Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 16 1923/2023
Montrose – In connection with the Armistice Day celebration a beautiful Tiffany glass window was consecrated in St. Paul’s Episcopal church. The widow is a memorial gift from Mrs. W. A. Lathrop and her daughter Mrs. L. M. Thompson, in memory of William Arthur Lathrop. The window has one opening, of gothic design, with the figure of Christ portrayed standing with right arm raised, and clad in a long robe which falls from His shoulders in heavy folds. The window was designed and made at the Ecclesiastical Department of the Tiffany studios of New York City. ALSO The announcement that Gardner-Warner Post, American Legion, had moved its quarters, was erroneous, and will remain in the Farmers Bank block.
Ararat – Wendell Potter was wounded in the leg while hunting with Daniel Gibson, through the accidental discharge of a gun. About twenty shot entered the leg. He is out on crutches and his friends are glad it was not more serious.
New Milford – The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church will hold their annual bazaar and supper, Nov. 15. Quilts, rugs and fancy articles for sale and free entertainment in the evening.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake – Some of the neighbors met at Silas Jagger’s and cut a fine lot of wood for him. Frank Jagger, Floyd Brearley and Harley Morton, from Vestal, helped.
Hallstead – Minks visited the hen house of Editor Ira A. Thomas on Saturday night, and killed in the neighborhood of fifty pullets.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – George Teel was hit by an automobile in front of Hotel Fisk, Springville, a short time ago. He lies in a critical condition, unable to move without help. Dr. Preston, of Montrose, who is attending him, states that he has no broken bones.
Elk Lake – The reading contest ended in favor of the “Reds,” so the “Blues” gave them a free chicken-pie supper at the home of Mrs. Olive Sheehan. Forty-seven partook of the supper and all reported a good time. Thank you to the “Blues” captain, Mrs. Sheehan.
Dimock – Wm. Bailey’s team ran away while hitched to a lumber wagon. They ran into the woods, where they were separated by hitting a tree, continuing the run to the barn. No serious injury was done, only the harness was badly broken.
West Lenox – Harry Benson and Miss Frances Phillips were married Friday at the home of the bride’s parents. Congratulations.
Gelatt – Mr. and Mrs. Edward Avery autoed to Forest City where Mrs. Avery had dental work done.
Forest City – A sad accident occurred Sunday when Lawrence Barnowsky, of Hudson street, was instantly killed near Mrs. Mary Gorman’s home on South Main street. He was in a car driven by Anthony Yaskutalis when the machine struck a streetcar pole, swerved over the curb and into the fence and then on the pave again. Mr. Barnowsky’s head came in contact with the pole and he was instantly killed. After coming back on the street Yaskutalis’ car hit the rear end of a Buick, being driven north by John Petrus. The car was badly damaged, but neither Petrus nor those in his car were seriously injured. Barnowsky was born in Poland in 1869 and 36 years ago he came to Forest City. He is survived by his wife and eight children.
Uniondale – A deer has been seen in John White’s pasture. It runs with the horses and seems to be fond of their company. Tuesday, when Wm. McCoy was going to Forest City, he noticed the deer, stopped his wagon and threw some cabbage leaves to his deership. It came and ate but was frightened away by a passing car. It is said that a wounded deer was recently found on the old fair grounds.
Clifford – Jay Cobb, who was wounded by Allie Brown ten days ago, is at Emergency hospital in Carbondale. He will recover.
Taylor’s Band of Montrose - The band will give concerts in Springville and Fairdale in the immediate future and is meeting with splendid receptions wherever it appears. [The band was organized by Maurice Taylor and featured his brothers. Mr. Taylor organized the Montrose H. S. band in 1927, but not having a college degree he was listed on the payroll as a janitor. Being aware that there was no simple way to teach band methods he started publishing, in 1939, the “Easy Steps to the Band” series, which grew and is still used in schools throughout the United States. A former student, Richard Mackey, who played French horn in the Boston Symphony, believed that half the brass and winds section learned to play from the books. Mr. Taylor also organized the popular Massed Band Concerts. In 1935 he brought 604 players to Montrose, which drew an estimated audience of 12,000 people.] Information was found on line where you are invited to read more: “Maurice D. Taylor Memorial Music Scholarship.”
Thanksgiving Turkeys – The country is already becoming interested in the price of turkeys, and it is stated that there will be a decline in cost compared to recent years. Live birds are quoted at 40 cents a pound wholesale. Large numbers are being shipped in from Canada and Argentina.
Humane Society – The Society has two requests to make, both of which seem entirely reasonable. The first is that people having large animals—horses or cattle—to be put out of the way, shall phone the sheriff, the agent, or any officer of the Society, rather than to bring the animal to the shelter. Obviously, large animals, where the matter of taking care of the body has to be taken into consideration, cannot be disposed of at the shelter. They have to be disposed of where they can be most easily buried. So a phone call is to be preferred to having the animals disposed of at the shelter. The second request is to those people who drive up to the shelter and throw unwanted animals into the yard and drive off. A record is kept of all the cats and dogs taken there, where they come from and what is done with them, whether placed in homes or destroyed. There is no charge whatever for doing this work, so there is no excuse for throwing animals into the yard and running.
Compiled By: Betty Smith