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November 25 1892/1992

Harford - Dr. Harry T. Dunbar is already having more practice than he expected. He comes from Binghamton well recommended by Dr. C.C. Edwards. Dr. Dunbar was wounded with a rebel bullet, and had an experience in Libby Prison.

Hop Bottom - A first-class Thanksgiving dinner, consisting of roast turkey, chicken pies, and any amount of good things, was served in the Universalist parsonage by the ladies of that Church. All could receive an excellent dinner for 25 cents, and many enjoyed the feast.

Lenoxville - The Harris boys are carting apples to market.

Susquehanna - Alden Benedict's "Fablo Romani", a dramatization of the "Vendetta”, was given at Hogan Opera House on Tuesday night. The play pleased all. The situations are very thrilling. The scenic effects were quite pretentious; particularly so, the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. The Serpentine dance by Szerina attracted no little attention.

Gunn Hill - Mrs. J.S. Belcher's chrysanthemum has 285 blossoms instead of 185, as stated last week.

Montrose - Load your shotguns and keep them in readiness. Sneak thieves are about. One family on High Street had all their flannels taken from the line one evening last week.

Springville- Mrs. Mary Gavittis greatly improving her residence by putting on an addition, newly painting, adding blinds, walks, etc. Plenty more residents in town that might take pattern, a fresh coat of paint costs but little, and adds a great deal to the general appearance and preserves the building besides.

Jersey Hill - The P's of I. at their last meeting held a very interesting debate on the question, which has the most influence over man, woman or money? It was decided in favor of women. AND a box social will be held in the Auburn Center Grange Hall for the benefit of the Grange. Every one is cordially invited and every lady bring a box, Wednesday evening Nov 30th.

Forest City - A choir has been organized in St. Agnes' church, and is under the leadership of Jno. Morgan. They are making rapid progress, and will sing their first mass on Christmas day.

Herrick Centre - The Democrats of this place held a jollification meeting last week Thursday evening. Over one thousand persons were present. Early in the evening the principal buildings were decorated with flags and Chinese lanterns. An immense pole, surmounted by a victorious rooster, was raised in front of P.H. Flynn's Hotel, and a Hag hoisted. A special train arrived from Carbondale, bringing the Mozart, Columbia and Germama Brass Bands together with the Forest City Drum Corps. They were met at the station by a home delegation headed by the Starrucca Band. The torchlight procession was then formed headed by the Marshal of the evening, William Kelley and staff, all superbly mounted. An immense bonfire illuminated the scene. The procession paraded down all the principal streets and serenaded the prominent Democrats. They then returned to the foot of the flagstaff, where J.J. O'Neill. Asst. District Attorney of Lackawanna Co., Dr. James Kelly, ex-Coroner, and others, delivered short addresses from Flynn's Hotel Porch, which were received with deafening cheers. The Mozart Band and the German quartette rendered some fine selections of vocal music. About a hundred dollars worth of fireworks were then let off, and thus ended the grandest time Herrick has ever witnessed. [As reported in the Montrose Democrat]

Little Meadows - Our friends, the Democrats, held a jollification parade the 16th, which consisted of 1 conch shell, 1 tin horn, 2 bells, 6 Japanese lanterns, and a few Democrats [as reported in the Independent Republican].

News Briefs - Democrats state that Arizona and New Mexico will be admitted to Statehood by next Fourth of July. AND Fears are entertained in the West that the Cheyenne, Arapahos and Navajos will take the warpath. AND In order to harvest their coffee crop, the exiles in Haiti have postponed their revolt until December.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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