. The leg was literally cut in two. Three ribs were broken and he was otherwise bruised. Dr. Noble dressed his injuries and completed the amputation of his leg, after which he was taken to the hospital in Carbondale.
East Dimock - Robbie and George Allen and Ralph Martin are trapping skunks after school hours.
Forest Lake - The Republican, Montrose, is in receipt of a letter from one of its oldest subscribers and friends, M. S. Towne, of Unionville, Mo. It will be 52 years since Mr. Towne first subscribed for this paper, which was then the Susquehanna Register; Hon. James W. Chapman was the editor, and Judge Benj. Patch, of Illinois, was then the printer's devil in the Register's office. Mr. Towne was a young man of 20 years, and a schoolteacher, at the time he first subscribed: he is now 72, and through all these years the Republican has been a regular weekly visitor to his western home. There were four years in which Mr. Towne served his country in putting down [the] rebellion, but even in those years the paper continued its weekly visits to his home. We wish to doff our hat and extend our best wishes to our old friend and subscriber "In Old Missouri."
Compiled By: Betty Smith