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November 14 1919/2019

Uniondale – Mr. and Mrs. Theron B. Dimmick were tendered a surprise by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren on November 9, 1919, the occasion being their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married at her home in Uniondale on November 9, 1969 by Rev. Yates Hickey, pastor of the Uniondale Presbyterian church, and were attended by Miss Sarah Mills and Payson Burritt. The bride was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood; none of her relatives survive. Several of the children died young and a brother was killed in the Civil War. The union was blessed by six children, 14 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, all of whom were present, except one daughter, wife of Sheldon Lamoreaux, whose death occurred on May 1, 1905. Those left who witnessed the wedding are: Mrs. Myrlis Dimmick Stevens, Norman G. Dimmick, of Uniondale and Mrs. Sarah Mills Raynor of Carbondale. (A long list of attendees is with the article).

Little Meadows – George McCrossin, who has conducted the Little Meadows hotel for the past seven years, has leased the hotel and with Mrs. McCrossin will spend the winter in the south, driving through in their automobile to Miami, Fla.

Brooklyn – O. M. Doloway took the early trolley home Tuesday morning, and, with other passengers, saw a deer between Montrose and Brooklyn. A couple of years ago several deer were seen in this county, one being killed in Silver Lake township. [At the time deer were rarely seen in this or surrounding counties.] ALSO Mrs. G. H. Terry entertained the members of her Sunday school class at a molasses candy pull at her home.

Elk Hill – David Jones, who resides on the east side of Elk Hill, lost his home by fire Thursday morning. Mr. Jones was at Montrose at the time. The occupants of the house were his son, Ralph, and daughter, Anna, and a niece, Miss Ruth Goodwin, of Carbondale. Ralph detected the smell of smoke when he arose. On Investigation he found flames coming through the register hole of the furnace. He hastily awakened his sister and cousin who escaped in their night clothing. They wrapped themselves in blankets from the barn and sought help from the neighbors. On their return the house was entirely consumed. Just how the fire started no one can explain, but it is believed it was caused by a new furnace whose operation was not thoroughly understood. The house and contents were insured.

Thompson – Charley Glover, while cranking up an auto, had the same experience of any others, which resulted in a fracture of his right arm. He was taken to Dr. McNamara’s office and later returned to his home on the west side. ALSO Michael Kutarnia, when cranking an auto belonging to Peter Petrus in Forest City, broke the small bones of the right hand. Two others had tried in vain to get the machine to go when Mr. Kutarnia was appealed to.

Montrose – The Monday Club held a very interesting open meeting at the library. Mrs. Harriet LaGrange, a returned missionary, spoke on Syria and told of the great suffering of the people in that stricken country during the war. ALSO On Monday evening committees from the Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of Veterans, Sons of Veterans and American Legion, held a meeting at the library. Miss Eliza Brewster was elected chairman. It was decided to fall in line with the nation-wide movement to study the Constitution, and the work of Americanization.

Forest City – The high school basket ball quintet journeyed to Honesdale Friday evening to play the high school team of that place. The visitors were defeated by a score of 19 to 14, a stiff game throughout. ALSO Frank Hawkyer is the champion cabbage raiser of this vicinity. He had over 10,000 heads of marketable cabbage this year of more than usual size. He sold the crop at seven cents per pound. Forest City was his market. He says he could not supply the demand.

Tirzah – Arnold Foster killed a fine red fox one day last week, while squirrel hunting in Walker’s woods. He came upon the fox which was sleeping and made a good mark. Arnold is a boy, but the best marksman around.

Glenwood – The soldiers and Sons of Veterans held their annual oyster dinner at the Grange hall, Saturday last, there being over fifty friends present, including visitors, seven of the old soldiers of ’65 and several of the young soldiers of the World War also present.

Harford – There are various kinds of “bees,” such as the bumble bee, the honey bee, the sewing and quilting bee, but the bee that was around in Will Merritt’s woods made more noise than all of these other bees put together. It was a wood bee for the Congregational church and although there were not as many men present as expected, there were enough so that the hum of their saws and axes made things merry all day and as the sound echoed through the woods we knew that the fuel was being made ready so the church might be kept warm when the cold, dreary winter approaches, and we thank Melvin Tingley, Cody Gates, W. R. Merritt, Gail Peck, Alonzo Hawley, G. W. Osmun, H. W. Booth, Walter Booth, Earl Lewis, DeForrest Decker and John Alworth. ALSO “Uncle” Philander Harding is real smart in spite of his 97 years and “Aunt” Janie is active, keeps up her reading and interest in topics of the day, and one can hardly believe she was 87 her last birthday.

Susquehanna – Susquehanna celebrated “Armistice Day” with considerable enthusiasm. One of the largest parades ever witnessed in that place was held. About 140 service men were in line. The rain prevented a dance on the pavement in the evening, but numerous functions of this nature were held in the halls.

Birchardville – A serious accident occurred near this place last Saturday, when a team of horses belonging to H. B. Stone & Son ran away. Mrs. H. B. Stone and Mrs. Earl Stone were on their way to Birchardville and had just started down the long hill leading to that village when the wagon pole broke, frightening the team, which broke loose from the wagon and ran wildly down the hill. Friends seeing the horses free, hurried to the scene with an automobile and motorcycle. The two women and little Lelia, daughter of Mrs. Earl Stone, had been thrown from the wagon and was found suffering considerable pain. They were taken to the home of W. H. Small, at Birchardville, and Dr. Newman was hastily summoned. Mrs. Stone, Sr., had suffered a broken rib and other severe bruises, and the younger Mrs. Stone was injured in one shoulder and back and severely shocked. They were all able to be removed to their homes a few days later, where Mrs. Emma Ball is assisting in caring for them.

New Milford – Howard C. Sherman, of Franklin Township and Lutie M. Wirth, of New Milford township, were married Nov. 5th, by Rev. E. A. Benson, of New Milford.

From the Independent Republican, October 23, 1856: A Republican Team—At the meeting in Thomson on Saturday evening before the State election, a unique turn-out made its appearance from Ararat. It was a team of thirteen yoke of oxen, drawing three wagons, connected together, which contained ninety men. On returning the load comprised 112 men. It went and returned without accident.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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