Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 22 1912/2012
Ararat Summit - Thomas Glover says someone exchanged hats with him at the Grange hall, not long ago, and he would like to exchange back again, as he thinks his own hat is the best fit and would like the party who has his hat to notify him.
Birchardville - The gentlemen will hold an oyster supper at the Hall on Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 28, and also have a sale of fancy work for the benefit of the Baptist church. Everybody come and have a good time.
Gelatt - Raymond Barnes, while gathering apples last Friday afternoon, had the misfortune to fall, causing severe wounds around the head and shoulders. He was unconscious for several hours. He is reported easier at this writing.
Susquehanna - About 10 days ago a couple arrived here and secured board at a private house. The man was about 21 while the girl appeared to be younger. They gave the name of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lester. Within a couple of days Lester secured work in the [railroad] shops but on the third day he met with an accident and had two fingers badly crushed. The next morning he told his wife he was going for a short walk and that was the last she saw of him. Yesterday a man, giving his name as Karl Peterson and residing at Penn Yan, made his appearance and inquired for a party by the name of Harry Lester. No one appeared to know the chap and Peterson told his story to several local people who helped in his hunt. It appears that the girl, known as Mrs. Lester, was Peterson’s sister who ran away with a chap named Harry Flynn. Flynn was a married man who left his wife and child in Rochester and took this girl from a candy store in Penn Yan. Two days after Flynn left Penn Yan his wife and child appeared. Peterson had a warrant for Flynn’s arrest charging him with skipping a board bill and stealing an overcoat, a gold watch and $30 from one of the boarders. When Flynn skipped he left the woman without any money except a little change. The girl wrote a friend telling of her condition and the letter was given to the girl’s parents. Peterson discovered his sister while on a walk and at first she tried to dodge him but when he caught up she broke down and began to cry and expressed a desire to go home, if her parents would take her back. They went home on the afternoon train. No report on the whereabouts of Harry Flynn.
Lake View, Jackson Twp. - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Washburn left for Binghamton on Friday, where they will make their future home.
Hop Bottom - A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dewie Carpenter Friday evening. The program was music and games and light refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Bernice and Shirley Powers, Clara Green, Hulda Case, Diamond and Lillian Rose, Messrs. Vern Payne, Roy Case, Eric Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wright.
Brooklyn - S. F. Breed is having an acetylene light plant installed in his farm residence. ALSO: Thanksgiving day will be observed in the Universalist church with a sermon at 11 a.m. followed by a chicken pie dinner served by the Ladies Aid in the basement, together with a sale of aprons, fancy articles and home--made candy.
Royal, Clifford Twp. - The Patterson Steam Saw Mill, now situated ¼ of a mile East of here, is soon to be moved ¼ of a mile West of Here. George Hankinson, boss of the job, already has the foundation and a bridge 80 ft. long nearly completed. The mill will be situated just across the creek, back of Joseph Doud’s barn.
Little Meadows - There was a dance held at the Little Meadows Hall, Friday evening, under the management of Father Lynch. Everything proved a success; large attendance; proceeds $54.00. All report a fine time
Montrose - Patrick Quailey, of Forest Lake, drove into town to do some trading, hitching his horse near Earl J. Smith’s jewelry store. An hour later it was gone and there was not a trace to be had. Mr. Quailey first thought that the rope had become untied and that the horse had returned home, but a thorough search here and at Forest Lake revealed no trace of the missing rig. The horse was rather old and was hitched to an open buggy. That the horse has been stolen seems probable, although it was not a particularly valuable one. There were many people in town, some tough looking customers in the bunch, brought here by County court which was in session and it is conjectured that some one may have appropriated the rig. Any information will be gladly received by Mr. Quailey.
Springville Twp. - James K. Aldrich has sold his farm of 200 acres to Stark E. Miller, of Lathrop Twp., for a consideration of $10,000. This farm has been the homestead of Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich for many years, and has the reputation of being one of the most productive and valuable farms in Susquehanna County, while Mr. Aldrich is recognized as one of the county’s most prosperous and successful farmers.
East Kingsley - Mrs. W. C. Gow gave a small tea party last Wednesday in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Leland Grinell. She set the table with “fine, gold-band china, that is nearly 100 years old, which belonged to her mother and only two pieces have been broken, the milk pitcher and butter dish. The silver spoons were over 100 years old but nicely preserved.
Thompson - Charlie Sumner, of the Potter & Sumner hardware store, has bought Mr. Potter’s interest in the firm and moved his family from his farm near Wrighter’s Lake, to rooms on Pleasant street and is now conducting the business of the store.
Harford - The students of the Harford High School will issue a monthly paper, which will be known as “The Omnibus.” It is receiving hearty support from the student body and business men of the town. The first issue will appear next week, coming from the Republican press.
Rush - The town of Rush is to be lighted by electricity. On Wednesday, Alan M. Ayars, manager of the electric light plant, as a representative of the Penn. Electrical Engineering Co., of Scranton, went to Rush and effected the sale of an electric lighting plant to U. W. LaRue. Mr. LaRue will operate the plant and it will be of sufficient capacity to light the streets and residences of the town. The motive power will be acquired from Mr. LaRue’s mill. The people of Rush are to be congratulated upon the enterprise which is hoped will be in operation soon.
Compiled By: Betty Smith