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November 29 1895/1995

Montrose - A midterm social hop was held at Village Hall on Wednesday evening, by Prof. Schenck. The affair was a most brilliant success. There were about 75 on the floor, gliding gracefully about in perfect rhythm with the inspiring music drawn from the piano by Miss Schenck's skilled touch. So fascinating proved the music as to cause many who had come merely as spectators, to join in the enjoyments. About a hundred spectators enjoyed the brilliant scene from the galleries.

New Milford - There is a probability that a telephone line connecting Susquehanna, Montrose, and Great Bend and Hallstead with the Postal Telegraph office in New Milford, will be established. Should this service prove profitable to the Company, loops will be put in the main line, connecting the above places, and regular telegraphic service established.

Rush - The Montrose and Rush stage left the post office and their driver in a hurry on Monday evening, whilst the mails were being changed. They ran to Haight's Corner, in turning which the stage wagon was upset. After dragging it a rod or so they brought up against Warfle's hitching post, and were caught. Two or three bows were broken, and curtains demolished. [This incident with the stage was copied exactly as written. However, if you read carefully, you can actually understand what happened. AND One of Rush boys left home some years ago, and after varying fortunes obtained employment with a druggist in Alpena, Jerauld Co., So. Dakota, where shaking off the hayseeds, he took to drugs and finally bought the store and stock, and is now a successful dispenser of medicines. I allude to W.W. Hillis, who is also an ex-postmaster having retired with the incoming of the present administration.

Susquehanna - Water was let into the Susquehanna Water Company's big storage reservoir on Sunday afternoon. The town will have the benefit of a reserve supply of 15,000 barrels of pure spring water. Nothing better has happened in the town in ten years.

Birchardville - An Endeavor social was held last week at the residence of Myron Strange, Friday evening, Nov. 15th. A good old-fashioned dish of mush and milk, and other refreshments were served. Forty-eight were present. Games were played, music, on violin and organ was rendered by Milton Birchard and wife, also singing by all with organ accompaniment. The time was spent very pleasantly by all until nearly midnight, when they concluded to break ranks for home and sleep.

Oakley - The new iron bridge across the Martin Creek, at Oakley, is completed. Patrick Cosgriff, of Franklin, took the contract and has more than filled it, doing a better job than the specifications called for. The commissioners had the right man in the right place.

Harford - Messrs. Hammond, Guile, Paterson, Robbins and Mrs. Polly Guile, have had water put in their houses. AND Waller Wilmarth has purchased a Syracuse sulky plow of E.E. Jones. Sulky plows have proved a success in this vicinity and are being used more extensively every year.

Lanesboro - The musical and literary entertainment held in the Lanesboro Methodist Church on Friday evening last, netted the Church repair fund $31.

News Briefs: The latest exploit of the new vehicle has not been a success. We refer to the attempt to make a journey with the horseless carriage from New York to Chicago. The carriage managed to get as far as Schenectady after a good deal of difficulty, and by that time had fully demonstrated the impossibility of the undertaking after getting stuck in the mud at various points along the road. The job was given up in disgust by those having it in charge, and the vehicle was loaded on the other "horseless carriage" known as a railway train and carried to its destination. It is the opinion of those who have given the matter close attention that before the horseless carriage can be successfully introduced in this country we will have to build better roads.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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