Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 18 1910/2010
Great Bend - Yesterday the Great Bend Methodist church celebrated its 110th anniversary. Methodism commenced here about the year 1800, when services were held in an old log house by Rev. Buck, located near where the Erie depot now stands. Many walked five or six miles to hear him, or came up or down the river in "dugouts" or canoes. After the morning service the people would go to their canoes, eat their dinner, usually composed of mush and milk, they bring the milk in bottlers, and in the afternoon would attend another service. Services continued until 1843 in the private homes, but in that year seats were placed in the Emmons copper shop. The first chapel was built in 1854 on the site of the present edifice. In 1870 the present church was built at a cost of $12,000 and was dedicated March 13, 1873.
Hallstead - William Wetmur has gone to Towanda, where he is employed in a cut glass factory. He expects to return about Jan 1 and will take a position in the Hallstead cut glass factory now being established by a Honesdale firm.
Franklin Forks - William Smith has lately gone to Johnson City, Tenn., where he will spend the winter at the National Soldiers' Home. Hiram Sivers, Wm. H. Street, Walter Jackson and George E. Woodruff and wife contemplate going to the home next week. Mrs. Woodruff has secured employment at the home and will accompany her husband.
Middletown Twp. - Rev. Hugh Jones was a visitor here yesterday. Mr. Jones is a most agreeable, well read man and perfectly at home in a printing office. He learned the printers' trade in England, working at it five years, and although glad to give up the "art preservative' for a different calling, he still enjoys the smell of printer's ink.
Alford - Mrs. Mary Percy, an aging lady of Harford township, walked from her home, two miles to the station here on Monday and went to Montrose. She returned at noon and walked home again. She has lately erected a monument for her father and mother in Harford cemetery.
Little Meadows - Election day passed off very quietly. The big questions of the day do not disturb the quiet of our little town.
Brooklyn - Mrs. Eliza Moore died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. B Grinnell. She celebrated her 90th birthday last Friday and remarked that she had heard her mother tell that in the year she was born snow fell that day and remained on the ground until spring. Mrs. Moore was married twice, first to Mr. Shadduck, father of the late T. E Shadduck and next Mr. Moore. ALSO A new sign, "Austin House," is to be seen on Maple street, which announces the fact that J. J. Austin is now ready to furnish accommodation to the traveling public.
Susquehanna - Work on M. J. Lannon's new hotel is progressing rapidly. The construction of a large balcony in front of the building is under way. ALSO The Laurel Athletic club will hold a smoker in their rooms this Friday evening. A number of athletic contests will provide entertainment for the club members.
Montrose - Forty one boys indicated interest in forming a Boy Scout organization here. This organization is being much talked of and written of in the magazines and papers of today. Its primary purpose is to band the boys together under competent leadership for outdoor recreation that shall also combine with it the learning of useful information. Woodcraft, first aid to the injured, telegraphy and wig wag signaling, are among the things learned. ALSO A few days ago we met our old friend, Nort Scott. He has reached the age of three score and ten, but is a pretty good fellow yet. We well remember when he supplied the town with milk, and his measure was so generous that somebody said: "When I get a pint of Nort I almost think I have a quart." In those days the milkman rang a bell and we had to scurry out with a pail or pitcher. Now no bell is heard and we get our exact quart or precise pint in a bottle.
Glenwood - The splendid new barn belonging to Mr. Graham, which cost upward of $4,000, was destroyed by fire last Saturday morning. The fire had gotten sufficient headway before being discovered to prevent its being subdued. Mrs. Graham was quite badly injured.
Herrick Center - Miss Curtis, a returned missionary from the Crow Indians, on the Little Big Horn river in Montana, gave a very interesting talk and display of curios on Sunday evening. It seems that the Indians are gradually vanishing. Many methods have been employed in our civilizing process, and as a result they cling to their old savage customs, even to the bitter end.
Choconut - The funeral of Edmond, son of Thos. Donley, was held at St. Josephs Saturday. He had been an invalid for some time and his death was not unexpected. He is survived by his father and mother and two brothers, Raymond and Leo.
Flynn - The hobble skirt has struck our town and for the reason that it makes old maids look five or six years younger, not only than her real age, but the age she claimed to be and for that reason I think it will become quite popular in this place.
Clifford - Our youngsters that attended the grand opening hop at the new spring floor at Hotel Royal report a fine time and that they intend to attend the dance and chicken supper to be given at said hotel on Nov. 24th, Thanksgiving night. The new floor is complimented as one of the best in the county.
Forest Lake - Many roads in this township are impassible on account of the severe snow storm.
News Briefs - Down in Sullivan county the recent election brought out the fact that there is a man who has not voted at a single election since 1865 when Lincoln was assassinated. He contends that when a good man is elected they kill him off, so that he thinks his vote is wasted.
Compiled By: Betty Smith