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November 12 1915/2015

Gibson – The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal church met with Mr. and Mrs. Senior last Wednesday. The men who were present cut wood for the church and the ladies pieced a quilt to be sold later at their bazaar.

Clifford – Amateur football is now the great game among the small boys, after school hours. ALSO The would-be lady voters of this town wish to express their thanks to the two pastors for their special sermons, Sunday evening, and to the voters for their approval of Woman Suffrage at the polls Tuesday.

Alford – The Lackawanna cut-off was put into service Nov. 7, 1915. On Nov. 6, at 2:35, the L. & M. train passed over the Alford trestle for the last time. The passengers and baggage from the evening trains were transferred from old to the new station by wagon.

Hallstead – Mr. F. S. Barnes sent his renewal check to the Montrose Democrat, saying he has taken the newspaper since the early 1860’s, soon after getting home from the Civil war. “Can’t let it go now,” was his message.

Dimock – Work has again been commenced in the large stone quarry of Winans & Dougherty, after a short vacation, to give the men a chance to hunt game. ALSO The men of Dimock are going to hold a hunt this Friday. Sides have been chosen, points decided. The side getting the most points to have a free oyster supper at the expense of the other side. Everyone, gunners and others, are invited to the oyster supper that night, Friday.

West Auburn – B. W. Rifenbury’s aged parents, living at this place, were very seriously injured when a horse they were driving wheeled around in the road, throwing them both out of the wagon and precipitating them over an embankment. Mrs. Rifenbury’s arm was broken and Mr. Rifenbury was severely injured about the head and it is feared he has internal injuries as well.

New Milford – Mrs. P. J. Hand died at her home here, Oct. 28, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Hand was born in Langford, Ireland, and came to this country while young, locating in Binghamton. In 1883 she was married to P. J. Hand and since then has resided in New Milford. She was devoted to her family and her greatest happiness was found in giving pleasure to others. She is survived by her husband and three children, Maurice, of Hoboken, NJ; Andrew, of Endicott; and Elizabeth, at home; besides six sisters, Elizabeth, Anna and Kathryn, of Fort Smith, Ark.; Margaret and Bridget, yet in Ireland; and Mary, of Endicott; and one brother, Stephen, of Scranton.

Hop Bottom – J. W. Bisbee has erected a fine new post office building, which is nearly ready for occupancy. ALSO Sunday marked a red letter day in the history of Foster, when the old road bed of the D.L.&W. railroad, over which trains have run through this place for over 50 years, was abandoned for the new cut-off. The new station is under process of erection, on the hill. ALSO September 6, George Robinson, the surveyor, was struck by the officials’ train. A number of ribs were broken and he is in a very critical condition at a Binghamton hospital.

Thompson – Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. Pickering and daughter, Lura, and son, George, and his wife, intend to start for Florida on the 16th of this month, to spend the winter. ALSO H. C. Burleigh, of the Hardware Store, has just received a carload of fine cutters [horse-drawn sleighs], “first come, first served.”

East Rush – Our quiet community was very much surprised last Saturday morning on learning of the marriage the previous evening of one of our oldest men, “Uncle” Moses Holbert, who is near his 90th milestone, to Mrs. Westler, of Rushboro, who is 80 years or more. The couple is enjoying their honeymoon with Uncle Jack, at Lookout Castle. We all unite in wishing them a long and happy life.

North Harford – People in this vicinity are soon going to make sausage and sauerkraut.

Uniondale – Arthur Powell and wife met with a serious accident Thursday evening, when they were driving from Forest City to their home in Herrick. The horse became frightened and backed them off a 25 ft. embankment at Still Water.

Montrose – A large boulder from the Grow homestead, in Glenwood, has been hauled to Montrose and is now on the site at Monument square and after a suitable tablet has been placed upon it the boulder will stand as a monument to the author of the “Homestead bill” under the “Grow elm,” which came from the first free homestead at Beatrice, Nebraska. The elm was presented to the county by Daniel Freeman on the occasion of the welcome to Mr. Grow in 1903, after his return home from Congress.

Flynn – Middletown, although an old bachelor town, gave a majority in favor of Woman Suffrage.

Springville – Wesley Baker, of Lynn, has purchased the soda fountain and lunch room formerly conducted by J. A. Stevens. Wesley has many friends, who are glad to have him go into business here and wish him success.

Forest City – The high school basketball quintet maintained its unbroken record of wins when they defeated the “Village Five” under the command of Harry Brown, in the high school gymnasium. Inability to shoot goals from fouls cost the losers and deprived them of a chance at any point to take the lead. The high school boys showed better form in the last period and Max Freedman proved a good scorer. Score 21 to 14.

The Trial for the Murder of Jackson Pepper – Miss Frances Ammerman, D. A. Ainey’s Stenographer, who was present with others at the jail where Eagan’s confession was made, was called to the witness stand and told of the circumstances connected therewith. Deputy Sheriff Fitch Leonard and Chief of Police McMahon testified that confession was voluntary and in no way forced. The confession was then read. Defense opened Thursday afternoon to another “packed house.” Eagan was accompanied in court by his legal wife, a bright looking young woman whom he married near Coventry, NY, about a week before his arrest. She seemed exceedingly loyal to him and his cause. Mr. Davies pitched into the matter of evidence, calling a lot of “character witnesses.” Eagan had lived at Windsor up to 7 or 8 years ago with his foster-father, Catlin Smith, a highly respected citizen. After the character witnesses, 23 in all, had given their testimony, Mr. Davies announced, to the surprise of all, that his evidence was all in—none but the “character witnesses” being introduced. A. H. McCollum, Esq., proceeded to discuss the law points in this case, and other cases having a bearing upon it, in a terse and convincing way, and exhibiting, as he always does, his mastery of the details of the law, and the almost endless number of cases cited in the law reports, upon any given question which his long and extensive practice has brought to him. Friday morning Davies began his summing-up address to the jury, citing the past murders in the county, especially that of Oliver Harper by Jason Treadwell in 1824— the man first hung for his offence and showing Treadwell was unjustly convicted and urged the necessity for caution. He intimated that whatever mistake Eagan made was in connection with Susie Graham and as the confession says, she helped put up this job and why is she not indicted? All Eagan’s troubles have come since he met her—all the witnesses said his character was good in all respects till he met her. In closing he urged that the jury should bring in a verdict of acquittal, or at most, one of manslaughter, closing his impassioned address. Prosecution opened and Mr. Ainey spoke of the sympathy that was asked for defendant, and inquired in stentorian tones; is there not cause for sympathy for poor old Jackson Pepper and his friends? He combatted the idea that it was necessary to be in the absolute act of committing robbery, so far as taking the money or goods is concerned, in order to make murder in the first degree in a case of this kind, and went further and claimed that in this case are all the elements of a “lying in-wait” murder, of the first degree. He quoted Scripture as an offset to the liberal quotations Mr. Davies had made use of and in a vigorous way reviewed the evidence, item by item. In closing he pressed upon the attention of the jury the desirability, in the name of justice and good order, of a verdict of murder in the first degree in this case. He closed; Judge Searle charged the jury, and the case was given to the jury who retired to settle the fate of Jas. J. Eagan, about 4 p.m. To be continued next week. The above article is a murder mystery that took place in 1898 in Rush Twp., Susquehanna County, brought to you in conjunction with “Susquehanna County Reads” program. See details on the Library website. The Scavenger Hunt in the museum is now on. The museum will be open during regular hours.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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