Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 16 1917/2017
Susquehanna – On Tuesday of this week the Susquehanna Transcript starts in under a new management, having been placed under the control of Mr. U. Grant Baker, who for a number of years has edited the Towanda Daily Review, with brilliant success, as well as conducting newspaper work elsewhere. A local paper, especially a daily, should be an up-to-the minute chronicle of the happenings of the town and vicinity and its varied interests. There seems to be scope for a decided change in this regard, and doubtless, prove beneficial to both the paper and gratifying to its many readers. ALSO Joseph Kelly, who is home from Camp Meade, says the people here do not realize the seriousness of the situation, and he thinks all the boys at Camp Meade will be in France by spring.
Little Meadows – Patrick H. Kiley was killed Thursday, Nov. 8, 1917, while at work in the woods. He was the son of Cornelius and Ann (Hickey) Kiley, and was born in Ireland. He is survived by two brothers, Michael and Cornelius Kiley, both of Little Meadows. He was unmarried. The funeral was conducted at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, at the Little Meadows church.
Hallstead – George T. Hatfield, one of the oldest engineers on the Lackawanna, was killed in the railroad yards, at Scranton, Tuesday morning, Nov. 6, 1917. He was 57 years of age and is survived by his widow and two children, George Hatfield, of Binghamton, and Mrs. Louis Kenyon, of Demster, NY, and by three stepchildren, Mrs. Mack and Mrs. Oliver, of Binghamton and Harry Kapp, of Hallstead.
Montrose – Miss Frances Atkinson, of Lemoir, North Carolina, is now at the public library, coming here with the view of being the assistant librarian, the position becoming vacant by the recent resignation of Mrs. Lloyd Calby. Miss Atkinson has received training in the University Library, of North Carolina, and proposes to take further training in some large Pennsylvania library, to better equip herself for her chosen work. ALSO Andre & Sweet have installed their feed-grinding machinery in their new mill and are now ready for business. The firm is contemplating installing a flour mill next spring and believe that they can produce good wheat flour at around $11 per barrel. With local farmers taking greater interest in raising wheat, it would seem a profitable undertaking for every farmer to sow an acre or two of wheat next spring. Whole wheat bread is far more wholesome than bread made from bleached, finely bolted flour.
Gibson – All persons interested in the public library, please hand their subscriptions to C.H. VanGorder, James Strockbine or Mrs. H.G. Estabrook. New books will be purchased as soon as subscriptions are handed in. Subscribers please hand in lists of books they would like.
Brooklyn – A little past midnight the alarm of fire awakened some of our citizens and a half dozen or more autos from town, with as many neighboring men, hurried to answer the call for help from Wade H. Barnes, whose residence on the State road, about one mile below town, was found to be burning. The fire having started in the attic, near the chimney, nearly all the household goods on the first floor were saved, besides some fruit, vegetables, and eggs in the cellar by faithful work on the part of the men present, whose efforts also saved the barns, silos and other buildings from taking fire. There was no insurance. Mr. Barnes and family are already cozily settled in the Alva Quick house, and are thankful for many kindnesses shown.
Fair Hill – R.H. Raub was down to Easton, last week. Took up the body of N.H. Cool and took it down there to be buried by the side of his wife. D.D. Roe, of Fairdale, took him down with his auto truck. ALSO Our school is progressing finely under the supervision of Miss Elizabeth Austin, of Montrose.
Harford – The famous wood chopper, Dr. Havens Lewis, is now working for Will Warren. He is a poet as well as a wood cutter. He says:--“He can cut five (5) cords of wood in a day, and then kick up his heels and play.” AND In West Harford, Fred Matthews, of Scranton, visited at H.H. Estabrook’s last week. Mr. Matthews was at one time superintendent of the Soldiers’ Orphan School in this place, and has many friends who were glad to see him again.
Lynn – R.B. Williams, wife and son, and Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Fish, motored to Owego and returned on Sunday, making a trip of over 106 miles in a day.
Rush – The Red Cross has received its supply of wool and everyone is asked to do some knitting, as they are in need of warm clothes. The wool is at Mrs. Seth Stark’s. Call on her and get some of the work and help in a good cause.
Forest City – The high school basket ball team was defeated by the Blakely boys Saturday afternoon. The game was a close one resulting in a score of 15 to 14. The return game will be played in the high school gymnasium tomorrow evening. ALSO – Miss Nellie Burdick, who has for some time been employed in Attorney Maxey’s office, has gone to Washington, D.C. to accept a government clerkship.
Uniondale – The local Suffragettes are rejoicing over the victory in New York. They are disappointed, however, when they think that it will be 1921 before the suffrage amendment can be submitted to the voters of Pennsylvania. They think by that time public sentiment will have changed and Pennsylvania will grant equal suffrage.
News Brief: Shoes no longer peep from neath ladies’ skirts—the skirt may be short, but not the look—so the appearance of the shoe becomes highly important. Read & Warner’s (Montrose) advertisement, today, speaks entirely of this article of wear.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, November 15, 1817.
*ORDAINED. In Harford, (Penn.) on Wednesday the 12th inst. the Rev. William Chamberlain to the work of the gospel ministry; and under the direction of the Board of Commissioners for foreign missions is to go as a missionary to the Cherokee, and other tribes of the native inhabitants of our country.
*SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of a writ of vend. expo. issued out of the court of common pleas of Susquehanna county, to me directed, will be exposed to sale at public vendue at the house of Benaiah Chatfield on Wednesday the 26th inst. the following property. Viz: 2 mows of hay, one mow of wheat, 6 fatting hogs, 3 cows, 3 yearlings, 5 calves, one bull and one bay horse. Seized and taken in execution as the property of said Benaiah Chatfield. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P.M. AUSTIN HOWELL, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Montrose. Nov. 15, 1817.
Compiled By: Betty Smith