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November 16 1906/2006

Great Bend - Last night at about 8 o'clock the barn just back of Franklin street, owned by William Colsten, was burned, together with its contents and a loss estimated at $800 was sustained. The barn is located on the hill near the residence of Terrance Murray and in a rather isolated position. As soon as the flames were discovered the fire company responded to the alarm, but it was impossible to save the barn. The firemen devoted their efforts to saving the Murray residence. It is now firmly believed here that a fire bug is operating in this place and Hallstead, and steps are to be taken by the village officials to apprehend the incendiary. It was but a short time ago that the Hallstead High School was burned, with great loss to that town, and only a few days ago an attempt was made to burn the old creamery near the Erie tracks in this place. The fire in the latter place is known to have been of incendiary origin and no other explanation can be made for the fire at Hallstead. Both towns are becoming excited over the matter.

Brooklyn - E. L. Weston, of Brooklyn, had the misfortune to lose two valuable cows. He had let his cows into his orchard about an hour each day, but his attention being called in another direction they were left in about three hours, with the result that all ate too much. Two could not be saved.

Montrose - Consider Wood, grandfather of our townsman, Sylvester Wood, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, having enlisted in Rhode Island in Feb. 1777 and served three years as a private under Col. Rufus Putnam, and was discharged at Highlands, N.Y., Feb. 9, 1780. The noted warrior was engaged in several important battles and has a good record in the War Department. On the 11th of Sept. 1820, Consider Wood appeared before the Court of Record, "holden at Meansville (now Towanda) in and for the said county of Bradford," and made personal application for pension. The grandson, Sylvester Wood, is a member of Four Brothers' Post G.A.R., and it may be said of him that his was an inheritance of the military spirit. AND "Doc" Carey was the first on the boulevard on runners this morning and the first of the season. Eight inches of snow makes fair sleighing.

Dimock - C. W. Barnes has been appointed Constable for Dimock township.

New Milford - Leo Benninger and Charles Risley have secured positions as firemen on the Lackawanna Railroad. AND T. J. McCarthy is temporary Lackawanna agent here. Wm. Cooper, night operator, is taking Mr. McCarthy's place in the tower days, and Fred Farrar, of Scranton, is working nights. Rumor says that the Lackawanna tower operators are to be given an eight-hour schedule after Jan. 1.

Middletown Twp. - Middletown has two game wardens who are looking after the game law some. AND From all appearance our new telephone line is going to die a natural death. The farmers around here haven't enterprise enough to put up a clothes line.

Franklin Twp. - Will Van Cott, of New Milford and B. F. Walters, of Whitney's Point, came through here Tuesday making contacts with agents for Patten and Stafford Co., manufacturers of the celebrated New York Champion horse rakes.

Heart Lake - The box social at G. F. Allen's was a success, the most interesting feature of the evening being "The Girl I Left Behind Me;" principal actors, two bashful young men; place, depot platform; object, two lunch boxes planned for four but consumed by two.

South Gibson - Our town has been flooded with hunters the past two weeks.

South Montrose - R. E. Carey has the boss cider mill, having put in a new gasoline engine. With his hydraulic press he is able to make seventy-five barrels per day.

Rush - A very pleasant family gathering was held at the home of W. H. Deuel on Oct. 27, and there were present 43 of the family, including 10 children out of 13. John of New York, Samuel of Binghamton, and Asa of Tracey Creek, were not present, but the children who attended were: Alice Rhinevault Marcus of Orwell, Lorinda of Lestershire, George of Montrose, Mary of Lestershire, Ranston, Fay and Hattie of Jessup. At 11 o'clock they commenced to fill the house of closely affectioned relatives. Refreshments were served and some fine music given on the graphophone, by Reed Snow of Franklin Forks.

Harford - J. L. Robbins is a veteran of the Spanish-American War, enlisting in Co. D, 21st. Infantry. He fought in the great battle at Santiago, and was one of the fortunate American soldiers to escape death in that scene of awful bloodshed, on the memorable July 1st, of 1898. Mr. Robbins afterwards went to the Philippines. He served in the army for three years lacking ten days, as faithfully as becomes any boy in blue, and when his health became impaired he was granted an honorable discharge. Mr. Robbins tells some interesting tales with relation to hardships encountered in army life, and we were glad to listen to him.

Thompson - They are loading another [railroad] car with apples, which brought a number of Jackson farmers over this morning, notwithstanding the drizzling snow. AND Herbert Burchel has his new saw mill nearly ready for work, and E. C. Gelatt has begun work on his lumber job. Both of these enterprises are in the township just north of the boro, and indicate plenty of work for good hands.

News Briefs: It is said that in order to keep the odor of vegetables, cauliflower, turnips and cabbage from permeating the house, lay a cloth over the top of the pot in which they were boiled and then sprinkle a little salt over the cloth. This is a very simple remedy and is said to be very effective. AND Heretofore the Government has made its own postage stamps, but after February next the American Bank Note Co. will do the work under contract. This company will have to deliver twenty-seven millions of stamps daily, six times a week. AND It would be very gratifying to the editor of the Republican if persons who borrowed one volume of "Life of Abraham Lincoln," and also of "James A. Garfield" would return them to this office. The Lincoln volume has been out a long time; the Garfield volume not so long--about three years.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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