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November 26 1915/2015

Uniondale – D. B. Gibson has run his Ford automobile over 3,000 miles without having any tire trouble whatsoever. ALSO John E. Thomas is furnishing Hotel Casey, Scranton, with eggs.

Harford – Prof. J. A. Sophia is very low at this writing and no hopes are entertained for his recovery.

Kingsley – Kingsley reminds one somewhat of a “deserted village” since the completion of the new railroad, which is about a quarter of a mile from the old D.L.&W. Railroad. Both the old station and milk creamery being closed and new ones built some distance away and in Brooklyn township, instead of in Harford, as formerly. ALSO Smoke was seen coming from a small building across the street from the home of Mrs. Julia Moyer on Saturday morning. She called her sons and they hurried and burst open the door of the building, which was used by G. W. B. Tiffany, merchant, as a storeroom and found the inside of the building in flames.  In a very few minutes 50 or more men had arrived and immediately demolished a shed that stood between Mr. Tiffany’s store and the burning building. This prevented the fire from getting to any other building near it, the bucket brigade keeping the nearby building covered with water. Mr. Tiffany’s loss will be heavy, as the burned building contained a large supply of general merchandise.  Origin of the fire is unknown.

Clifford – Rehrig Yarns, living near Elkdale, while here one day last week on business, in cranking his automobile, it kicked on him and broke on bone near the wrist and put the other out of joint. Bad as a kicking horse. ALSO The high wind early on Friday morning almost reached the velocity of a hurricane. Ord Morgan and family were unceremoniously surprised and drenched just before rising, as the wind took the roof from their house.  Luckily, no one was hurt.

Hopbottom – The late Alonzo E. Bell bequeathed the use of $4000 for ten years to the Universalist church of this place, of which he was a loyal member for over fifty years.

Montrose – A particularly unfortunate accident occurred last Saturday when Miss Agnes Casey, the 15 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Casey, was accidentally shot, a bullet from a 22-calibre rifle passing entirely through one of her lower limbs and lodging in the other, making a most painful wound. Dr. Gardner attended the patient, and a probe resulted in locating the bullet. The patient suffered from loss of blood and is still very weak, but is doing well as could be expected. She had a close call and that the shot did not prove fatal is a source of rejoicing among her many friends. Master Charles Flanagan, a neighboring school boy, had borrowed a rifle for the afternoon and was in the Post yard, just across the street from the Casey home when the gun, for some unknown reason, went off, the bullet striking the young lady as stated. The young man was extremely sorrowful when he learned that Miss Casey had been injured.

Alford, Harford Twp. – The building erected a few years ago, by H. L. Hubbard, and which has been used as a dining hall since that time, for passengers on the rail line, will now be reopened as a sanitarium, an advertisement relative to some appearing in another column of today’s Democrat. The change in the Lackawanna line rendered the building useless for the purpose for which it was built, which would mean a considerable loss of Mr. Hubbard, did he not convert it to some other activity.

Harford – E. J. Whitney has lately erected a number of handsome monuments in the local cemeteries. Among them are monuments in the John Alworth, Warren Jones and John H. Claflin plots, and also one in the Dr. John Harding plot, in the South Harford Cemetery.

Binghamton – Paderewski, the famous Polish pianist, will give a concert at this place, Saturday night.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Edward Kelly and Miss Margaret Keenan, two of our most popular young people, were married on Thursday last, in Friendsville. After a brief visit in the Parlor City they will be at home to their many friends, at Mr. Kelly’s fine residence in this place.

West Auburn – The Grangers, Ladies’ Aid and other friends of John W. Sterling, who was so long in the Packer hospital, will make him a wood-bee on Nov. 30. Dinner will be served in the church parlors.

Springville – In the “baby contest” at Lee Bros.’ store, on Saturday, Dr. Diller’s baby won first prize, with over 100,000 votes.

New Milford – Fred W. Dean has a force of six men, for the past six weeks, buying up and packing winter apples. He tells us there is lots of fine fruit in Wyoming county and has already loaded 12 cars, all of which he has shipped to South Dakota, going to one purchaser. Upon receipt of the first car load the South Dakota purchaser wired him to ship all the apples of the same grade that he could spare.  Mr. Dean gets his pay for the apples on delivery at the car.

Students at Mansfield – Among the many Susquehanna county students who have attended Mansfield Normal school in various years, the enrollment has doubtless never been larger than the present year.  The following are registered at the school now: Clarence E. and Wendell H. Phillips, Alden Taylor, Hopbottom; Jessie C. Wilmarth, Helen Weir, Ruth B. Stone, Ruth Potter, Thompson; Eldridge H. Shoup, Laura Sterling, Verna C. Tingley, Kingsley; Laura E. Wells, Uniondale; Olin L. Mittan, Lenoxville; Gertrude A. Stevens, Dundaff; Gladys L. Tiffany, Hallstead.

The Trial for the Murder of Jackson Pepper – In the case of Commonwealth vs. Shew, the defendant was unable to secure the service of an attorney and the court, at the last term, appointed Geo. P. Little and B. O. Camp to defend him, and the trial was begun on Monday. The jury was sworn in and the list of Commonwealth witnesses in this case, and their evidence, is substantially the same as in the cases of James Eagan-Smith, tried last week. There is considerable interest in the trial, but the interest centers more on the outcome than in the details. The chief variation between Eagan’s and Shew’s trials is in the confession. Shew’s Confession. He said (as Eagan also said) that Susie Graham planned the trip to Rush to rob Jackson Pepper; but he further said that Eagan struck the blows that laid Pepper low; that he (Shew) took no part in the assault until after Eagan had struck Pepper, knocking him down and he was struggling to his feet to give battle when he (Shew) took hold of Pepper and helped hold him down, and helped to bind him. Frank Bennett, of Susquehanna, testified to having sold to Shew, a short time before the murder, a revolver. The defendant, Shew, is a native of Gibson, Susquehanna county, and has a number of relatives in that and surrounding townships, including a sister at Starrucca, but they seem to have cast him off. It is rumored his lawyers will make the plea of insanity their defense, alleging that he was injured when a child and that his broken nose was one of the results of the injury, and a weakened mind, another. Shew was the only witness placed on the stand by the defense. He said that D. A. Ainey had induced him to make a confession, but did not state what the inducement was. Then Fitch Leonard testified that he was present all the time and that Mr. Ainey made no promises or threats. D. A. Ainey also testified that he made no threats or promises to Shew. His attorneys concluded not to introduce a plea of insanity as a defense. Geo. P. Little opened his address to the jury in behalf of the prisoner, stating in opening that he and Mr. Camp are here defending the accused at request of the court (without reward or payment) and through sympathy with a fellow being in need of help. Spoke feelingly of the effect of the home and home life upon persons for good, stating that this boy here has not had the benefit of this influence, being practically homeless and friendless. To be continued next week. The above article is a murder mystery that took place in 1898 in Rush Twp., Susquehanna County, brought to you in conjunction with “Susquehanna County Reads” program.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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