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November 21 1902/2002

Hopbottom - It is reported that Humphrey Lord, who was [mysteriously] killed by the cars two weeks ago, willed one-half of his property to a Mrs. Bronson and that the people in Lathrop are very much wrought up over the matter.

Lenoxville - Lenoxville should have a young peoples society. Other small places with fewer young people than we have seem to support a good society and derive much benefit from it. Why should not we?

South Auburn - The Graphaphone entertainment held in the Grangers' hall by P. E. Treible, last Saturday night, was favored by a full house and enjoyed by all. AND John Gross has sold his team to T. R. Place. John looks rather lonesome now-a-days. AND At Auburn Corners M. L. Lake lost a fine cow last Saturday. Cause, an apple in the throat.

Friendsville - The members of St. Francis Xavier's parish will hold their annual Festival and Supper on Thanksgiving night. A delightful and bountiful spread will be served up by the ladies of the parish. Good music will be in attendance. Nothing will be left undone to make the occasion agreeable and pleasant for all patrons. Adm. 25 cents.

Lemon - A genuine wild cat was killed by Ollie Ward, in the rear of the school house in Lemon, near Lake Carey, last week. It is thought that this was one of the wild cats that Engineer Deubler and his fireman, of the Montrose railway, stopped their train for and went out and had a fight with.

Great Bend - Namon T. Boorn, of Windsor, was struck by an Erie fruit train east of the Main street crossing, Sunday evening. Mr. Boorn, who was driving across the tracks, turned his horse directly in front of the approaching train, which was going at the rate of 30 miles an hour. The wagon was struck in the rear and was completely demolished. The horse and wagon were thrown 60 feet down an embankment against the creamery. Mr. Boorn, however, had disappeared. About 11 o'clock there was a telephone message received that he was at Red Rock Tower, three miles east of Great Bend, and uninjured. The following morning Mr. Boorn returned to Great Bend apparently none the worse for his experience. He says that he was so frightened that he ran up the track and when he recovered his senses, was at Red Rock. The horse also escaped without a mark.

Susquehanna -Hatch's moving pictures appeared in Hogan Opera House on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Susquehanna band. The "My Island Prince" Co. appeared in Hogan Opera House on Wednesday evening. Daniel Sully will appear in Hogan Opera House on Friday evening, Nov. 21, in "The Parish Priest" a star attraction.

Welsh Hill - Among those who attended church here from a distance last Sunday, we noticed the following: Mrs. James McAlla and Gene Tinker, of Elkdale; Dr. Davis and wife, of South Gibson; Robert Richards, Pittsburg; Henry Jones, Denver, Col.; John Jones and Merryl and Robert Jones, Elkdale.

Brooklyn - The place known as the David Kent farm, where the Kent family was reared, and which was in the Kent name for about a century, has now passed out of the family into other hands.

Thomson - Fred Tyler came home from the lumber woods with typhoid fever and is being attended by Dr. McNamara.

Rush - The community is saddened to learn of the death of the little 8-year-old daughter of George Pickett on Monday night. An operation for appendicitis had been performed and the child seemed on the road to recovery when unfavorable developments set in and death resulted quite suddenly.

South Gibson - A Thanksgiving cantata is being rehearsed under the direction of the Epworth League with Mrs. G. R. Resseguie, as instructor, and will be given in the M.E. church, Wednesday evening, Nov. 26. All know the ability of Mrs. Resseguie as musical instructor and a fine thing is expected. The months will be represented by 12 persons in white suitably adorned-ranging from 7 to 20 years; the year by Mrs. Nellie Brundage. Excellent solos and quartettes will be included. Admission 20 and 10 cents.

Montrose - On Tuesday afternoon the case of Dr. J. G. Wilson vs. the Boro. of Montrose was called for trial and the plaintiff's case was heard until Wednesday noon, at which time defendant's council moved for a compulsory non-suit. At the opening of court Thursday morning the court refused to enter the compulsory non-suit and the Boro proceeded to put in its evidence. The case grows out of the smallpox at the Gilbert home last winter and has attracted considerable attention, owing to the prominence of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and the terrible circumstances of their death. Dr. Wilson brings his suit to recover the sum of $200 for fumigating the Gilbert home and the Presbyterian church. The borough alleges that under the law it is not liable for the bill. The jury verdict for plaintiff for the full amount of his claim with interest.

Forest City - Alfred Chambers, who was badly hurt in the mines, died in Emergency hospital, Carbondale, Wednesday, Nov. 12. The old man, beside his external injuries, was injured internally and his death was due to the latter. The deceased was well-known in Forest City and his death will be regretted by all who knew him. The body was taken to his late home for interment.

Kingsley - W. T. Byram and E. C. Tingley, of Hopbottom, are painting the churches in this place.

News Briefs - It is said that the latest fad now is to send your picture to those of your friends on whom you cannot find an opportunity to call. AND Instead of putting food into the oven to keep it warm for the late comers, try covering it closely with a tin and setting it over a basin of hot water. This plan will keep the food hot and at the same time prevent it from drying up. AND Eggs are still soaring upward in price; the dealers paying 26 cents per dozen and scarce at that price. Dairy butter brings 23 cents per pound and potatoes 60 cents per bushel.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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