Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 14 1913/2013
Hop Bottom - The jury in the case of Mrs. Clara Rose, on trial, charged with attempting to take the life of her husband, Jerome Rose, returned a verdict to find the defendant guilty on all five counts of the indictment. The case was one of the most sensational in the history of crime in Susquehanna county. The testimony was that the woman, with the aid of at least one male companion, had endeavored to put her husband, Jerome Rose, to death by throwing dynamite at him as he was leaving his home. The evidence offered at the trial was that the defendant had been enamored with Abe VanHousen, said to be a frequent visitor at the house, and the claim was made by the commonwealth that the two had planned the death of Jerome in order to give her freedom to marry her lover. Rose received severe bodily injuries and suffered the loss of an eye as a result of the explosion. The fuse was fixed by Leon Granger, who was told by Mrs. Rose that if he did not assist in the dynamiting she would blow his brains out and at the point of a revolver he assisted in the act. The defense rested without submitting any evidence.
Springville - The second number of the Entertainment Course comes Tuesday evening, November 18. It is a humorous lecture, “Brain Sells,” by Harry Bowser. Those who cherish good humor, along with that which elevates and makes better, come and be made to do better with what you have. ALSO: It is reported that A. E Rodney has purchased the Brush property and intends opening a barber shop and pool room, having sold out at South Montrose. ALSO: in Ainey, the annual Oyster dinner of Battery H, First Pa. Light Artillery, will be held at the home of Dyer Taylor, at Lynn station, Nov. 26. All old soldiers and their wives are cordially invited.
Ararat Summit - Mrs. Neal, “optician,” of Susquehanna, has been stopping with Mrs. George Avery, recently, and drives out among the people testing and fitting their eyes with glasses. ALSO: Miss Nora Brown, teacher, has purchased the M. E. Church organ for the “Aldrich School.” Her brother, Mr. Brown, was in town and took the organ from the church to the school house. A new organ, which has been ordered for the church, is expected soon.
S. Harford - A dance was held at Floyd Carey’s Friday night. Refreshments consisting of cake, sandwiches and coffee were served. Everyone reports a fine time. The following were present: Lee Grinnell and wife, Harold Green, Will Robinson and family, Wm. Hadsel, E. C. Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fargo and family, Roy Craft, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tiffany, Clair Tompkins, Ward Carey, Oscar Conrad, William Cook, Grover Lawrence, L. J. Conrad, Oliver Payne, John Felton, Leon Hall, Florence Green, Viola Green, Mildred Green, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gow, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Oakley.
Susquehanna - Susquehanna presents quite a metropolitan appearance these days, having its main street beautifully paved with white brick, and are proudly boasting of being the first town in the county to have a paved street. The street was opened last Friday and in the evening a celebration was held, in the form of a citizens’ and firemen’s parade, which showed marked enthusiasm in the progressiveness of their town.
East Kingsley - Mrs. E. E. Titus, accompanied by Mrs. E. E. Finn, of Clifford, attended the World’s Convention of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, at Brooklyn, New York. Mrs. B. M. Jeffers also attended. The temperance cause received a new impetus, not only in our own nation, but all over the world, for there were 24 delegates present from foreign countries who take the inspiration back to their homes.
Gibson - Last Friday, some of the friends and neighbors of E. G. Lamb made him a bee to finish digging his potatoes. Over seventy bushels were dug and put in the cellar. Surely a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Carbondale - While Detective Wilson was delivering a lecture in the Baptist church, Friday night, a mob of about 2000 angry people gathered in the street, bombarding the church with stones and other missiles, until every window was in ruins. After the lecture Wilson made his escape by running through the back streets, while several men received the thumps intended for him. The nature of the lecture is not thoroughly known, as the audience was admitted by card and all press men were forbidden to enter. [Reported later that the lecture was on anti--Catholicism.]
Glenwood - Dr. Ainey, of Brooklyn, examined the school children, under the authority of the late act of the legislature. He has been appointed the medical inspector for this township. The state is recognizing that much of the crime is due to some defect in the man’s physical condition, and it is going to see that the child is improved mentally and physically.
New Milford - Knapp & Fell, the new proprietors of the depot restaurant, are open for business.
Forest City - Paul Zupancich and Miss Matilda Drobne were married at 9 o’clock Monday morning in St. Joseph’s church by the pastor, Rev. Joseph Tomscic. They were attended by Frank Grablavic and Miss Louisa Skubic. ALSO: The banns of marriage were read for the first time at close of service in St. Agnes church between Joseph Connelly and Miss Olive Morgan and between John Mulligan and Miss Nellie Watts, of Vandling. ALSO: The telephone girls in Pennsylvania, under the new law, get one day out of seven, but the pay will be cut one dollar.
Jackson - A stock company has been formed to build a town hall to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. Outside the school house and churches, Jackson has no pubic hall in which meetings can be held.
Montrose - Complaint has been made by some of the citizens of the town of serious damage done by lawless boys the night of Hallowe’en. In one case a fence around a property was torn down and destroyed, entailing considerable expense in its repair. Stones in the sidewalk were broken, etc. Tallow candles were used in smearing windows in business places, a composition very difficult to remove. Innocent fun is well enough, but damage to property should not be tolerated. We need a crusade for sane Hallowe’en as well as a sane Fourth.
News Brief - A law passed in 1905 prohibits the throwing of waste papers, sweepings, ashes, household waste, nails, or rubbish of any kind, into any street, in any city, borough or township in the State of Pennsylvania. The penalty is a fine of $10 and in default of payment a fine imprisonment in county jail for ten days.
Compiled By: Betty Smith