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November 20 1891/1991

Brandt - The Brandt shareholders of the Brandt Chair Manufacturing Co., limited, representing seven-elevenths of the capital stock, think very strongly of rebuilding the factory destroyed by fire last week. They have valuable real estate in the village and other lines of business depending much upon the factory, and a wing and the engine room of the old factory still remains.

Clifford - The Star Comet Band give social hops once in two weeks, which are much enjoyed by the young people. They hold them for pleasure not for rows as some of the rowdies found out to their sorrow at the last one they held. Such a class is not wanted and had better stay away.

Susquehanna - A thirty-foot spire was placed upon the Methodist Church Saturday. A 500-pound bell will soon be added.

Montrose - The ladies of St. Mary's Catholic Church will give a hot supper and sociable at the Opera House on Thanksgiving evening, Nov 25. Our people will remember the excellent supper served by this society last New Year's night, and the one to be given on Thanksgiving evening will be on a par with the one mentioned.

News Briefs - Harrisburg: The portrait of Hon. Galusha A. Grow is soon to be hung in the speaker's room in the State capitol. The legislature is having it painted by a Warren, Pa. artist. A note ought to be placed under the picture stating: This man was killed politically by the cruel and ambitious politicians of his own party. [Note: Galusha Grow, of Glenwood, Susquehanna County, was elected as U.S. Congressman from Northeastern Pennsylvania in 1850 at the age of 26. On July 4, 1861. President Lincoln called a special session of the 37th Congress and Galusha Grow was elected Speaker of the House. He is also commonly known as "The Father of the Homestead Act." Galusha Grow died in 1907]

Susquehanna County - Because the surveyors who were endeavoring to locate the line between Susquehanna and Lackawanna counties have not been able to accomplish anything new, and have quit, the newspapers of the latter county have again set up the cry that Dundaff and Forest City are surely in Lackawanna. After working for several weeks running a line, without accomplishing anything, the Susquehanna portion of the boundary line commission considered it a waste of time and money to proceed further in that direction. Hence a halt was called. The action of the Susquehanna Commissioners and surveyor was caused by no fear of any ultimate result, but it was from a dislike to continue on a "wild goose chase." No further surveying or resurveying would materially change present boundary lines. The people in Forest City are certain that they are in old Susquehanna County, and don't you forget it Lackawanna.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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