Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 15 1901/2001
Clifford/Great Bend - T. J. Wells, of Clifford and Robert Ferguson, of Great Bend, who went to Harrisburg last week as jurors in the United States court, were drawn on the jury to sit in the condemnatory proceedings brought by the United States in regard to the battle ground of Gettysburg, with a view to making that historic spot the property of the Federal government. Messrs. Wells and Ferguson, together with the other jurors, will, in pursuance of their duties, visit Gettysburg on December 9.
Lawsville Center - Thursday, Thanksgiving evening, the Lawsville Ladies Aid Society will furnish, in Creamery Hall, a Thanksgiving supper consisting of all the delicacies of the season. Roast turkey and roast chicken will be served in addition to all the other good things for which the ladies of Lawsville are noted. There will be a fish pond in one corner of the hall for all those who enjoy that kind of sport to indulge in. Come and bring your lady and enjoy a good supper and learn to fish.
Susquehanna - Burglars broke into St. John's Catholic Church on Monday morning at 2 o'clock. They thoroughly ransacked the sacred edifice, but secured no booty. They afterwards attempted to enter the parochial residence but secured nothing. AND The Journal makes the excellent suggestion that the matter of the site for the new borough building be decided by popular vote at the borough election, to be held in February next. In the meanwhile, in the language of the immortal Grant, "Let us have peace."
Brooklyn - Farmers are improving this fine weather in getting their work in shape for winter, therefore trade is quiet and our storekeepers are having a much-needed rest, except our new hardware merchant who is rushed putting up stoves. Along the many sold was a fine new range to Mr. Lemon.
Rush - Wilbur Terry, the harnessman, is working day and night to keep up with orders for new harness. His work has attracted the attention of farmers and horsemen throughout the whole neighborhood. Mr. Terry has taken first premium on his harnesses at Wilkes-Barre, Towanda, Binghamton and Elmira. He is also prepared to do all carriage and other upholstering.
Glenwood - Harry Potter, who has been working in Gelatt during the summer and fall, is home for the present.
Herrick Center - The box social held at the school building Friday evening last was a decided success. About $30 was cleared which will be used to buy window shades for the school building.
Dimock - Mrs. Mary L. Hinckley was presented with a gold-headed cane on her 85th birthday, November 18th, by her son, J. Fremont Hinckley and daughter, Mrs. Daniel Horton.
Jackson - The recent election of L. Dow Benson, Esq. Of Jackson, to the office of County Surveyor, is the fifth time he has been thus honored, though it has not been continuous. He has, however, served continuously as Justice of the Peace since 1856, a period of 45 years, a service perhaps without parallel within the borders of the State.
Auburn Corners - The M.E. church will hold its annual oyster supper, Nov. 26th, at the home of Ed Lemon. Mr. Lemon has a large home and will be able to accommodate all that come. He also has plenty of stable room for your horses. A good time is anticipated.
Forest Lake - John J. Kane, a prosperous farmer of Forest Lake, has just treated his wagon barn to a neat coat of paint. The building, which was erected over 60 years ago, was formerly a schoolhouse and was used 33 years for that purpose. Nearly 17 years ago Mr. Kane had it moved to his premises. In its new dress it resembles the old house, when Mr. Kane was a student within its walls. The last term he attended there were 95 scholars and the instructor was Patrick McTigue, now a prominent wholesale dealer of Binghamton. Sacred memories cluster round the old house, and John, who has much veneration for it, will preserve it in memory of his school days, and early manhood, while life with him shall last.
Ararat - The mystery in connection with finding so much valuable property in the possession of the two Ararat old maids (names withheld), who recently applied for aid from the town, deepens. After receiving their application and calling and discovering a box filled with valuable merchandise in their possession, and while the poor masters were looking for a drayman to remove them, goods estimated at two truckloads were removed by unknown parties and all trace of them are utterly lost. The women still have "nothing to say" in regard to this or any other matter at all connected with the case. The goods recently auctioned off represented a period from 1860 to the present day. Some articles were manufactured within the last two years, especially in regard to the sacks of sugar and salt and the farming utensils and the large number of beads and other small articles usually carried by the Arabian pack-peddlers. The only articles thus far traced to an owner are a couple of pair of boots, identified by Mr. Kenedy as having his father's price-mark on them, but his father retired from business 38 years ago. Inquisitive persons have been digging up the garden at the rear of the house and though several small articles have been found, nothing of importance has been unearthed. By reason of their living over the borderline, for a sufficient length of time, Herrick township is forced to take charge of the women and their effects. The burden will not be a heavy one, as nearly $400 was realized from the auction sale, which together with the $200 found in their possession, will be used toward their support. Many who are acquainted with all the circumstances, think this is merely one house of many on a line of underground railway for stolen goods.
News Brief - Jewelers' clock signs usually indicate 8:15, that being the hour when our first martyred president, Abraham Lincoln, breathed his last. A movement has been inaugurated to induce jewelers to change their signs to indicate 3:55, the time when President McKinley was shot by Czolgosz.
Compiled By: Betty Smith