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November 13 1914/2014

Bridgewater Twp. – Miss Leona Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Black of Watrous Corners, has been seriously ill with typhoid fever. Her condition is much improved. It was thought a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Crossen, of that neighborhood, was ill with the same malady, but it has since developed into a gathering in the head. ALSO A. O. McCollum has rented his farm in Bridgewater to Geo. Bushnell, who takes possession the first of next month. Mr. McCollum intends spending the winter in California and may remain in that state for several years. His wife and daughters will spend the winter in Lewisburg, where the young ladies are students at Bucknell.

East Lynn – A Women’s Christian Temperance Union was organized at East Lynn and the following officers elected: Pres., Miss Iva States; Vice Pres., Mrs. Burton Taylor; Sec’y, Mrs. Stark Miller; Treas., Mrs. Clyde Travis.  The first meeting was held at Mrs. Clyde Travis’, October 30th.

Susquehanna – Last evening the State constabulary were notified of a shooting affray, and upon investigation found that a man by the name of B. H. June, of Hallstead, who was visiting his sister, Mrs. R. N. Henderson, was shot in the right shoulder by an unknown person. Little information could be obtained by the State police from the wounded man, as June claims he did not know who did the shooting, although it was evidently done with the revolver at close range, as his shirt was badly scorched. A 22-calibre revolver, evidently recently purchased, was found in the rear of the Henderson homestead. It seems that June and his wife parted several months ago and that she is now residing on Oak street, this place. The shooting affray is a mystery, although many are inclined to believe that the wound was self-inflicted.  (June later confessed he did the shooting.)

Birchardville – There was no school Monday on account of the teacher going down to Lemon on a visit. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Birchard are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Vesta Ball.  Mr. Birchard shouldered his gun and went on a fox trail.

Montrose – Mr. Somerville, proprietor of the C-Nic Theatre, evidently believes in giving good service in up-to-date pictures to his patrons. On Thursday evening, Nov. 19th, “The Good For Nothing”—an Essanay photoplay masterpiece, in four parts, will be presented.

Hop Bottom – The social announced to be held at Dean Bertholf’s, this week, was postponed until Friday evening, Nov. 20. All guests are invited to attend in fantastic costumes representing some character of Mother Goose lore, and a real Thanksgiving goose will be given to the person best representing such a character.

Harford – There will be a meeting of the Congregational church and society on Saturday, Nov. 14.  Every person in Harford desirous of seeing this church continued should attend this meeting, and will be made welcome whether a member or not.  A Congregational church can only exist by the will of the people, and everyone interested should certainly be present, if possible. The future depends on this meeting. It is expected there will be preaching services next Sunday morning.

Forest City – Signs with the usual legend, “Run Slow,” have been placed on North and South Main streets which are interpreted by autoists to have the opposite meaning and no attention is paid to the warning. A section of North Main street is very narrow and pedestrians are in constant danger in that section when an auto appears running at great speed, which many of them do.

Hallstead – A new musical organization has been started in Hallstead known as the Junior Band, as follows: George Pursell, O. E. Brunt, and John Barry, cornets; Edward Downy and Perry Brown, snare drums; Ernest Chamberlin, bass drum; John Fernan and Leo Shields, trombones; Robert and Ernest McAuliffe, tenors; Timothy Connor, Jr., alto; George E. Shields, bass; Archie Tanner and Mark O’Neil, flutes. They are under instruction of George Shields.

Lenox – There will be a box social at the residence of Oney Case on Friday evening of this week. The proceeds are to be used for painting and decorating the grammar room of the Hop Bottom school and the teacher, Miss Jeffers, extends a cordial invitation to all. There will be a fish pond and also home-made candy on sale.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. – The first real snow storm of the season has arrived, covering Mother Earth with about two inches of the beautiful snow.

Clifford – Fred. F. Scott and wife have moved to Carbondale for the winter to accommodate their daughter, Madelyn, who is attending High School at that place.

Ararat – L. O. Baldwin, although 82 years of age, he would pass for a much younger man, having a steady nerve and clear eye and can rout many a younger man in a game of quoits.

Great Bend – The Campfire Girls, under the direction of Mrs. F. L. White and Mrs. N. H. Parke and others, are making wristlets to send to a hospital in France for the use of the Belgium soldiers.

Lanesboro – Chicken thieves have appeared here. A visit was made to Frank Prentice’s when the lock on the hennery was broken and fifteen fowls secured.

Birchardville – Jacob Robertson died last Thursday night, Nov. 5. A funeral service was held at the home. Prayer by Asa Warner and at 1 o’clock, at Fairdale, Rev. F. A. Bergin preached the sermon.  Another old soldier has passed away. [Jacob Robertson was a member of Co. D, Fourth Cavalry. He was a sergeant and enlisted Aug. 20, 1861; re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864; wounded Feb. 6, 1865 and discharged July 13, 1865.]

Thompson – The residents of Thompson and vicinity responded splendidly to the appeal for contributions to the ship load of the many things that will make possible the only Christmas the homeless and in many cases, the fatherless little tots of European countries involved in the terrible war now raging, will know. Four packing cases of warm clothing, toys and many other things that will gladden these little folks at Christmas time, were shipped from Thompson by express to the United States ship, “Jason,” which leaves Brooklyn Navy Yard, Nov. 10th, on its mission of comfort and good cheer.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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