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November 17 1893/1993

Franklin Forks - Mrs. Cromwell's sister came on Tuesday and took Mrs. Cromwell home with her on Thursday, hoping the change of climate might benefit her, as she lives near New York. Mrs. Cromwell has been slowly wasting away with consumption for a couple of years past, and last spring her husband showing strong symptoms of the same dreaded disease was advised by his doctors to go west, so he went to Colorado, where he thinks he is improving. Mrs. Cromwell not being able to go with him has gone to her old home.

Clifford - Your correspondent from Rush speaks of a smart old man. Burgess Smith, of this place, 85 years old, has this fall dug over 250 bushels of potatoes and husked over 50 baskets of corn, and on the 11th inst. walked a distance of 13 miles and back the following Monday, and is ready to go chopping wood. Next.

Birchardville - It was our privilege a short time ago to converse with Mrs. Catharine Whitaker, a venerable and aged Lady, nearing her 90th year, and mother of S.S. and H.T. Whitaker, deceased, of Binghamton, NY. Aunt Katie converses fluently and recounts bygone scenes, and retains her memory remarkably well. Spoke of many dear ones gone, who await her coming on the other shore. She seems to enjoy life, and at this time is visiting relatives in this vicinity, among whom are Mr. S.B. Howell, a nephew, and Mrs. Oscar Devine and Mrs. Peme Low, grandchildren. Aunt Katie resides with her youngest daughter, Mrs. James Hay, at Auburn, Susquehanna County. May the remaining years of this worthy lady pass gently, and every comfort be hers, is the wish of her many friends.

Hallstead - Frank Austin, a brakeman of this place, was struck by a switch at Clark's Summit, on Sunday night, and seriously injured.

Dundaff - The hunters are shooting quite a good number of ducks this fall on Newton and Crystal Lakes.

Lynn - Hiram Fish still continues to make cider at his steam mill on Main Street where he can be seen busy from early morning till late at night grinding apples. AND D.T. Welch has moved with his family into the Spencer house, near the shoe shop and will continue repairing wagons, shoeing horses, and all kinds of work in his line at his shop.

Gunn Hill - Mr. E. Snyder is erecting another hothouse. Mr. S. is getting to be a Professional tomato grower, as he raises several thousand Plants for his own planting, besides selling a large number.

East Meshoppen - Fred Allen, of Meshoppen, whose store was recently burned, is working on a new one.

Susquehanna County - Julian Tennant, of Tirzah, this county, raised from one-fourth of an acre of ground 120 bushels of carrots. AND Amos Bunnell, of Rush, nearly 90 years of age, dug 25 bushels of potatoes and husked 100 bushels of corn this fall without feeling the worse for it

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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