Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 23 1917/2017
The following couples applied for marriages licenses: Harry E. Benson and Margaret Wood, Jackson; Theodore J. Carlin and Anna LaFrance, Auburn Township; Dana Mitchell, Springville and Floe D. Hibbard, Auburn Twp.; Elwood Oakley and Myrtle Button, Springville Twp.; Jas. W. Chamberlain, Susquehanna and Sarah A. Carr, New Milford; Jas. C. Cummings, Greene, NY and Myra McMoran, Hallstead. ALSO Someone says that marriage is sometimes a failure because a man is unable to think of the right excuse at the right time.
Hop Bottom – A County Women’s Christian Temperance Union Institute is to be held at Hop Bottom, Friday, Nov. 23, 1917, in the afternoon and evening. The evening program will consist of a Medal Speaking Contest for which a small admission will be charged. Supper will be served by the Hop Bottom W.C.T.U. Ladies.
Rush – We hear that Abram Carter, for many years a Justice of the Peace, of this township, has passed away. He was a man very highly regarded by a wide acquaintance and possessed splendid intellect. His age was past ninety years. His means had become exhausted, and, having no surviving relatives to care for him, his last days were spent in the Auburn & Rush Poor Asylum. ALSO William Russell, now in his 92nd year, was taken to the Auburn & Rush Poor Asylum last Monday. There is no way of communicating with him, as he is both deaf and blind and has been so afflicted for a long time, and probably has no idea of where he is. He has no near relatives and has been taken care of for a long time at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. F. E. Russell, by a foster son of that lady. And now for many months she has been demented to such an extent to render her constant confinement necessary, and her care become a grievous task.
New Milford – David, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hardy, was painfully injured on Thursday afternoon; while on his way to school he attempted to climb on a wagon and his feet got caught in a wheel. His limbs were badly bruised and the ligaments strained.
Lanesboro – The Barnes Manufacturing Co., at this place, which recently completed a large order for life line guns, has booked another, the guns to be manufactured and shipped as rapidly as possible. The factory also has large orders for moving picture machine parts.
Montrose – Those attending the Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist churches Sunday morning were asked to sign remonstrances against the Exchange Hotel and the Tarbell House, for which a license petition has been filed. A great effort will be made to make Montrose “dry,” it is said. It is generally predicted that the remonstrances will be more generally signed than last spring.
Springville – Maurice Taylor, who has been living with his parents in China for four years, is staying with his grandfather, Mr. Anson Thomas, and attending school.
Silver Lake – The Snow Hollow and Laurel Lake schools will hold a box social at the Laurel Lake school house, Friday evening, Nov. 23. A prize will be given for the prettiest box. Proceeds for benefit of the school. Everyone cordially invited.
Heart Lake – There will be a toe-social at Geo. Welch’s Friday evening. For benefit of the Bible Class. All cordially invited.
Harford – Rev. and Mrs. W.A. Miller spent last week in Harford. Mr. Miller was formerly pastor of the M.E. church. He and his wife and small son expect to sail for Africa at an early date, as missionaries. Thursday evening the Good Fellowship Class, of which Mrs. Miller was formerly a member, pleasantly surprised her by meeting her at the home of Mrs. Hoyt Pease, where she had come to call. They presented her with a traveler’s writing set, a box of correspondence cards and a bundle of powders for sea sickness. Dainty refreshments were served.
Forest City - Andrew Mack writes from Fort Hamilton that Josh Brown and he are having good times. They expect to be home in the near future on a short furlough before going “over there.” Last Monday night they visited S.L. Rothaphel’s place in New York and were surprised at the greatness of the theatre. They were unable to see “Roxie” as Mr. Rothaphel is familiarly called. They entertained Eddie Yanchitis who saw the interior of the fort and the big guns. Eddie is feeling fine and is pleased with his duties under Uncle Sam. “Peggy” Gordon was also a happy visitor during the week. Andrew believes in placing his all in behalf of Uncle Sam. In addition to his services he invested as heavily in Liberty Bonds as his means would permit. ALSO Mrs. Elizabeth Turner is a guest at the home of John McLaughlin. Mrs. Turner is a cousin of the late Mrs. John McLaughlin, and though past 77 years of age is busily engaged in knitting garments for the Red Cross. She knits as quickly now as she did during the Civil War when she was kept busy knitting for her four brothers, who were in the service. Her maiden name was Snyder and she is a sister of D.N. Snyder, of Dundaff, who enlisted in the war for the preservation of the Union and served in the first call out and re-enlisted and served throughout the war. Of the four brothers who saw service in the Civil War, three are alive. Mrs. Turner is also a cousin of M.B. Snyder, the blind druggist of Hawley, who was recently presented with a large United States flag by the citizens of Hawley for striking down a man who claimed to be a cousin of the Kaiser. The blind man gauged his blow and knocked the Kaiser’s cousin to the floor. The Snyders and McLaughlins are eligible to membership in the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution, for two great grand-fathers of the families fought in the war for independence.
New Milford – Jas. S. Hayden, for many years connected with the New Milford Advertiser has moved from New Milford to Binghamton, where he has a position as proof reader on the Binghamton Press.
Great Bend – Three years ago the borough council of Great Bend borrowed $5,000 to meet the balance due on the borough’s paving contract. The obligation has been reduced so that but $800 of the amount remains unpaid. Next year it is expected that the balance will be met. Great Bend has every reason to be not only proud of the reduction of the debt but its fine paved streets as well.
Fiddle Lake, Ararat Twp. – Thomas Archer, a former resident of this place, but who has been in the west for the past number of years, arrived here on Nov. 6. He expects to spend the winter with his brother, Theodore Archer. Mr. Archer is an old veteran, having been in 42 battles and escaped without an injury to speak of. He is past 82 and very active for one of his age. His many old friends are glad to welcome him back.
News Brief: The Royal Baking Powder Company has collected, in a little booklet, which it calls “Best War Time Receipts,” twenty splendid formulas for making such interesting and patriotic foods as rye rolls, hominy muffins and eggless, milkless and butterless cakes. The booklet is dedicated to the housewives of the United States who are assisting the government in its work through the food administration. We advise the housewives to write for this receipt book. It is free. A postal card will bring it. Address to Ruth Watson, Educational Dept. of the Royal Baking Powder Co., New York City.
There is no copy of the Montrose Centinel for the week of November 23, 1816.
Compiled By: Betty Smith