Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 29 1897/1997
Hallstead - Hon. James T. DuBois, recently appointed by President McKinley to be Consul General to Switzerland, sailed for his post of duty last Tuesday on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, accompanied by his family. Mr. DuBois was born in Hallstead. He co-authored the book, Centennial of Susquehanna County.
Kingsley - Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tiffany entertained W. E. Tiffany and family, of Heart Lake, Myron Titus and family of Foster and Mrs. Chas. Stearns, of North Harford.
South Montrose - Mrs. Wells, mother of F. S. Wells, celebrated her 90th birthday, Nov. 21.
New Milford - Mrs. D. VanBuskirk, Mrs. Laura Badger, Mrs. A. Ward, Mrs. L. G. McCollum, Mrs. F. S. Garratt, Misses Maye Butterfield, Nina and Jennie Moore and Mabel Tucker, witnessed "Faust" at the Stone Opera House in Binghamton on Saturday night.
Susquehanna - Wm. C. Kotz is having a large building erected on Main St. AND The pews for the new Presbyterian Church have arrived.
Herrick Centre - There will be two Thanksgiving parties in town this year; one at the home of W. H. Fletcher for the young men and maidens, and one at the home of Dr. Craft for those that have lived long enough on this mundane sphere to become sedate.
Silver Lake - We are having winter weather. The ground is covered with snow. Saturday last dandelions were in bloom and the air balmy. The sudden changes seem to effect the horses. A. J. Patton lost one of his team a week ago and Nov. 22d one of the Rose Bros' valued black horses died from taking cold. AND The entire stage route from Binghamton to Montrose via Silver Lake, is now owned by Frank Cameron. The stage leaves the Exchange Hotel at 3:30 each day.
Thomson - There is a great amount of sickness here among children with the whooping cough, measles and mumps. Some old people are very sick with the whooping cough. AND All persons who have reached the age of 60 years are especially invited to attend the Thanksgiving services to be held at the M.E. church. AND The lecture, "The Battle of Gettysburg" was highly enjoyed by the Grand Army boys.
Auburn - The large hotel of Mr. Haire, which burned on Friday night, was observable at this place. Mr. Haire has the sympathy of all from this section in the loss of house and contents. AND Pork 4 1/2 to 5 cents per lb.; turkeys 10 c and 12 cents; buckwheat 60 c per 100; oats 25 c; corn 35c; fall pigs 50c, to give away. This is the prosperity prices which have reached us here.
Birchardville - Measles are all the go in this vicinity. The teacher, Miss Hewitt, had to close her school for two weeks. She is now able to teach again but it is thought she will have to wait another two weeks for the scholars.
Lawsville - J. W. Russell's team ran away last week. He was drawing stone and left them for a moment when they started. They broke the wagon some and knocked the hide off their legs, in several places, but are so he uses them now.
Montrose - The funeral of the late Andrew Washington was largely attended from the house on West Church street on Saturday after-noon. Out of respect to one who for so many years had been their fellow-workman and good friend, the foundry employees attended the funeral in a body and all work in the shops was suspended. [Mr. Washington was born in Maryland, about 1824. He came to Susquehanna County prior to the Civil War, most likely by way of the under-ground railroad.]
Bridgewater Twp. - The first to appear upon our streets with sleighs this season were Frank Gardner and Thos. Houghton. These gentlemen taking advantage of the fall of snow on Mon day evening.
Lynn - Anyone wanting butchering done, call on W. A. Chamberlain, as he is a first-class butcher. AND N. G. Sherman and Geo. Sheldon were among the old soldiers who went to Chatanooga last week from this county.
Brooklyn - The death of Fredrick Miller, an aged resident, occurred recently.
Burrows' Hollow (Gibson)- E. D. Shepardson, having rented his farm, known as the Clinton farm, will offer at public sale on Nov. 30th the following personal property consisting of six cows, about ten tons hay, one horse, lumber wagon, market wagon, plow, harrows, cultivators, farming implements, generally, and household goods.
Compiled By: Betty Smith