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November 28 1919/2019

Great Bend/Montrose – Merchant S. B. McCain, of Rush, recalled his earlier years when he attended a ball game in Montrose, when “Jimmie” (alias Hon. James T. DuBois) was a slight lad, and the “hot liners” would bowl  him over. But “Jimmie” hung on to the ball every time and got his man. When it came to batting, he could hit the ball, but his short legs bothered him in reaching first. The captain of the Great Bend team acted as coach and shouted encouragingly, “Dig in Jimmie, dig in Jimmie.” The cry was taken up and so impressed “Phon” Smith, of the Montrose team, that he inscribed one of the Montrose team’s bats with the slogan, “Dig in Jimmie.” The characteristic energy and determination of the lad has been a notable trait of the man, helping shape an honorable and praiseworthy career. [James T. DuBois was an author and diplomat, native of Hallstead, PA]

South Ararat – On Saturday morning four hunters autoed up from Forest City to Burnwood for a hunt, and leaving their car near Thomas Avery’s proceeded toward the woods. Oscar Cobb, who lives on the East Side of Burnwood and who is employed on the section has a very good hunting dog which followed him when he went to his work in the morning. Mr. Cobb tried to call the dog back as he made his way towards the woods, but thinking the dog would soon return he kept at his work. Presently Mr. Cobb heard a shot and a dog whining and at once proceeded towards the woods, and met his own dog coming towards him which had been seriously wounded. Mr. Cobb went on till he met the hunters who had shot the dog and asking them why they shot his dog and demanded pay for the dog. They were very reluctant about saying anything in regard to the shooting. Meantime Mr. Cobb saw them drop something and proceeded to investigate, and to his surprise found a ferret tied up in a flour sack. He took the ferret and went to R. U. Tower and phoned for Constable Ira Curtis, of Herrick, and at once went to Mr. Avery’s where the hunters had left their car and waited their return. They returned later, having eight rabbits. Mr. Curtis made known his business to them, saying Mr. Cobb demanded pay for his dog. They claimed they had no money and would settle next pay day. One of the men left his valuable gun for surety and Mr. Cobb finally consented to do so, and the last seen of them they were on their way to Herrick in charge of Constable Curtis. Also the ferret.

Oakland – Norman Florence, a member of the Marine Corps, is now a patient in the Naval Hospital in Brooklyn, being treated for wounds received while on guard duty in the Tropics some weeks ago. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Florence, have just received word that their son was wounded and is now in the hospital. He was doing guard duty at a mine when shot. Bandits made an attack on the mine and a number of the marines were killed. Florence fell with a bullet wound in his body. Florence is but 16 years of age, and is one of the youngest men to ever join the Marine Corps.

Choconut Valley – The farmers of Choconut and vicinity are taking turns in hauling their milk to Borden’s in Endicott.

New Milford – Wm. H. VanCott has purchased the livery barn of David VanBuskirk, opposite the Lackawanna station.

Franklin Twp. – B. J. Baker is the champion chopper of this township, and likely, of the county. Although 87 years of age, he has a wood pile that makes the average mortal green with envy. Wood is wood, these days.

Montrose – Landlord D. J. Donovan, of the Tarbell House [now County Seat Hotel], possesses an abundance of civic pride and is always in the lead in matters for town improvement. Besides keeping his hotel and surroundings in first-class repair, he recently remodeled and repaired the Allen house, on Chenango street, which he uses as an annex of the hotel. For the last couple of months he has had a corps of carpenters and masons at work on the old Tarbell House barn [now C & F Motors], putting in underground stables; also repairing the walks and laying a concrete floor. This he uses for the stabling of horses, while the upper floor is principally used for storing transient cars.

East Rush – Come one, come all, to East Rush on Thanksgiving day. The ladies will serve a chicken dinner and everything good to eat. Men come and bring your wives and children and have a good time.

Hop Bottom – Hop Bottom has its jacks of all trades, its musicians, singers and masters of the brush. The latest that has come to the front is taxidermy. Roy Sterling and Richard McBain are doing quite some pieces in this line. “Dick” and “Deek” have a fine specimen of a large hen hawk they have completed, now on exhibition in the Loomis store. The specimen was purchased by Roy Case. One interesting specimen is a baby muskrat.

Lynn, Springville Twp. – On Tuesday evening of last week occurred the death of Charles H. Smith, an aged Civil War veteran, at his home here. Almost a year ago he fell and broke his leg. After a lapse of time he was able to get about some with the aid of crutches, then fell again, breaking the leg again, which was placed in a plaster cast, and laid in this for eight weeks, without gaining any strength, gradually getting weaker up to the time of his death, he being nearly 80 years of age. The funeral was held at the M. E. church, the I. O. O. F., of which he was a member, took charge of the funeral. [Charles was a member of the 143d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers]

Harford – A. M. Mead is the champion raccoon hunter. He and his dog, Pork, to date, have two, one weighing 15 lbs and the last one, killed last Saturday, weighed 24 ½ lbs, the largest one ever seen in these parts. The dog is a fox hound, but will hunt raccoon with the best of them. ALSO Butchering day is being well observed in this vicinity, these cold November days. Last Friday five, fine porkers, hung in an apple tree at one place in South Harford.

Susquehanna – In the United States Court of Scranton, last week, George Boyden was awarded a verdict of $1,600 and his wife, Annie Boyden, a verdict of $2,158, against the D&H RR Company. Mr. and Mrs. Boyden sued to recover as the result of an accident at the crossing of the defendant company, at Stevens Point, Susquehanna county. They alleged that an engine, drawing a pay car, struck a carriage in which they were riding on July 31, 1916, causing the team of horses that was drawing the carriage, to run away. The carriage broke down while the horses were running and Mrs. Boyden was badly injured.

Thompson – Our hustling coal dealer hailed us Monday and said: “put it in the paper that a D&H coal train has been wrecked a little west of here and that James Burns has bought the wreck and what is more, he has sold it all out.” Then he added (his face all coal dust and wreathed with smiles,) “Gus will see that.”

News Brief: The first president judge of Susquehanna county was John Banister Gibson, a native of the lower part of the state. He was appointed president judge of the district composed of Tioga, Bradford, Susquehanna and Wayne counties in 1812, and continued in that position until 1816, when he was made an associate justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and in 1827 became chief justice. He continued in that office until his death in 1853, having served 41 years as a judge. Many volumes are filled with this opinions, and to this day when a lawyer quotes Gibson the judge on the bench sits up and takes notice.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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