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November 11 1904/2004

Rush - Sheridan & Price of Meshoppen are holding a special clothing sale at the store of Kahler & Terry, Lawton, and showing the largest assortment of new fashionable suits and overcoats for men and boys, as well as ladies' coats, furs, walking skirts, suitings, waistings, etc., ever shown in this vicinity and prices rock bottom. Don't miss this chance. The sale will last only until the 19th of the month.

Kingsley - Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jeffers, of Plainsboro, NJ, visited their parents and joined by Mrs. Watson Jeffers, went on to the exposition at St. Louis; upon their return stopping at Chicago and Niagara Falls, and visiting relatives at LaGrange, Ill. Mr. Jeffers also spent a day at the Walker-Gordon milk plant at Milwaukee.

Montrose - Sometime during Monday night burglars entered the office connected with Harrington's Mills by removing a pane of glass. They then proceeded to crack the safe, using some strong explosive, with which they blew it to pieces. The contents were about $10, which they took. The greater loss was the wrecked safe and damaged office. Mr. Harrold and Mr. Bond heard the explosion but thought it was someone firing a gun, and paid no attention to it. The burglars also visited S. E. Hart's store, breaking a window and took some shoes, cigars, and other goods in a small way. Mr. Munger, the book keeper at Harrington's, tells us it was probably done by amateurs. And yet the job seemed to have been successfully done. They probably were looking for a much larger wad of money in Harrington's safe, but John keeps his money in the bank, like nearly everybody else, and not in a safe.

New Milford - Col. C. C. Pratt has sold to P. S. Strader, of Lexington, Ky., his three fast horses, Donna MacGregor, Mona S. and Norva. E. C. Downs and an assistant left Binghamton yesterday to take the horses to Lexington.

Forest City - The new glass front in the city building transforms it into a very sightly store room. AND George Antonitis and Annie Zanoski applied for a marriage license.

Lenox - Don't forget the Grange fair and chicken pie supper, Thursday evening, Nov. 17. AND W. R. Doran will have a public sale next Tuesday. The Grange literary society will furnish sandwiches and coffee for those who desire lunch.

Franklin Forks - Frank Pierson and Nelson Green moved their threshing outfit to North Bridgewater, where they will engage in threshing.

Fairdale - The new road to Fair Hill is finished as far as Merton Palmer's, the part above they expect to finish this fall. One farmer said if it had been done 30 years ago it would have been worth dollars to him; to some of the other farmers it would have been worth more, but Oh! dear, the taxes! Keep good courage, Mr. Selfishness says we won't all go to the poor house yet awhile.

Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Let all of those who think poultry does not pay, read the following facts: Mrs. M. V. Davidson had January 1st, 1904, 16 Barred Plymouth Rock hens. Nov. 1st she had 29 hens and pullets, [and] during that time she raised and sold $23.59 worth of chickens at the market prices, 12 to 14 cents per pound. Also sold $26.66 worth of eggs at 15 to24 cents per dozen, making a total of $50.25. Who can beat that?

Brooklyn - From the present outlook it does not look as though the recently burned condensery at Brooklyn would be rebuilt. Some of the farmers have not yet received all their pay for milk, and several have brought suit against the company.

Susquehanna - Patrick Shay, the veteran Erie track walker, who was struck by a train on Monday, October 31st, died from the injuries sustained, on Sunday last, and the funeral was held from the Catholic church in Susquehanna, last Tuesday morning.

South Gibson - Mr. and Mrs. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds will soon start for Florida to spend the winter. AND Samie Hull is the prize raccoon hunter. He has caught eleven.

Middletown Centre - Several from this place attended the dance at Birchardville and report a fine time. AND Miss Margaret Coleman is attending school at Laceyville.

Great Bend - The Ladies Aid of the M.E. Church, served sandwiches, coffee and clam chouder [chowder] on election day and evening. A neat sum was realized.

News Briefs: Mrs. Jenny Lasher was sentenced, at Binghamton, to 30 days in the county jail for endangering the lives of her children by smoking cigarettes in their presence. The complaint was made by her husband and the conviction is the first of its kind under the New York State law. AND A safe remedy for want of sleep is nothing more or less than eating onions. The late Frank Buckland once said, "Everybody knows the taste of onions; this is due to a peculiar essential oil contained in this most valuable and healthy root. This oil has, I am sure, highly soporific powers. In my own case it never fails." AND According to an exchange, the Maple Dale Good Roads Club at Middletown, N.Y., is furnishing that section of the country with a roadbed equal to the high-priced State roads at an actual cost of about $100 per mile. The club contends that good roads ought to be made anywhere, exclusive of cutting down grades, at an average cost of $200 per mile in a country where stone is so easily obtained as it is almost anywhere in the East. AND The Sayre hospital operated on 60 patients for appendicitis during the year ending June 1, only four of whom died. The present year promises to greatly exceed the number of last year, as during the first five months 60 persons were treated for that disease. AND None others like the cow! There is not a thing from her nose to her tail but that is utilized for the use of man. We use her horns to comb our hair; her skins are upon our feet; her hair keeps the plaster upon our walls; her hoofs make glue; her tail makes soup; she gives our cream, milk, cheese and our butter, and her flesh is the great meat of our nation; her blood is used to make our sugar white; her bones are ground to fertilize our soil, and even her paunch she herself has put through the first chemical process necessary for the production of the best white cardboard paper, and now they have discovered that such paper can be made into the finest quality of false teeth.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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