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November 10 1905/2005

Great Bend - This Borough was visited by a disastrous fire on the afternoon of Nov. 5 at 3:30. It started in the drug store conducted by F. E. Sands and was caused by the explosion of a large lamp in the back part of the store, where they were marking a quantity of dolls. The fire was under control by 4 o'clock when, unfortunately, the water gave out and the flames soon bursted anew, completely destroying the VanNess block occupied by Miss Daisy Lines, milliner; F. E. Sands, druggist; P. L. Leahey, barber. Mrs. Frances VanNess occupied the entire upper floor as living rooms and a photograph gallery. A. L. Reckhow & Sons' large block caught fire next and was badly damaged by fire and water. Mrs. Curran and children occupied the second floor and their goods were damaged. The borough pays for 75 lbs. pressure; at the start there was 50 lbs.; in less than an hour it was 20 lbs. The Hallstead and great Bend Fire companies worked faithfully and long to subdue the flames.

Ararat - About one o'clock Monday morning six masked burglars broke into the home of Eli Avery, a well-to-do farmer residing near Ararat, bound and gagged him and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Sartell, and ransacked the house until they found the object of their search, $800, which Avery had hidden under the pillow of his bed and which the burglars must have known was in his possession. Mrs. Avery was away from home. The burglars hastily bound and gagged Mr. Avery and the same with Mrs. Sartell. A loan amounting to $800 had been paid Mr. Avery Saturday night and it is strongly suspected the unwelcome visitors had gotten wind of the transaction. Mr. Avery had concluded not to risk placing the money in a small safe in the house and so deposited it under the pillow of his bed, and when the robbers found this in its hiding place they departed. After struggling with his bonds for nearly an hour, Mr. Avery released himself and then liberated Mrs. Sartell. He then walked to a neighbor's half a mile away, where he telephoned the Susquehanna and Carbondale police. The men who committed the crime were evidently familiar with the place as they frequently addressed him as "Eli." Although suspicion has been directed toward certain parties no real evidence of who the burglars are has been obtained. It is feared Mrs. Sartell, who is 87 years of age, may not recover from the fright she received.

Jones Lake [Lake Montrose] - There are several bushes along the shores of Jones' Lake, ablaze with the bright red berries known in the world of shrubbery, as "northern holly."

Franklin Forks - The Hallowe'en social held at Reed Snow's was well attended. Supper was served in both ancient and modern style. The witch made her appearance and told fortunes to the great satisfaction of all. Proceeds, $7.50. AND In Upsonville - The person or persons putting water in the mail box at Stone's Corners will confer a favor and save trouble by discontinuing the same. AND Geo. Campbell & Sons raised 75 bu. of golden Rutabaga turnips, 500 bu. of elegant potatoes, and 32 bu. of beans. All of this bespeaks for them a lot of work.

Springville - Some of the pupils of the Springville high school have left rather than be vaccinated. AND Mr. A. L. Greatsinger has taken possession of the meat market and will be glad to have you call on him.

South Gibson - The residence of Henry Pickering was partially destroyed by fire on Friday of last week. His mother, an aged lady, died on Saturday from the effects of inhaling smoke and heat.

Thompson - Arthur Washburn, clerk in Borden's, is sick at his boarding place with typhoid fever. Arthur is one of Thompson's most enterprising young men. He has made a success as a teacher, is a member of the I.O.O.F., and that order has sent a trained nurse to care for him. Dr. McNamara is the attending physician.

Harford - The creamery was broken into Saturday night; $2 in cash and some carpenters' tools were taken away. There are evidently some "undesirables" abroad deserving free lodgings in the "State Temperance hotel."

New Milford - G. M. Carpenter, proprietor for four years at the Jay House, will retire from that place on the arrival of the new proprietor, a Mr. Hoag, of Binghamton. Mr. Carpenter will move to Hallstead where he lived before coming here, and where he owns property. Mr. Hoag took possession Nov. 7th.

Rush - Uzal Kinney is scouring the country to secure the best edible products of the culinary skill of the vicinity for the "Gentleman' Supper." Come and enjoy the results of his energetic labor.

Montrose - Barry Searle and family have gone to Georgia where he has business in connection with a gold mine. His brother, Daniel, accompanies him, also.

Forest City - Forest City has long needed a first class lunch room and now she has one, conducted by Lee & Morrison, in the Sam Lyons building, where callers get prompt attention and everything the best. AND The Forest House has recently changed hands and is now conducted by J. J. Lumbert, who recently leased it from its owner, J. H. Cunningham. It was remodeled within the past year and is in good shape for the accommodation of its guests.

Susquehanna - A young lad named Skinner, who resides in New Milford twp., attempted to board an Erie engine, just as it was crossing the bridge west of this place. He was thrown to the river, 30 ft. below, and sustained a broken arm and a dislocated hip. He is now at the City Hospital. AND Eleven young men of Binghamton were jailed in this place Sunday for riding on Erie freight trains. They were brought before Justice Williams, reprimanded and allowed to go home. On the same day two boys named Conway were arrested and jailed for stealing Erie coal. They were allowed to depart, with a warning as to future behavior.

Auburn Twp. - Mrs. Lydia A. Albertson, of Sankey, died Tuesday, Oct. 31st. She was born in New Jersey in 1835 and was the mother of 8 children, seven of whom are living as follows: George, Elmer, Theodore, Herbert and Mrs. Theo. Labor, Mrs. Luther Conrad, and Mrs. Miner Avery. Funeral services by Rev. J. W. Price at Jersey Hill. The four sons tenderly carried the body of their mother to its last resting place.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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