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November 22 1900/2000

North Jackson - About 60 relatives, friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin made them a surprise visit Thursday, Nov. 17, at their home. The occasion was in honor of the 45th birthday of Mrs. Martin and was an enjoyable event to all present. Rev. J. M. Correll, on behalf of the guests, presented Mr. and Mrs. Martin with two fine cane rockers.

South Gibson - A committee has been appointed to buy poles and let the digging of the holes for the line from South Gibson to Gibson there to connect with New Milford telephone.

Forest City - Forest City and Uniondale are connected by telephone. Nearly all the farmers between Lanesboro and Ararat have put in telephones on the Forest City-Susquehanna line.

Great Bend - Mr. Crosier, of Thomson and Mr. Burke, of Long Eddy, NY, have purchased G.H. Johnson's furniture and undertaking business in Great Bend. AND Daniel Leary, Jr., opened a cigar and variety store in the Kistler Block last week.

Brooklyn - In the athletic tournament at the late Paris exposition, Tewksbury, of Brooklyn, Susquehanna co, a student in the University of Pennsylvania, was awarded a silver cake basket for his victory in the 200-yd. run & a plaque for his victory in the 120-yd hurdle.

Mansfield State Normal School - The student list at the Mansfield State Normal school includes the following from Susquehanna county: Dora J. Ainey, Sadie K. Ainey, Ainey; Lulu Matthews, Harford; Lee A. Shadduck, Rushville, Fannie S. Taylor, Lanesboro; Grace Titman, Montrose, Ernest Tiffany, Lindaville; Lottie F. Townsend, Gertrude Phillippi, Susquehanna; Anna C. Tyrell, Montrose.

Hallstead - J. W. Hunsinger, of Hallstead, was bitten in the nose by a man named Hill. The men became tangled up in an altercation and during its progress the end of Hunsinger's nose was bitten off. A warrant was sworn out soon and the accused man [was] arraigned before Squire Quailey.

News Brief - Last Saturday Mr. VanHorn, of Patterson, NY, was here to buy and ship Thanksgiving turkeys previously engaged by C. M. Brande and others, and there was an awful lot of it. All day long, from early morning, there was at the L&M station [Montrose] from 20 to 30 teams waiting to unload, the whole amounting to over $3,300 The Lake & Roe firm were also buying some that day, and again on Monday. S. B. McCain, of Rush, and Buffum and Roenkrans, of Friendsville, also shipped several tons.

Harford - Twelve ladies spent Tuesday afternoon with Aunt Polly Guile, it being her 80th birthday. She was also remembered by Mrs. Harriet Richardson with a barrel of fruit, sweet potatoes, etc.

Franklin Forks- Walter Snow is running the shingle saw at Tiffany's Mill. Fred Knapp has his saw mill in running order again, and since the rains commenced he keeps it humming. He is having the boiler set so he will soon be able to run his saw and grist mill with steam. AND Elbert and Carl Tiffany are on the road selling pruning shears and pie lifters, of which Carl is the patentee.

East Dimock - Jas. W. Gavitt, a veteran of the civil war, has had his pension increased from $8 to $10 per month.

Lanesboro - W. E. Smith, of Lanesboro, late foreman of the Hallstead Chair factory, has taken a better position in [the] Stickley and Brandt factory at Syracuse.

Rush - Mrs.[Rev.] E. B. Hughes, of Dimock, received last week a fine astrakhan fur cape as a gift from the people of Rush. The garment was furnished at the cost price, $17.50, by Mr. S. B. McCain.

Lindaville - The oldest inhabitants in this vicinity are: Mrs. Elmina Kent, 90; William Giles, 89; Mrs. Eliza Roper, 81; John Bolles, 79; Mrs. John Bolles, 79 and Miss Caroline Bailey, 78.

Little Meadows - The Presbyterian Church is being repainted and otherwise improved; and St. Thomas' Catholic Church as been frescoed at a cost of $400.

Susquehanna - Will Ahern, a Laurel Hill Academy student, gracefully filled the bill as manager of the L.H.A. football team, and lately, owing to a recent accident to himself in a game, does not engage in that part which requires all the alertness and muscular tack that is required of a football enthusiast.

Montrose - If the fathers and mothers were in a position to look up and down Public Avenue during school hours, almost any day, some of them would likely be surprised at the number of their boys-and some of their girls-to be seen whiling away their time on the street, or in the stores or at the postoffice, instead of at school where they belong. Is it true that the compulsory school law is a dead letter in Montrose? In justice to the rising generation it should not be. Where is the Truant Officer, or haven't we such an official?

Uniondale - Alfred W. Larrabee was struck by the Delaware & Hudson fast train, the Saratoga, one-half mile east of Uniondale, at 3:30 Thursday afternoon, Nov. 22, and instantly killed. Mr. Larrabee was walking the track going toward the town and for some reason failed to hear the fast approaching train or its warning signals in time to leave the track. He was struck and hurled with great force many feet to one side of the road bed, and when the trainmen reached him life had fled. Mr. Larrabee served at one time as principal of the public schools in Susquehanna and also filled the same position in Great Bend and Uniondale. He was also Superintendent of the Susquehanna county schools in 1868-69. He served with distinction during the war of the Rebellion and was wounded at the second battle of Bull Run. His four brothers, Wm. H., Oscar G., Windsor W. and John W., all reside in Susquehanna. His age was about 65 years. Mr. Larrabee is survived by a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Dr. McNamara, of Thomson.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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