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November 18 1921/2021

Great Bend – Herbert W Clune, who resided on the Hunt farm, near this place, met with instant death Monday, when struck by an Erie passenger train on the crossing at Great Bend, just south of the borough, He had just stepped on the rails when the huge locomotive struck him, tossing the body for nearly 50 feet.

Uniondale – If the brutal murder of Burns Lyon goes unavenged it cannot be said that our County Commissioners failed in an effort to apprehend the perpetrators of the heinous crime. They, through widely distributed posters and advertisements, offer $500 reward for the information that will lead to arrest and conviction of the guilty parties.

Rush – Mrs. Emmons, who has been on trial for the burning of the Auburn and Rush Poor Asylum and found not guilty, because of insanity, has been committed by Judge Smith to the Homeopathic State Hospital for the Insane at Rittersville, Pa. The poor directors found her about two years ago sick in bed. Five small children were in the home, suffering with hunger and cold, no fuel or food being found in the house. Her husband had deserted the family.

Montrose – Turkeys retailed here Thanksgiving week for 60 cents a pound. A special turkey and duck dinner will be served at the Hotel Donovan on Sunday, Nov. 20th. ALSO Has the crime wave really hit Montrose? It would seem so. Steine’s store was robbed on Monday morning of a box containing three dozen bow ties which were worth $20. Just what anyone would want of so many bow ties we cannot imagine. The culprit, however, probably realized on his theft. At any rate, Mr. Steine is “pretty sure of his man,” and is prepared to prosecute to the extent of the law.

Liberty – Those that attended the corn husking bee Wednesday evening at C. W. Bailey’s, 17 in all, husked a nice lot of corn. Dinner was served after which all had a good time until 2:30, when the time came that the best of friends must part.

Brooklyn – John Doran found the dirt road in exceedingly bad shape and believes the stretch between Tiffany and a point north of Brooklyn Center, should be made a hard, durable road, which could be used at all times of year.

Heart Lake – Few are they who pay stricter attention to business than Fred J. Aldrich, in charge of the mammoth ice house here. He is just rounding out six years in putting up and taking out the big crop of pure lake ice harvested each year, and during the time there has been but six working days when he has been absent from duty. He is at present erecting a great steel “gallery” for garnering the crop this winter, supplanting the wooden structures here before used.

Ararat – The pie social held at the home of Mrs. W. S. Harris by the Girls’ Cheerful Workers Society on Wednesday evening the 16th, was a success and very pleasant occasion. Although the weather was very stormy about twenty of the young people came. The music, pie and coffee were much enjoyed. The men in attendance did valiant service in eating pie and more pie, paying generously, which materially helped the fund the girls were raising.

Hallstead – An amusing thing about the election was the fact that J. G. McCreary was elected justice of the peace by over 100 votes, although he was not eligible from the mere fact that he already held the office and his commission will not expire for several years to come. While the borough is entitled to two justices, they have elected the same man twice, and while Mr. McCreary is fitting up a fine new office at his home on Susquehanna street and is devoting much of his time to the work, he cannot be two men, even if the people have elected him twice to the same office for the same period of time. Strangest of all, Mr. McCreary, when he came to vote, found that through some oversight his name was not registered and he had to swear his vote in.

Susquehanna – Several memorial and other windows of the Presbyterian church have been damaged to the extent of $800 by boys using sling-shots and air-guns in hunting birds which seek protection from the wind in the ivy-covered windows, The boys, seeing the birds there, have fired at them and damaged the windows. The trustees have served notice that all boys found in the vicinity of the church with air-guns or slings will be prosecuted. ALSO A basketball team has been formed in the High school and Clarence Wright has been secured as coach. Practice is held at the “Y” and a number of games are scheduled. ALSO Gasoline has increased in price here until it is 29 cents a gallon.

New Milford – Eugene Dennis is in the Barnes hospital receiving treatment for injuries sustained in an unusual accident here yesterday afternoon. His car stopped on West Main street and after setting the brake he alighted and started to crank the machine. The car was in gear, and starting quickly, knocked Mr. Dennis down and ran over him. He was taken to the hospital, where Dr. Denman found that he had sustained fractured ribs, cuts on the head and numerous bruises. He will be confined to the hospital for several days. The car, after running over Mr. Dennis, ran along the pavement on West Main street for some distance, and then the motor stalled, due to the pressure of the brakes.

Jackson – The Women’s Christian Temperance Union met with Mrs. Amos Potter to do sewing for some children whose mother recently died. The five-months-old baby that Mrs. Potter is caring for has been sick.

Franklin Gas – We need more gas for cars, also a lot of the right kind of gas for better roads all over the county. Then when the roads are o.k. we can use less gas. Just now it needs good, honest patrol men to go over the roads and fill up the worn places with stones and clean the ditches. Many auto men leave rocks in the road. They should throw them out of the way, as they bother other folks and divert water to where it should not go. Road hogs still show up. One of late made a woman driver turn out so far she could not get back and had to stay there until a man went a quarter of a mile and got his tractor. Too many don’t care for the other fellow, forgetting that no one can live for himself, but must depend on others for something all through life.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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