Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 16 1894/1994
Jackson - Fred Williams is to put in a radiator in the house of Annie Marshy Guaranteed to heat the room equal to a coal stove.
Lawsville - Last week Thursday night two fellows broke into George Lindsley’s mill and made a fire on the floor of some papers to see to force the tool chest open but did not succeed. They took a sledgehammer and spade and left them on Mr. Tingley’s store stoop. They also tried to get into George Meeker’s shop again, and then they went away to come back Saturday night, bringing two more with them. Andrew Warner lives over Mr. Tingley’s store. They went up stairs and bursted the door open and held a revolver to his head and told him to keep still or they would shoot him. They look two dollars all the money he had, and then went down and broke in the store. They could not get the safe open, so they took some underclothing. They all had masks on. This is the fifth time Lawsville has been disturbed in a short time. They took a horse out of Charles Smith, at Corbettsville, and drove up here. If they are caught they will not meet with much mercy.
Auburn Corners- When read of the Ladies Aid at Shannon Hill piecing one bed quill and sewing several hundred pounds of carpet rags at one visit do really become dissatisfied with ours. Why, they think if they sew 100 pounds of rags at one visit they are doing a nice thing. Ladies, you must do better. AND Oilie Birch returned last week from the far west. He thinks he will go back in about three or four weeks. Pam Harris, his cousin, talks very strong of going back with him and performs the duties of a cowboy. Pam would make a good one.
Franklin Forks - The Acid Works have closed and Rumor says are to be moved away. Quite bad for those who have wood to sell.
Herrick Centre - The chicken pie supper was a success. A goodly number was present, and all went home saying, "I ate enough chicken pie for once." Proceeds $27.
Hop Bottom- Hopbottom like most little towns, has its busy bodies, and for the benefit of such persons, and all others concerned will say the widow Merrill is being boarded and cared for by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ruland, worthy residents of Hopbottom, who take good care of the old lady, and for which they receive thirteen dollars per month, and the amount is paid by her son A.J. Merrill who lives in Scranton, and her son-in-law, A.E. Bell, who lives in Hopbottom. It would be a fine thing if all the old people living in Hopbottom were as well provided for. One who knows.
Rush - The framework of the big barn, 40 x 60 now in course of erection for the Hon. H.J. Millard, in Rush, was raised recently, by the builders, assisted by a goodly number of neighbors and friends. The Rush Cornet band was also on hand, and whilst aiding very materially by their muscular energy, they also rendered the occasion pleasant and memorable by playing a number of fine selections. During the raising the friends and relatives arrived to visit the Elder and family.
Clifford - Burgess Smith, 85 years old, has dug and buried over 200 bushels of potatoes this fall and has husked quite a quantity of corn, and has now commenced culling wood for winter. What man of his age can beat it?
Springville - Mrs. Grattan is agent for the Royal Worcester corset. Try them, they are such a nice form. You can find them by calling at her store.
Harford - The contest supper at Odd Fellows Hall, Saturday evening, Nov. 10, for the benefit of the G.A.R. Post, resulted in the victory of the slippery oyster, with the old rooster in hot pursuit. Receipts from the oysters, $12.30, for the chicken, $11.50.
Compiled By: Betty Smith