Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 18 1904/2004
Snow Storm - The snow storm the first of the week was the worst experienced in this section so early in the winter, or rather late in the fall, in many years. It is said that along the Atlantic coast it was nearly as bad as the fierce storm of 1888. Railroad traffic and telephone communication was greatly hampered and on some roads, as was in the case of the D. L.& W. over the Pocono mountains, snowplows were required to clear the tracks. In Montrose the first train over the Lehigh Valley did not reach here Monday until about 2 p.m., owing to the snow drifts, and returning reached Tunkhannock at about 4 o'clock. The roads through the surrounding country were many of them blocked with snow, necessitating shoveling in order to get through. The temperature, on Wednesday, registered 17 degrees above zero at 7 a.m. At Silver Lake, the mail carrier, A. Foster, had to come through fields part of the way from Laurel Lake on account of snow drifts on Monday. The direct road to Binghamton also had to be shoveled out. This is quite an unusual experience this early in November.
Jackson - To Miss Matie Curtis belongs the proud distinction of being the first lady of Jackson to exercise the right of suffrage. On Tuesday, in Denver, Colorado, she voted for the Republican electors. AND Jackson has several aged voters who came out on Tuesday and helped to swell the victory for Roosevelt. We noted at the polls Charles Hazen, aged 89, A. B. Larrabee and Alvin W. Barrett, 87, and Orin Mattison, 84. Messrs. Barrett and Larrabee have voted for 16 Presidential candidates, beginning with Wm. H. Harrison in 1840, a period of 64 years, and Mr. Barrett has voted at every State election during this period. He is the father of Hon. A. C. Barrett, re-elected to the Pennsylvania legislature. All the above voted for Freeman in 1856. Mr. Matteson is a G. A. R. man and the oldest member of the Myron French Post, here.
Birchardville - Clark Dayton and son, William, who are shipping apples from the Lackawanna station, have shipped about 20,000 bushels so far this season. AND The railroad man was through this place Friday and he says we are sure to have a railroad in the near future. We hope so.
Montrose - The apple evaporator on Grow avenue closed down for the season this week. The old skating rink is being used as a packing station and presents quite a sight with its piles of dried fruit. Tons of apples have been dried and made ready for shipment, and the project has resulted profitably for employer and employee.
Springville - Rev. W. A. Noble, a County boy, who has been a missionary in Korea the past 12 years, will spend a Sunday at the Springville church in early December.
West Lenox - C. L. Carey and wife enjoyed a drive to Shickshinny last week; they returned Saturday with a fine yoke of oxen.
Susquehanna - The Baptist church edifice on Jackson street, will be enlarged and improved in the spring.
Great Bend - A meeting of the board of directors of the Chapot-Shirland Chamois Company was held last Friday and officers for the coming year were elected and other business matters were considered. The officers elected were: Pres., Thomas F. Wells, Vice Pres., Norman H. Parke; Sec., George W. Phillips; Treas., Percy Ballentine. Board of Directors, T. F. Wells, Percy Ballentine, G. W. Phillips, W. G. Parke, S. M. Parke, and N. H. Parke. Norman H. Parke was made business manager and Chas. V. Chapot was made manufacturing manager. Carpenters are at work building a large two-story store house. It will be on the north side of the switch in front of the factory. A fire house will also be built at the fire plug large enough to accommodate a cart and several hundred feet of hose. In the tannery a new cement hot house is being built for cooking the skins. The trimming room has been painted white to improve the lighting and new windows will be put in.
Clifford - John Hunter has returned from Carbondale to his home here, the house being occupied by L. E. Taylor, the past year. Mr. Taylor has taken possession of the property recently purchased by him of B. F. Wells. Mr. Taylor is not a novice in the undertaking business, as he was undertaker and embalmer for W. L. Smith of Montrose, who was successor to his father, the late W. W. Smith. AND T. S. Morgan, of West Clifford, takes possession of the Hotel at Royal, this week.
Silver Lake - Thomas Clune will sell on his farm, Nov. 22, commencing at 10 o'clock, 8 choice cows, 19 choice sheep, pair of mares, (one sired by Dr. Livingston; he by young Sweet-meat, imported thoroughbred, run in England as a two-year-old and entered in the Derby Stakes, but imported before the race). Suckling colt, bull calf, 20 hens, 18 tons of hay, McCormick mowing machine, McCormick rake, hay fork, wagons, two-horse sleigh, plows, harrows, cultivators and numerous other articles.
Alford, Brooklyn Twp. - Frank Richardson, the veteran violin man, has done more violin playing as a business than any other Susquehanna county player and besides this is a maker and repairer of violins of local repute. Although Mr. Richardson is not young in years, yet his step is as elastic as many young men.
Forest Lake - E. B. Birdsall has just purchased a new concert violin, reported at $75.
Rush - We have postponed laying our side walks until Spring, and then we expect to have flagging, and when we get the trolley through from Montrose to Wyalusing we don't care if they never put that southern railroad through.
Harford - The harvest festival will be held in the Odd Fellows Hall, Friday night, entertainment in the M. E. church. AND People were using sleighs Monday and Tuesday.
Dimock - Anyone wanting barrels hooped, call on G. G. Miller.
West Auburn - The ladies of West Auburn will serve a chicken pie supper in the church parlors on Thanksgiving evening. A literary feast will also be served in the church consisting of music, recitation, &c. Rev. J. W. Johnson will be present. Proceeds for benefit of the church.
Compiled By: Betty Smith