Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 10 1893/1993
Susquehanna - William A. Skinner of Susquehanna began reading law with Eugene O'Neill of Montrose. [O'Neill had former practices in Susquehanna; Skinner became a lawyer in Susquehanna and Scranton and was the father of B.F. Skinner.]
Franklin Forks - There was a debate at the Alliance on Wednesday night. Subject: Singing more beneficial than reading. There was some good arguments on both sides. Was decided in favor of reading. There is to be another debate in two weeks. The doors are open to all after half past eight.
Lanesboro - P.O. Norton, of Lanesboro, has gone to San Francisco, where he will spend the winter with children residing there.
Hop Bottom - The last night of the Universalist fair at Hop Bottom was a success socially as well as financially. The house was well filled and all seemed to enjoy themselves, especially at the country store. Right here, thanks are extended to the merchants of the town for giving so liberally to the country store. The program was well rendered. After the program came the selling of prizes, cakes, bed quilts, &c., which was done by the able auctioneer, E.M. Tiffany. Then came the prize drawing. Mrs. Eva Bell, of Alford, drew the turkey, Mr. E. Wright and L.E. Titus each got a chicken. Frank Wilber drew the beautiful silk bed quilt and Mrs. O.H. Williams, of Nicholson, the fine painting, by E.M. Tiffany. The new proceeds were nearly $135.
Springville - Anna B. Stevens will hold for two weeks, for the inspection of her numerous patrons, a line of ladies and misses' latest styles coats and wraps, for cash, and lowest figures. Call and examine. She will also redress and trim you a new hat with your old trimmings, that will astonish you and without extra charge.
Herrick Centre - The citizens of this place were visited by many losses on All Halloween. Girls should be at home after ten o'clock.
Lawsville - Thomas Mehanna had a dance and husking bee; an omnibus drawn by a four-horse team came up from Binghamton, well filled with ladies and gentlemen, who took part in the pleasures of the occasion.
Auburn Centre - The echoes of the sweet toned church bell at Springville, is occasionally heard at this place; may the time hasten when we may be able to return some of those sweet sounds, which every church should be possessor of. ANDFor the benefit of the farmers we will give a new idea, which was brought to our observation near Skinner Eddy not long since. Near the road we saw a dairy of cows, five of which had calves and each calf was tied to the hind leg of its mother. We thought to ourself that the father of that idea had more confidence in a cow and calf than the writer has. If we had only dared we would like to have scared them a little to have seen the performance.
Susquehanna County - Dr. J.L. Liberman, the regular visiting Optician, of Penn Yan, NY, will be at Stark's hotel. Rush, one day only, Nov. 13; Friendsville on day only, at hotel, Nov. 14; Little Meadows hotel, one day only, Nov. 15; at A.A. Ables, Warren Centre, two days only, Nov. 16 and 17. All eyes tested free of charge, and those having bought glasses of me before can have them exchanged free of charge, if required at any time, if in good condition. Three prominent Philadelphia physicians have protested against the action of the Medical society in placing consumption on the list of contagious diseases. AND The forth coming report of the superintendent of public instruction will recommend that a school census be taken, in order to determine how many children are not attending school who ought to be. He will show that the increased State appropriation to the schools has resulted in longer school terms and better salaries, and that the free text book law has been a great benefit. He will recommend the observance of such holidays as Christmas and Thanksgiving day by the closing of the schools. There will be a table giving the estimated value of school property.
Compiled By: Betty Smith