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November 26 1909/2009

The snow of Wednesday and Thursday was very timely to give the regulation Thanksgiving atmosphere and spirit. Many sleighs were out, and while the sleighing was not the best, it was much enjoyed. "HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ONE AND ALL" FROM THE STAFF OF THE SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND FREE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.

Tunkhannock - The Montrose branch of the Lehigh Valley seems hoodooed. Last Friday afternoon it met with another accident, the culmination of a series for that week. Two milk cars, as a result of a rail breaking, rolled over the steep bank a short distance out of Tunkhannock as the afternoon train was coming up the mountain. They crashed through the timber, uprooting trees fifteen inches through, and clearing a path for themselves down the side of the ravine. One went as far as the wagon road, a distance of nearly 200 feet, turning over a half dozen times in the descent. The passengers were considerably scared to see the cars leave the track and expected their coach to follow, but although the breaking of the coupling and the air brakes saved them, the front wheel of the track nearly left the track. The rattling of milk cans and crashing of bottles as the cars plunged downward added to the excitement, and after the damage had been repaired they were thankful to arrive in Montrose with no worse discomfiture than being 5 hours late.

East Ararat - A surprise party was tendered Dave Rogers last Saturday night. There were 65 present, and a rocking chair was presented to him, also other presents. ALSO Many farmers in this vicinity have sulky plows and are turning over the soil quite lively.

Montrose - Messrs. Morris Catlin and Floyd Andre have taken the contract to erect a new smokestack on the electric light plant, which has been awarded them by manager A.M. Ayars. ALSO Master David Stilson has accepted a position at the Cnic theatre.

Heart Lake - Frank T. Mack, proprietor of Heart Lake, having closed the pleasure resort until next season, has accepted a fine position in the new D.L. &W. lunch rooms, at Scranton, for the winter.

Jessup Twp. - The executrix of the estate of Hollis Parks will hold a public sale on the premises near Fairdale, on Saturday, Dec. 4, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m. Among the articles enumerated to be sold are: Two cows, a gray mare, hens, wagons, sleighs, mowing machine, harnesses, potatoes and apples, and a lot of household goods. A farm of 50 acres will also be sold on the aforesaid date. W.W. Cox is the auctioneer.

Forest City - Wm. Myers, while out hunting in the vicinity of Vandling last Saturday afternoon, shot himself in the left forearm and it is feared amputation of the injured member may be necessary. Myers dropped the rifle he was carrying from his hand, the gun in some unknown way discharging from the fall, and the bullet lodged in his arm. He was taken to the Emergency Hospital at Carbondale and an operation was performed for the removal of the lead. His condition for several days has been quite serious.

Hallstead - Last Wednesday night, as Dana Inman, his father and Will Overfield were coming from Mrs. Ella Dougherty's, where they had been threshing, the horses took fright when hear the barn of Will White and ran away throwing the men out. They ran into a wire fence near William Dougherty's, but luckily no one was hurt.

Hallstead - H. C. Soden has closed his stone quarry in this place for the winter and accepted a position in the roundhouse.

Harford - Information has been recently made by Pure Food Agent Hutchinson against five farmers of Susquehanna county, charging them with furnishing watered milk to seven creameries which supply milk to New York and Philadelphia. Mr. Hutchinson, who was aided by State Chemist, C. B. Cochrane, of West Chester, spent nine days in investigating the condition following complaints in the State Department, and as a result he discovered that some of the milk was adulterated with from 20 to 30 per cent of water.

Brooklyn - The water in the village reservoir gave out on Sunday last and little washing was done on Monday, but there is plenty to supply the town now.

South Gibson - Our pastor, Rev. B. R. Hanton, met with a genuine surprise on Sunday, after church, to find his horse hitched to a fine new carriage, with a new whip and nice new robe and a paper containing the names of the donors.

Great Bend - Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Scoville, of Mankato, Minn., have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Ettie Vance. This is Mr. Scoville's first visit east in 46 years.

South New Milford - We hear that Clarence Brush was waylaid by some men and robbed of $25. His head was injured and his side hurt badly. He is now at the home of his father, Rev. O. J. Brush, but as soon as he recovers will return to his work in central New York. ALSO Miss Eliza Foot closed a very successful term of school at the Brooks district and Friday afternoon was devoted to songs, recitations and dialogues by the school, which were well rendered and quite a number of visitors were present.

Uniondale - Frank Westgate has started a new feed store in town. Frank is a hustler.

Clifford - Will Bennett's shooting match here last Saturday, to shoot for ducks and geese, was well patronized and quite amusing. A good many fine shots were made, but most of the ducks and geese won and went in the direction of Royal.

Lawton - E. Wood, of Birchardville, is furnishing the wood for the McNulty school.

Niven - A number from this place have attended the Salvation Army meetings at Lake Side and Hop Bottom, and were well pleased with the meetings. The singing and music were excellent.

Susquehanna - Sunday was Anti-saloon league day in Susquehanna and Lanesboro churches. The aim is to prevent the granting of licenses. The league has evidently concluded that this town is unable to properly look after its own affairs and they have delegated themselves as the ones especially adapted for that work. That a house cleaning is needed in Susquehanna no one will dispute, but the people of the town resent having outsiders come in to do the work. They think the work can be best done by those who understand the conditions and not by those who are simply seeking notoriety or venting personal spite.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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