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November 20 1914/2014

Hallstead – Electric power has been installed in the American Chair Company’s plant here. ALSO P. J. Tierney, Cornelius Doherty and James Gillespie returned Saturday from the City Hospital in Binghamton, where they were taken when they were injured in the Lackawanna wreck at Alford, PA, October 31.

Kingsley – On Friday evening, Dec. 4, a concert will be given in the Universalist church by a Binghamton concert company, consisting of Mr. Vincent Giorno, baritone; Mrs. Bessie Sumner Beach, soprano; Miss Corinne Sweet, reader. These people are well known as artists in their respective professions, and they never fail to give perfect satisfaction. Adult admission will be 25 cents and children 15 cents.

Harford – Remember that Nov. 24 means a toe social at the I. O. O. F. hall. Ladies will bring boxes with lunch for two and be prepared to enjoy a pleasant evening.

West Auburn – The West Auburn Telephone co., has been extending the line below Silvara from M. A. Culver’s, so as to take in two new subscribers, Wm. McManus and L. Nesalein. ALSO Dr. Paul, of Philadelphia, is expected to locate soon in the residence formerly occupied by Dr. F. J. Austin.

Forest City – Fred J. Osgood, the well-known North Eastern Telephone Co. manager, who everyone knows as “Fred” and is over 6 feet tall and broad in proportion, has been sick recently and “fallen away” so that he only weighs about 230 pounds now. But he’s gaining. His friends will be interested in knowing that he will be a candidate for county commissioner at the next primary.  He is a man who has been extensively connected with the business affairs of the county and has had a ripe business experience, besides having traveled over much of the county’s territory. He is well acquainted with its needs and its people. If nominated there appears to be no good reason why he should not be solidly supported by all Republicans—and by the voters of other parties as well.

Birchardville – Rev. William C. Tilden, of this place, was a caller in town the latter part of last week.  He is the oldest Baptist minister in this section of the State, and his work of spreading the Gospel through the country districts for a great many years has “borne fruit an hundred-fold.”

Jackson – School Notes: Parents, visit the school more than you do.  Go and see what your boy or girl is doing. Have a personal talk with the teacher. Your boy or girl will do more and do better if they see that you are more interested in their work.  Not only will the pupil do more, but the teacher will do more for that boy or girl. The school is yours and it is your duty to take more interest in the school. Make it your duty to visit the school at least once a month and see if your children are making advancement. If they are not, find out why. See if it is the fault of the teacher or the fault of the pupil.  If it is the fault of the teacher go to the teacher and have a talk. If the fault of the child, correct it.

Montrose – The mercury dropped to 12 above zero yesterday morning—the lowest point yet reached this fall. Several were caught with improperly protected water pipes. AND  The Consumer’s Water Co., of Montrose, is planning to do away with their steam power at the pumping station and install an electric motor. It is claimed a great saving will be made in both cases.

Rush – The annual church supper was held in the Rush M. E. church, Thursday evening of this week.  This is the one time of the year when the women are seated at the table and the men do the waiting.

Susquehanna – Thompson Bean, former editor of the Susquehanna Transcript, has assumed editorial management of a weekly newspaper in Jefferson county. ALSO John King, one of the oldest engineers of the Erie, slipped and fell into the river, Friday night, and was drowned.  When he did not return from his work, as usual, Friday, a search was made for him and they found he had left the roundhouse for home and later his hat and dinner pail by the river bank helped them to find the veteran engineer.  He will be greatly missed by all, as he always had a helping hand for anyone.

Uniondale – L. W. Smith has sold his stock of goods here to J. N. Cable and H. T. Williams and is now out of business.  He has not fully decided what he will take up. ALSO  Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Leonard, was shot by LeRoy Knapp one day last week. Everett Wolfe had a gun at school, hid during the school hours in a coal shed, and after school he and young Knapp shot at a mark. Young Knapp fired in the direction of the school building just as the Leonard boy was passing the corner.  He was hit just back of the left ear and on the left hand. Dr. W. E. Lloyd, of Forest City, was called and extracted several shot from the injured boy’s head and hands. The story told by young Wolfe is to the effect that Dennis dared him to shoot.

New Milford – Hon. A. C. Barrett has represented this county in the legislature, for two terms, a few years ago. He was instrumental in securing the passing of the scale law, one of the best measures for the farmer and horticulturist, and one from which other states copied, passing similar laws. He made it possible for the department of agriculture to make necessary investigations and placed it on a reliable footing. The work of the department has been productive and of incalculable benefit to the state, all of which is due to Mr. Barrett’s foresight and for which he has received but little credit.

Thompson – Glenn Sartell, of Ararat, and Miss Rena Gelatt, of Gelatt, were married at the M. E. parsonage, last Wednesday evening. Rev. W. E. Webster officiated.

Little Meadows – The weather is very unsettled at this writing. Everyone is getting sleighs ready.  ALSO  The girls are all smiling at Joseph Hynes with his new auto. ALSO  We are congratulating J. E. Hickey, of this place, who has purchased J. Moe’s store.

News Briefs: There is too much Sunday hunting going on in this vicinity.  It is a common thing to hear guns popping on the Lord’s Day within a mile of the borough. The little animals and birds ought to have a day of rest occasionally, even if it is necessary to make arrests. ALSO Following a Jersey cow which had developed a habit of disappearing every morning and coming home in the evening without her usual supply of milk, J. Wilson, of Greensburg, found that the cow was raising a motherless fawn. Kinter B. Rogers, game protector, found the mother of the fawn dead. He has arranged with Wilson to permit the cow to raise the baby deer.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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