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November 27 1903/2003

Springville - Tuesday morning neighbor Comstock drove up to the mill and jumped out and went inside. His team, however, conceived the idea of coming back unassisted. A phone message from there notified down town people that they were coming and they were stopped. No damage was done.

Harford - The Epworth League will hold a box and weight social at the home of H. A. Robbins on Friday evening, Dec. 4th. Ladies are requested to come and bring boxes; come and get your lady by the pound.

Susquehanna - Former Auditor-General Levi G. McCauley, an old-time resident of Susquehanna, is a Republican candidate for State Senator from Chester county. AND The Erie is building snow fences along the Jefferson Branch.

Silver Lake Twp. - Laurel Lake is frozen over, which is quite unusual for this time of year. AND Sister Mary Genevieve Morrissey died in Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Nov. 20th, 1903. Sister Genevieve was formerly of St. Cecilia's Academy, where she was Assistant Superioress. She was also directress of schools and had charge of the music classes. Sister Genevieve was a woman of superior intellect and all who were privileged with her acquaintance found in her a true friend and splendid model of Christian virtues. Her birthplace was at Silver Lake and she entered the Order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the early age of 15 and was a nun for 45 years. [Sister Genevieve also taught at the Laurel Hill Academy in Susquehanna.]

Lanesboro - The Bell Telephone company were made to remove some unsightly poles and also to change the location of several which interfered with traffic.

Montrose - McCausland's drug store is now lighted by gasoline, a device having been installed which gives not only a brilliant light but makes its use almost absolutely safe. AND The sleighing about town the past week has been quite good and our citizens have been making the most of it, especially the younger ones. Charles Sprout bears the honor of being the first one out on runners. The jingle of sleigh bells is always a pleasing sound and their merry chime lent an additional charm to the Thanksgiving Day festivities.

Thompson - The 600 tons of coal, which in a recent wreck was precipitated down a steep embankment near Thompson, has all been removed by vicinity farmers and nothing now remains but a lot of charred timbers and twisted iron and steel of the sixteen coal cars that were derailed there last September.

Gibson - Elmer S. Chamberlain, while digging a well on his farm, discovered a vein of mineral paint 8 feet in width and 10 feet in depth. Mr. Chamberlain had some of the rock assayed by a prominent assayer who pronounced it first-class mineral paint. Mr. Chamberlain will organize a stock company for the purpose of developing the "mine" and getting the paint on the market. AND In South Gibson a lamp exploded at the home of Jesse Pickering. Mr. Pickering, being absent, his wife bravely fought the flames and put out the fire but not until one sleeping room and its contents were burned.

Forest City - Thursday afternoon of last week, as Morris Rounds was hauling a load of hay through the streets of that borough, three youngsters pulled out an armful of hay and setting it on fire applied it to the load. The natural result was that the entire quantity of hay was consumed and it was only by calling out the fire department that the wagon was saved. Mr. Rounds and team also had a narrow escape. What ought to be done with boys that commit such acts? You can't lynch 'em. AND William P. Jones, a widely known citizen, was killed in the slope of the Hillside Coal and Iron company on Thursday afternoon of last week. A great mass of roof rock fell upon him. Mr. Jones was about 40 years of age. He was one of the earliest settlers in Forest City and was generally esteemed throughout the section in which he lived.

New Milford - Chicken thieves have been operating quite extensively among the poultry fancieries in this place. Several people lost from five to a dozen fowls. Last week it developed that a dealer had bought a large number of chickens from a local character and one of those who had suffered the loss of several fine fowls examined the buyer's flock and located his property among the bunch. It is understood that a warrant has been sworn out by the gentleman who bought the fowls, for the arrest of the seller.

Fairdale - There will be an entertainment in the M. E. Church, Friday evening, Dec. 5th, by the famous Peake Sisters from Alaska, assisted by Sheen Brothers' Quartette.

Clifford - The ladies aid society said, "Let there be light" and the result is six new Rochester burner lamps for the chandelier, a hanging Rochester for the choir and a large student lamp for the pulpit of the Baptist church.

Uniondale - A report is circulating that Judge Purdy, of Honesdale, has purchased twelve hundred acres of land on the mountain east of Uniondale and has contracted with Edson and John Carpenter to sink six holes therein in search of dusky diamonds.

Franklin Forks - Inspection of G.A.R. Post was to have been held on Saturday, but owing to the non-appearance of the inspecting officer, it was postponed. But not so with the supper as that feature was carried out.

News Briefs - Mistleto [mistletoe] was sacred because its berries grow in clusters of three--emblematic of the Trinity. Individuals used to hang bits around their necks as a safeguard from witches, but in modern times it leads us toward witches of a more attractive kind. The maid that was not caught and kissed under the mistleto at Christmas would not be married within one year, so the tradition goes. According to the old rules the ceremony is not properly performed unless a berry was pulled off after each kiss and presented to the maiden. When all the berries were gone the privilege ceased. AND Captain Sanford of the Salvation Army, of Binghamton, will be in the county seat on December 1, gathering clothing, magazines, books, newspapers, rubbers, etc., from your homes. Anything you have in that line kindly have ready, and thus help the Salvation Army to help those who need help. The farm hands from the surrounding country go into the city and seek for employment and help. Thus you may aid us in caring for them. People are sufficiently acquainted with the Salvation Army to know that they are the leading society of the world to help the unemployed and to feed the hungry. 10,000 men are sheltered by the Army every night throughout the country; they have nowhere else to go.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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