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November 14 1902/2002

Lenoxville - Mrs. Leroy Allen met with quite a serious accident while coming from here, one night last week. On the hill above Adam Miller's, one of the holdbacks to the harness broke, letting the wagon against the horse, which started on a run. At the foot of the hill they came in contact with Mrs. Timothy McCarthy, who had heard them coming and turned out by the roadside. The wheels of both buggies locked and the harnesses were stripped from both horses, while the occupants of the buggies were thrown to the ground. Mrs. Allen sustained quite serious injuries, but is now able to be around the house again.

East Rush - East Rush is quite a thriving place, for a town of its size. It has an extensive creamery business and the buzz of the sawmill denotes that the woodman's axe is always busy. There is a large mercantile exchange, blacksmith shop, wagon repairing shop, agricultural agency, saw filing and gumming factory, and last but not least, an apple juice extractor, which although established quite recently, is reaping a large patronage. East Rush also boasts a neat church, and substantial school building.

Forest City - The school board has decided to elect two additional teachers to relieve the congested condition of affairs in the public schools. All the rooms at present are overcrowded. AND James Chambers was critically injured by a fall of top coal in the old Forest City slope of the Hillside company, Saturday morning. He was paralyzed as a result of his injuries and his recovery is doubtful. He was taken to Emergency Hospital, Carbondale.

Oakland - An Oakland young lady, Miss Gertrude Markhart, recently visited Binghamton and became exposed to smallpox. Binghamton authorities telegraphed the fact to the health officer here, and now she, as well as the balance of the family, is quarantined until it shall be known whether or now she has contracted the disease.

Montrose - Messrs. Fayette F. Sprout and Herbert F. Brewster, two popular young men of this place, have purchased the stock and fixtures of the well-known Fordham store and restaurant, and will conduct the business themselves under the firm name of Sprout & Brewster. Both gentlemen are progressive and industrious and their energies will be bent upon keeping the store in as fine a condition, as formerly, which is a standard of excellence seldom surpassed. Mr. Fordham has accepted a similar position to the one in which he has been engaged in here; in connection with the Y.M.C.A. building at Scranton and with his family will remove to that place.

News Briefs - A woman, says an exchange, would not be satisfied without having an unnatural hump on her somewhere. For a time the bustle sufficed. Then the big sleeves with an unnatural bump at the shoulders. This didn't last long, and the puff moved from the shoulder to the cuff. Just now the fad is to wear a shirtwaist that looks as if a peck of apples has been dumped into it in front. AND The new special delivery stamp to be issued within a few weeks by the Post-office Department is to bear the picture of a boy riding a bicycle, instead of the familiar messenger running with a letter in his hand. This will certainly bring the stamp up to date. AND It is said the latest fad now is to send your picture to those of your friends on whom you cannot find an opportunity to call.

Susquehanna - Mr. and Mrs. George Boyden and son George, of Oakland, and Messrs. E. R. Barrett and Charles Allapaugh, of Susquehanna, are in the wilds of Pike County, hunting deer. AND - Susquehanna now has a member of Congress, a Sheriff and a County Commissioner, with a second Commissioner three miles distant. AND Charles Schmidt, of Lanesboro, is erecting a residence and bakery on Erie Avenue.

Brandt - The Chapot-Shirlaw Chamois Co. recently formed at this place, is at present in a prosperous condition, constantly taking on more hands and expecting to add new machinery in a short time.

Kingsley - The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will serve a chicken pie dinner at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Tiffany on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 29th. The menu reads: chicken pie, mashed potatoes, turnips, cabbage salad, raised biscuit, brown bread, pumpkin pie, berry pie, mince pie, pickles, cranberry sauce, celery, cake and cheese, tea and coffee. Price 20 cents; children under 12, 10 cents.

Welsh Hill - Morgan Morgan recently lost a valuable horse.

South Auburn - L. M. Pipher has been having a furnace and bath tub placed in his house.

Hopbottom - A sad accident occurred last Saturday evening. The oldest son of Milo Tiffany, a boy about 14, while attempting to cross the D.L.&W. tracks near the station by climbing over a passing train, slipped, catching one foot neath the wheels, severing it above the ankle.

Lawton - As election is over and the base ball season is at an end, Lawton is to have a little excitement in the line of foot ball. A team is being organized which promises to be as strong as the base ball club here this season.

Fairdale - Mrs. Milton Roy, mistaking the sound of wood being dropped by her husband between 3 and 4 in the morning as he built a fire, for burglars kicking in the door, jumped from the 2nd story to find help at Mr. Shelp's. In her half-awake state she injured herself. Her husband heard her moans but could not find her and started for Shelps, some 30 yards away, to get their help. Mrs. Shelp met Mr. Roy and said his wife had come to their home and was put to bed. Dr. Frye was telephoned for and in the meantime Mrs. Roy was taken home and all done for her that loving friends and neighbors could do to lighten her sufferings. The doctor thought she was badly hurt inwardly, as she bled from the lungs, but about 3 o'clock p.m. she appeared better and told some things about her perilous journey. She remembered raising the window and putting out her right foot and right arm, and swinging herself out but could not hold fast and had to go down and that the stones hurt her feet when she went through the gate, but nothing more until Mr. S. and his wife got her into their house. Mrs. Roy has so far recovered as to be out of bed part of the time and the bleeding from the lungs nearly ceased.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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