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November 10 1922/2022

New Milford – At Lakeside the repair work on the dam in this place is about completed. The well-known old Page pond is known all over the county as a great fishing resort. The pond is now owned by a stock company and the way is opened to make this a famous resort. The big pond is a beautiful sheet of water, a mile or more in length, 1400 feet above tide water, in a very healthful region of the Alleghany chain. ALSO Mrs. Mark B. Perrigo, aged 75 years, died at her home on Nov. 3rd, less than a week after the death of her husband. Until a few weeks ago she had tenderly cared for Mr. Perrigo, who had not been able to speak for over four years, due to a stroke. Burial was at Meshoppen, by the side of her former husband.

Franklin Forks – Henry Webster moved his family to Conklin. Mr. Webster works in the Creamery at Conklin.

Forest Lake – Morris Baker and family spent the last of the week here. Morris is a crack shot, and put in much of his time hunting. ALSO At Fair Hill, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brands, of Detroit Mich., started for their home. They drove a Ford and expected to make the trip in three days—over 600 miles.

Hallstead – Miss Madeline Maloney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Maloney, and Frank T. Holl, of Scranton, were married Oct. 28, 1922, in St. Lawrence parochial residence, Great Bend, by the Rev. Father McGuire, of Susquehanna. They were attended by Miss Frances Maloney, sister of the bride and Chas. Breswitz, of Binghamton.

Lenox – There has been no school at the Howard school for several days, on account of the illness of the teacher.

Dimock – Oct. 28th was “Red Letter Day” for the Dimock Women’s Christian Temperance Union, when they entertained the teachers of the public school and fifty members of the Y. P. E. and L. T. L. at dinner in the community building. At 12 a long line of young people and children marched in order to the community building. After singing several patriotic selections the table was surrounded and everybody got busy. At the afternoon session it was reported that 1500 temperance essays were written in the county public schools and 155 afghans knitted for returned wounded soldiers in hospitals.

Forest City – Victor Hodorowski, aged 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hodorowski, met a tragic death Saturday while on a hunting trip with Willim Budjeicka and Joseph Carey. They ran a rabbit in a hole on the Derrick farm. Young Hodorowski worked to get the rabbit out and when the animal leaped away the concealed Hodorowski youth called to Budjeicka to shoot. As he did so Victor jumped up and received the full charge of the gun. Dr. C. R. Knapp was summoned, along with M. J. Connelly, but the wounded boy expired before their arrival. The funeral was held from St. Agnes Church and was attended by a large group of sympathizing friends. Interment was made in Sacred Heart cemetery. ALSO Marion and Howard Roberts, children of David Roberts, were taken to the Wyoming Conference Children’s home at Binghamton. They were accompanied by their father and Rev. G. V.McAllister.

Thompson – Anyone who would like to locate in this place will do well to call on Real Estate Agent A. H. Crosier, who has a number of good properties for sale. There are many inducements for people to locate here.

Uniondale – Samuel Starks is planning to move his family down the valley, where he is employed. ALSO Freeman Carpenter is having water piped to his home. He says he has plenty of coal and soon will have water in abundance and sees no reason why he should abandon home comforts for a trip to the Southland. ALSO Valentine Knapp has concluded that he will hitch up his own Lizzie. He has purchased a Ford touring car.

Jackson Twp. - Can a boy fourteen years of age pay the death penalty for first-degree murder? That is a question which thousands of people in the county are asking. Elmer Washburn, who was fourteen years old last August, confessed that he killed, alone, and premeditatedly, Cyrus Payne, 81, in the aged recluse’s home near Brushville, on Oct 27. He took from the body of the unconscious and dying man a bag containing $2462.50. (Cyrus is the adopted son of Mrs. Scott Washburn who was deserted by her husband when the boy was two years old.) When asked by State Trooper Gratcofsky about a certain rifle, Elmer finally confessed. The feelings of Trooper Gratcofsky can best be realized when he was on the trail, which so surely implicated the boy, and when conversing about the crime, he made the following statement: “I could have cried when the kid made me understand that he was really the murderer. I felt—I really knew it was true—yet I did not want to believe. There was something about him that made me feel that I must prove he was not the murderer, rather than that he was the slayer—but that cannot be done.” [Because of the lengthy article, containing further information about Elmer Washburn and the murder of Cyrus Payne, anyone wishing to read more can find the article at the Historical Society. Further developments will be reported as they happen.)

News Brief: Unable to get coal for several weeks and also unable to obtain relief through appeals to the state and federal governments and officials of the Hudson Coal and Temple Coal companies, the citizens of Olyphant, at a mass meeting Saturday night, planned to commandeer cars of coal lying on the tracks within the borough limits, Sunday morning the plan was executed. Of the 120 tons confiscated 82 tons went to the schools of the borough, which have been closed for some time owing to a lack of fuel and the balance was delivered to the churches of the town, which were without coal. The chief of the coal company’s police department and three of his men were on the scene while the coal was being hauled away but took no steps to interfere. The citizens had the fire companies on hand to prevent interference. The borough officials stand ready to pay for the coal as soon as statements are received.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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