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November 24 1911/2011

Tirzah, Herrick Twp. - All the political candidates were elected, some to serve the people, others to serve their wrath.

Hopbottom - We learn that C. A. Corson, of Brooklyn, will operate a saw mill in this place and be ready for busy for business in the near future.

Lathrop - The Ladies’ Aid will hold a fair at the church Nov. 30 and serve a Thanksgiving dinner in the grange dining room. The dinner will be 25 cents and a Thanksgiving supper will also be served. Everybody is cordially invited to bring their guests and enjoy a chicken pie dinner.

Uniondale - Peter Shelvey [Shelley, 43rd Regiment?] died at that place Saturday evening, Nov. 18, while walking from h is home to the railroad station. He had been in good health and his death was entirely unexpected. He was a veteran of the Civil War and his age was 72 years. One son and one sister, Mrs. Cyrus Tyler, of Meshoppen, survive.

Forest City - James Kelly, Forest City’s star short stop, is to have a try out with the Boston Nationals next season. He will accompany the team on its southern trip in the spring. A scout saw Kelly’s work the past season and he believes there is big league material in the speedy short stop’s makeup. ALSO Toney Covert, aged 45 years, met a horrible death in the Clifford washery here on Thursday of last week. The man, an employee in the washery, while attempting to start the coal through the conveyor, had his shovel caught, and in trying to unloosen it was dragged into the machinery and crushed to death.

Great Bend - Burglars entered the store of Carl S. Tingley, Sunday night, and although the family resides over the store, they made so little noise that the burglars succeeded in getting away with $50 in cash. A window was pried open with a pitchfork and the marauders secured the money from the safe, which stood near the window. Local parties are thought to have been the robbers.

Montrose - Montrose merchants are laying in an unusually large stock of holiday goods this autumn. Hardly a merchant in the town has not made two or three trips to the city wholesale houses the past few months selecting large lines of goods. If you want reliable goods--goods that you are sure will be exchanged if unsatisfactory--patronize your local merchant. Don’t waste your money on car fare or undergo the discomfort of traveling and mingling with bargain counter crowds by going to the city. You will be better satisfied and help build up your town’s prosperity by spending your money where it is earned. ALSO Attorney A. B. Fancher, of Los Angeles, Cal., formerly of Montrose, was in Pasadena and witnessed the landing of Aviator Rogers, when his long journey across the continent in his aeroplane ended. (Rogers flew over Broome and Susquehanna County).

Susquehanna - According to the Susquehanna Transcript, Fred Merinus, of Lanesboro, attempted to kill his wife by slowly poisoning her, in order that he might wed an adopted daughter, a young woman of about 17 years. The belief was that Mrs. Merinus was suffering from cancer and she went to the home of her parents, in Corning, to spend her last days. As long as she was seriously ill Merinus wrote long affectionate letters, but a Corning doctor took up the case, detected poison, and soon had her on the road to health. When Merinus heard the news, he ceased writing and the night before Mrs. Merinus was to arrive home the couple eloped taking Mrs. Merinus’ purse and about $200, which had been left in the house in a supposedly safe place, and Merinus also drew his savings from the bank. Mrs. Merinus, after learning of the elopement, packed up the household goods and valuables remaining and went to the home of her parents to live, thankful she was alive. She is not making any effort to locate the pair.

Choconut - Election in this neighborhood passed off very quietly, but it resulted in some huge surprises. This is the way the ballots showed up in the count: There were 72 ballots cast, 1 being straight Republican, 20 straight Democratic, 7 straight Keystone, 38 split Democrats and 6 split Republicans. Only seven out of the eleven known Republicans came to the polls. The big surprise was that William Mooney, Republican, who ran for school director against John Dunn (a very estimable gentleman, by the way, and a Democrat) came out victorious by nine majority.

Clifford - W. C. Baldwin has accepted a position as instructor in butter making at State College for the short course and will leave for his work Dec. 1. He has secured Will Ayres to attend to his work here during his absence.

Springville - Mrs. Leland Comstock is up from the valley at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeslee, for the benefit of the health of her little baby.

Friendsville - Rev. James B. Whelen, for 37 years pastor of St. Patrick’s church, West Scranton, died Nov. 11, at the Parochial residence. As a priest he had earned the love and esteem of his parishioners; as a citizen he had earned the esteem and respect of the city. Following the Mass the body was taken to Friendsville and buried in St. Francis Xavier cemetery. Father Whelan is survived by one sister, Miss Louise Whelan, of Friendsville.

Thompson - Frank W. Lewis, who was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace at the last election, was not elected to the office because he is a year in and a year out, middle of the road, Prohibitionist, as he is known to be, but he is every way qualified for the office. He was born and educated here and his opponent has recently become a resident here. “Not that we love Wright less but Lewis more,” we think the people showed good judgment in electing Mr. Lewis, irrespective of party.

News Brief - The Lackawanna has made a new order eliminating the word “accident” from all its reports and hereafter all derailments, collisions, breakdowns, runaways and other mishaps will be knows as “irregularities.”

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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