Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 27 1896/1996
Rush - Scott Shaner is about to put in a spring dancing floor in his hall, which will be occupied for the first time for dancing at New Years under the direction of the Rush Cornet Band. Supper will be served at the hotel.
Lanesboro - C.A. Miller has recently been placing some very large flagstones in front of the First National Bank building in Susquehanna. The last one measured 13 feet by 8 feet, and 7 inches thick, and was taken from the Woodward quarry here.
Silver Lake - Jeremiah Donovan has just finished building the handsomest house to be seen outside of the city. It is located near the old Donovan place on a fine site and is an ornament to the place. If more of the old buildings around would give place to new ones, it would be an improvement.
Lakeside - The persons who took Mr. Lamb's only swarm of bees on the night of September 29, were very kind to return the hive one night last week.
South Gibson - T.R. Place is preparing to build a fine ice house.
Montrose - Rev. J.E. Nichols, A.B., held a special meeting with the brethren of the A.M.E. Zion and the A.M.E. churches, at the residence of Mr. Battles, on Tuesday evening, the object of the meeting being to bring about a consolidation of the two churches. This much to be desired result was not fully attained at this meeting, but the brethren were all harmonious to the idea and a second meeting will be held in the near future to further consider the question.
Elkdale - The Aid Society will meet with Mrs. H.W. Lowry for tea and a social on the evening of December 2nd.
Forest City- Enterprise Hose Company will hold a fair the week commencing Dec. 14. AND A two year old son of Albert Farrell met death in an unexpected manner. Mr. Farrell had just finished digging a well and was drawing material to stone it up. It was only about six feet deep and was filled with water and while the father was absent on a trip the little fellow fell into it and was drowned?
Forest Lake - An incident occurred in a peaceful valley of this township last week, which disturbed its quietude. While Mr. Grant Taylor was pursuing his agricultural avocations he chanced to see a large bird stalking through the farm. Supposing it to be a wild goose on its journey South, stopping for a breakfast at a creek close by, Mr. T. resolved to have goose for Thanksgiving, and procuring a gun he brought the bird down. As Mr. T. is a silver Republican he may have thought it a Republican goose that lays golden eggs. It proved to be a Republican property, but not a goose instead one of a pair of fine young peafowls weighing 10 lbs, which neighbor Brandt’s had recently purchased. Mr. T. agrees to make amends by restoring to the owner another bird of like species.
Hop Bottom- G.W. Strupler has taken up the poultry business, and started with blooded stock from York State. Delay Russell is also filling up his hen house with fancy breeds.
Oakley - Rumor says Welcome Wilmarth will soon move his family to Scranton where he will engage in business for the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.
Ararat - The neighbors of the Misses Bloxham’s made them a wood bee last Tuesday, cutting, splitting and mostly drawing, about fifteen cords. This kind deed is due mostly to the world's people, for there was not a church member present.
New Milford - A sensation has been caused in society circles here by the announcement of a double wedding in Binghamton, Wednesday, in which the contracting parties are said to have been Richard Fancher and Miss Cora Taft and M.E. Morgan and Miss Carrie Brown. The parents of the girls, who are not over 17 years of age, are very indignant, and interesting developments are expected.
Fairdale - We expect to hear the bell in the M.E. church ring on Christmas. The subscription is nearly completed.
Bridgewater - The following births were reported in the township from Sept. 1895 to Sept. 1896: Ann McMahon, Angie Mabel Bennett, Hazel Robinson, Ivan Corson, Beatrice DuBois, Norman Elwin Sprout, Rita Mott Jones, Sarah Dickerson, Ernest Leroy Clink, Bertha May Ralston, Ethel Nichols, Lulu Emogene Manning, Bruce H. Darrow, Pearl Salsbee, Tracy Tinklepaugh, Ray Henry Stephens, Gladys Baldwin, Marvin Bush, Kathleen Curtis, Edson Green, Alice Cordelia Sauter, Boyd Rose, Anna Austin, Jane Louise Martin, Maud J. Harrison, Miriam lona Austin, Lulu Irene Bailey, Ida Vienna Strong, Guy Warner, Delber Day and Lena Eliza Garner.
Compiled By: Betty Smith