Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 17 1905/2005
Lanesboro - Jasper T. Jennings proposed a local textbook for the school and home based on the geography and history of Susquehanna County. His answer for who was the first settler in Oakland? "Jonathan Bennett, who came in 1788. In 1785 a party of surveyors passed through this locality in the employ of a Pennsylvania land agent. They found six small wigwams standing on the river flat, near where the abutment of the old Lanesboro bridge was afterwards built. They were marked on the draft survey to designate an old Indian village of the Tuscaroras. A few years later the half decayed poles of those wigwams were found by Mr. Westfield, one of the early settlers. Jonathan Bennett, who was the first pioneer to locate in Oakland, remained but a short time, when he removed to another location below Great Bend. Other early settlers were Wm. Smith, John Stid, Nathaniel Lewis and Isaac Hale, the celebrated hunter, who bought Jonathan Bennett's improvement, and in 1791 lived on the south side of the river."
Springville - Mrs. Eva Woodhouse and her mother were pleasantly entertained at the home of Olin Risley last Friday. Mrs. Woodhouse is 84 years of age and this was a great privilege to go back to spend the day in what was once her old home.
Montrose - Rogers' meat market is utilizing its lately purchased gasoline engine in furnishing motive power to run their sausage cutting machine and bone-grinder. The latter machine grinds the bones, which would otherwise be of little value, into small bits, so that it makes good food for poultry and sells readily to chicken raisers. AND Now that winter is approaching those unsightly ash piles are commencing to make their appearance, not only in the center of the town but on the outskirts as well. There is a borough ordinance with a penalty prohibiting the disposition of ashes in this manner on the street. Our citizens we hope will respect the same.
Ararat - The robbery of two weeks ago, in which the home of Eli Avery was broken in to by six masked burglars and $800 in cash stolen, is again brought into prominence by the capture of one of the alleged burglars--LeRoy Ballard. Ballard was arrested by Constable Fred Empet, upon information given by Eli Avery, who claims to recognize him as one of those who entered his dwelling on the night of Nov. 6. Ballard was working in the field when taken. Sufficient evidence was found against him to cause the justice to commit him, without bail, to the county jail, pending the action of the grand jury. It is stated that other arrests are to follow.
Hopbottom - The Willing Workers will serve a chicken pie dinner in the M. E. church Thanksgiving Day, and in the evening will serve supper, after which a fine entertainment will be given for the small sum of 10 cents. The Kingsley cornet band will furnish music.
Thompson - We have an up-to-date meat market in town and four meat wagons from out of town coming in once or twice a week. Who wonders that consumers are paying the highest prices for meat.
Uniondale - We people of Uniondale, patrons of school, Sunday school and library, would like to ask a question. What is the matter with the correspondent from Uniondale? We should judge from the tenor of his news for the last three weeks, that instead of, as he says he did "in the good old times go to school six days in the week, and from daylight to dark," it would have been an advantage to him to have gone the seventh day also.
St. Joseph - Geo. Mack, of the Montrose Republican, and writer of miscellaneous matters for Catholic papers, accompanied by his sister, Miss Katherine, attended Mass here Sunday, and were guests at Matt. Griffin's during the day. Mr. Mack also visited the old farmhouse, owned by his grandfather, the late George Griffin. He had not been there before in 25 years.
Brooklyn - The great attraction of the season, for which people are seemingly waiting, is the Thanksgiving fair and chicken pie dinner on Thanksgiving Day. AND The Old Folks' Concert given by the Universalist choir was certainly a unique affair.
Great Bend - Bricklayers and carpenters are at work repairing the A. L. Reckhow block. P. L. Leahey, who was burned out, is now located in the Kistler block and has a neat barber shop. His regret is that he was obliged to move too fast, but likes his new quarters. Postcards of the fire at the Plaindealer's office. AND Great Bend needs a good drug store, F. E. Sands will not re-open but will devote his time to the one in Hallstead.
South Gibson - On Friday afternoon, Nov. 3d, a hunter on the hills saw the chimney of H. D. Pickering's house on fire and after shooting his gun several times as an alarm, hastened toward the house, but in the mean time, A. J. Wickwire and a friend were on the street and ran in and up the stairs where they found Mrs. Alvira Pickering lying on the floor in a state of suffocation, from which she died at 9 o'clock the next morning. Nearly everything was extinguished by the bucket brigade. Mr. Pickering was on his way to Thompson and Mrs. Pickering was at a furniture store, thus leaving Grandma Pickering alone. She recovered enough to tell how it was, saying that she smelled smoke and went up stairs to investigate. Finding the house on fire around the chimney she returned with water and on entering the room was overcome by the smoke and sank down on the floor where she was found with her feet nearly in the fire. Mrs. Pickering was formerly Miss Alvira Payne and was brought up on what is now called "Tinker Hill" in Clifford township. She was 70 years of age last April and was a school teacher and a good musician in her earlier years. She was a great reader, keeping up with the times as long as she lived. She was the mother of undertaker H. D. Pickering of this place with whom she resided and of Mrs. Wick Pope, of Gelatt. The funeral was held at the house on Monday. Interment in lower cemetery.
News Brief: Winter pounced down upon us, like a "wolf upon the fold," with remarkable suddenness and severity, this week. Tuesday morning the thermometer stood 10 above zero and it was reported as only 5 above in Dimock. It was a great shock to the people, many of whom were unprepared. AND A physician long in the field of practice says that you can keep a cellar dry by opening the north window and keeping the other windows closed. The wind from any other direction of the compass will cause the cellar to remain damp.
Compiled By: Betty Smith